Leadership Committees: Listed below are the job descriptions of each ASB position.

Activities Committee:

  • Composed of the Activities Coordinator, ASB President, and the Class Presidents.
  • Chaired by the Activities Coordinator.
  • Duties are to plan and coordinate activities that meet ASB objectives
  • Work closely with other groups to ensure the coordination and quality of the activities program.
  • Keep records and organize those records for future reference.
  • Prepare a calendar of student activities each spring for the following year and keep the calendar accurate throughout the year.

ICC Committee: Composed of the ASB ICC Coordinator, ASB Treasurer, Senior and Junior ICC officers.

  • Chaired by the ASB ICC Coordinator.
  • Duties are to:
  1. Plan Club Rush 1 and 2
  2. Keep a notebook with records of all events planned by the ICC Committee and a record of all clubs, their constitutions, and rosters.
  3. One Tuesday each month, one club officer from each club attends a meeting with ICC and leadership.
  4. Provide training for club officers and their advisors.
  5. Keep all financial records and account balances up to date.
  6. Attend Spring Budget Meeting, where allocation of club funds is approved.
  7. Work with bookkeeper to reconcile and distribute money to all ASB and club accounts.
  8. Organize Halloween Rooms, Club Attendance for Homecoming, April Carnival (after the ACT), Tigard’s Got Talent (winter assembly).
  9. Organize and run ICC meetings.
  10. Organize a garage sale for all the clubs to participate

Secretary Committee:

  • Composed of the ASB Secretary, and the Class Secretaries.
  • Chaired by the THS ASB Secretary.
  • Duties are to:
  • Manage all THS ASB, class, and special elections as determined by and in accordance with the constitution, adopted policies, and student council direction.
  • Count votes
  • Keep records and organize those records for future reference.
  • Prepare a calendar of student activities each spring for the following year and keep the calendar accurate throughout the year.

Human Relations:

  • Composed of the ASB Human Relations, and the Class HR Officers.
  • Chaired by the ASB Human Relations.
  • Duties are to:
  • Work for respect, unity, and cooperation of all students and staff.
  • Produce a series of programs and activities that brings students of diverse backgrounds together in mutual respects and appreciation.
  • Promote human rights for all.
  • Administer the Human Rights Week and the assembly.
  • Administer the Human Rights Awards Program.
  • Recognize students for outstanding work and contribution to the school.
  • Keep records and organize those records for future reference.
  • Prepare a calendar of students activities each spring for the following year and keep the calendar accurate throughout the year.
  • Attend standing diverse club and group meetings, rotating through as many clubs and groups as possible throughout the school year. The Activities Advisor and the Outreach Committee elected that year shall determine the number of meetings attended by each officer.
  • Acknowledge students, staff and community members that impact our school.
  • Provide a service to teachers such as Teachers Night Out or work that teachers might need done.
  • Recognize births, birthdays, or important events of staff members.

Assemblies/Spirit Committee:

  • Composed of the ASB Assemblies Coordinator, the ASB Technology Coordinator, and the Class Assemblies Officers.
  • Chaired by the ASB Assemblies Coordinator.
  • Duties are to:
  • Work with the Activities Advisor to schedule and plan assemblies and to supervise the production of assemblies as directed in the Assembly Policy.
  • Each semester, the assemblies committee will organize and informational meeting for potential MC’s and performers.
  • Keep records and organize those records for future references.
  • Prepare a calendar of student activities each spring for the following year and keep the calendar accurate throughout the year.

5.Work with the Activities Coordinator, Assemblies Coordinator, and other ASB officers.

6.Assume major responsibility for all spirit weeks including, but not limited to: Welcome Back, Homecoming, Winter, Prom and others as needed.

7.Work to promote school activities and school spirit and pride.

  1. Ensure that spirit competitions are fair.
  2. Keep a notebook of all spirit activities for future reference.
  3. Plan pep assemblies to raise spirit and pride.
  4. Publicize and promote all sporting events.
  5. Prepare a calendar of student activities each spring for the following year and keep the calendar accurate throughout the year.
  6. Attend sporting events. The Activities Advisor and the Assembly Committee elected that year shall determine the number of events attended by each member.

Publicity Committee:

  • Composed of the ASB Publicity Coordinator and the Class Publicity Officers.
  • Chaired by the ASB Publicity Coordinator.
  • Duties are to:
  • Work with the Activities Coordinator and other ASB officers.
  • Provide publicity for the THS ASB events within the school and community.
  • Update the ASB display case and the activities room windows on a regular basis.
  • Keep records and organize those records for future reference.
  • Attend Pub Club.
  • Prepare a calendar of student activities each spring for the following year and keep the calendar accurate throughout the year.

Technology Committee:

  • Composed of the ASB Technology Coordinator and the Senior/Junior Class Technology Officers.
  • Chaired by the ASB Technology Coordinator.
  • Duties are to:
  • Work with the Activities Coordinator and other ASB officers.
  • Provide technology for the THS ASB events within the school and community.
  • Update the ASB website, help publicize school events and activities room windows on a regular basis.
  • Take pictures of school activities and events.
  • Help coordinate and prepare for all school assemblies.
  • Work with elections committee to prepare OASC scrapbook.
  • Web communication, create a THS leadership/activities page, leadership twitter, instagram, facebook, youtube
  • outsourcing or managing videos (use the youth filmmakers society to help create videos
  • Prepare a calendar of student activities each spring for the following year and keep the calendar accurate throughout the year.

Random Acts of Kindness Committee: This is a new position!

  • Composed of RAK coordinator and Class RAK officers
  • Chaired by ASB RAK coordinator
  • Duties are to:
  • Work with all committees designing ways to reach the student body
  • Organize random events and acts of kindness throughout the calendar year
  • Bring outside students into RAK and involve them
  • Organize at least 2 school wide recognition events
  • Welcome students back from long breaks, holidays, weekends
  • Remain secondary to the mission, that is do not publicize your name on each event

Photography Committee: This is a new position!

  • Composed of Photography coordinator and one photography class officer
  • Chaired by the photography coordinator
  • Duties are to:
  1. Have proficiency using a camera beyond an iphone
  2. Have access to their own camera or access to school cameras
  3. Present at most school events alongside yearbook to take photos
  4. Present at all leadership events
  5. Organize leadership webpage along with technology to keep updated photos and archives
  6. Assist assemblies with any photography
  7. Assist with Monday Morning Live! taping
  8. Organize the THS instagram

Community Outreach Committee: This is a new position!

  • Composed of Community outreach coordinator and one class officer
  • Chaired by outreach coordinator
  • Duties are to:
  1. Attend school board meetings and other school meetings
  2. Meet with ICC regularly to ensure club involvement
  3. Connect with the middle schools and ensure their awareness of THS Leadership and events
  4. Work with the Tigard Times and other local news outlets to ensure stories are being covered
  5. Manage social media outlets for news and announcements
  6. Compose a monthly leadership newsletter for students and staff
  7. Create connections with the PSO and other parent groups tied to leadership