The Mistresses and Consorts Picture Book
Steering Committee:
Elisabeth Ribeiro, Mistress, Barbers Company 2013-14
Suzan Woods, Mistress, Fuellers Company 2013-14
Sarah Miles, Mistress, Actuaries Company 2014-15
Helen Powell, Mistress, Gold and Silver Wyre Drawers Company 2015-16
Piers Nicholson, Webmaster (Deputy Master, Tylers and Bricklayers Company)
February 2015
We would like to invite you to join us in the continuation of the new ‘Picture Book’ project. This records those who accompany the Livery Masters into office during each year. You might well be familiar with the useful Masters’ Picture Book run by Piers Nicholson and sponsored by ‘The Cook and Butler’. This document, accompanied by a page on the web site , is frequently updated and much referred to.
A new page for the web site for Mistresses, Partners and Consorts is now equally useful. We currently have entries for more than half the Companies, and are working towards getting a ‘full house’ before the Ironbridge weekend in June. We are working closely with Piers Nicholson, Past Master Tyler and Bricklayer, who has edited the Masters’ version for some years.
The pictures we have are on the web - please go to and click on the Mistresses Picture Book tab.
If you wish to be part of this project - please follow these instructions:
- Send a good quality, digital, colour, head and shoulders picture of yourself (no one else in the picture) and preferably taken against a plain background to:
- In the email please give the following information (which will appear alongside your photograph).
- Your title, first name as you would like it printed (e.g. ‘Sue’ or ‘Susan’) and, surname
- Your Livery company
- Plus the following information which will not be published and is for reference of the book/web page editor:
- Your preferred contact telephone number
- Your Livery title e.g. Mistress/ Master’s Lady etc.
- Because we do not (yet) have a sponsor for this page, we need to ask you for a subscription as well. Please send a cheque for £10.00 to P. Nicholson, 9 Lynwood Avenue, Epsom, KT17 4LQ ( with a note of your name, company and email address) OR make a BACS transfer to:
Sort code: 20-29-90 Account number: 30525715 and also send an email to to Piers Nicholson with you name and company to say you have done so.
With best wishes for a very successful year,
Piers Nicholson
Piers Nicholson on behalf of the Steering Committee