EmployerInformation Pack

  1. Introduction


Thank you for choosing J and K Training. This pack explains what you may expect from us as part of our service to you. Plus an introduction to specific training and support which will be given to staff by your designated training officer.

J and K Training

J and K Training was formed in 2008. The directors and associates have a reputation for the provision of high quality teaching, learning and support services in further and higher education.

Aims of J and K Training

  • To provide high quality flexible programmesbased on the individual’s and employer’s needs.
  • To work in partnership with all stakeholders to deliver high quality learning
  • To value and promote excellence in our learning programmes and support services
  • To provide you with occupationally competent staff with up to date knowledge and understanding of the learning programmes

Continuous assessment and evaluation of our staff ensures we continually improve the programmes and services provided to all our learners

We would welcome your participation in helping J and K Training to achieve these aims

  1. Information, Advice and Guidance

Your tutorwill support and offer staff advice and guidance throughout their training programme.

The learner journey to achieving their target will consist of:

  • An initial skills check to identify the individual’s strengths and the skills.
  • Agreement of their learning programme and target qualification.
  • Design of an Individual Learning Plan (ILP) to specifically meet the individual’s needs, with input from welcomed from you (as the employer).
  • On-going learning, advice and guidance, support sessions and progress reviews with our staff ensure theprogramme is “on track”

What you can expect from us

  • To provide individual advice, support and guidance
  • A full induction onto the programme
  • Identify and provide opportunities for additional learning support
  • Opportunities to assess and review progress against Individual Learning Plans
  • To provide impartial, confidential advice, support and guidance
  • Ensure equality of opportunities for all our learners
  • Ensure there are opportunities for your suggestions and comments
  • Provide a Complaints/Appeals Procedure

What we expect from the employee

  • To take responsibility for their learning
  • To attend pre-arranged appointments with their training officer
  • Ifunable to attend, to contact their training officer giving as much notice as possible
  • To complete agreed targets to the best of their ability and within deadlines
  • Notify their training officer of any changes to personal details
  • To behave responsibility and with consideration to the health and safety of others

What we expect from you as the employer

  • Support the employee in the achievement of the qualification
  • Allow reasonable access to the work place
  • If required provide a mentor
  • Ensure a safe place of work
  1. Additional Support

At the induction the employee will complete an initial assessment which will provide an opportunity for the trainingofficer to identify, discuss and arrange any support needs. Examples of additional support can include

  • Learning Aids
  • One to one support
  • Support with Dyslexia
  • Specific help for a physical or learning difficulty
  • Advice and guidance to address any issues

Please do not hesitate to contact us at any time if anyone requires any additional support or assistance with their learning programme.

  1. Additional Training Needs

J and K Training work in partnership with anumber of other providers and FE colleges and therefore have access to information on other training and funding opportunities available. Our staff are aware of what is available and would be happy to advise and support you with any additional training requirements that you may have within your organization.

  1. Useful Contacts

Office: 01388 604004

Managing Director:Ann Johnson mobile 07919215957

Director of Quality & Curriculum Development:Paul Kelly mobile 07508864987

Health & Safety/Equal Opportunities contact Paul Kelly as above


Your tutor can be contacted on:______

Other useful contacts:

National Organisation / What can they help with? / Telephone / Website
Durham County Council / Adult learning opportunities / 03000 260000 /
Job Centre Plus / Employment Opportunities, advice on job search and extra support / See website for local contact details /
National Apprenticeship Service / Advice on apprenticeship opportunities / See website for details /
National Careers Service / Career advice / 0800 100 900 /
Learn Direct / Education / 0800 101901 /
Equality & Human Rights Commission / Racial Equality, Disability Rights, Equal Opportunities / 0808800084 /
British Dyslexia Association / Dyslexia / 0845 2519002 /
Health and Safety Executive / Health and Safety / 01519514000 /
Citizen’s Advice Bureau / Citizen’s Advice / See website for details /
ACAS / Arbitration Service / 0845 7474747 /
Skills Funding Agency / England Funding Body / 0845 37775000 / Wwwskillsfndingagency.bis.gov.
Victim Support / Victims of Crime / 0845 3030900 /
NHS Direct / Medical Matters / 0845 4647 /
National Drugs Helpline / Drug Related Matter / 0800 4488688 /
NHS Smoking Helpline / Smoking / 0800 0224332 /
Drink Line / Alcohol Abuse / 08009178282 /
  1. Procedures

Equal Opportunities

J and K Training Ltd is an Equal Opportunities organisation and ensures that all Clients are given equal opportunities irrespective of age, gender, race, religion, learning needs or disability.

Our Equality and Diversity Policies are available to employers/learners and we encourage you to familiarise yourself with these policies and discuss any issues or concerns with your training officer.

Health and Safety

J and K Training undertakes appropriate necessary action to meet current statutory requirements ensuring the Health and Safety of all participants.

Good health and safety practice is the responsibility of everyone, whether on J and K Training’s premises, training rooms or your workplace and you should take care for your own and others Health and Safety.

A member of staff from J and K Training will need to carry out a risk assessment of your work premises or training rooms prior to the commencement of your training and will advise you of any additional health and safety requirements.

All accidents will be reported to you by the training officer to ensure that they are recorded appropriately.

Your training officer will need to be familiar with the fire procedure applicable to your premises, in the event of a fire.

IT Regulations

Whilst in training we expect all learners to act in accordance with our IT Regulations and your trainer will discuss with you our organisational codes of practice when using IT equipment.


Attendance will be by arrangement with you as the employer, the learner, and the Training Officer and we will work with you to arrange flexible learning sessions at a suitable time for you and your business needs. Every effort will be made to ensure that these times are adhered to and we would appreciate that you contact your training officer and inform them in advance if you need to re-schedule any of the arranged sessions.


If you have a complaint about any aspect of our service or any member of our team please contact a member of our staff who will listen to your complaint and take appropriate action to resolve it in the first instance.

If the complaint cannot be resolved at this stage it will be documented by the member of staff you complained to and will be given a copy,

The complaint will be passed to the Director of Quality and Curriculum Development who will investigate the complaint and write a short report on the result of the investigation with appropriate action to be taken.

The investigation will be conducted within 5 working days of the receiving the complaint.

The Director will then inform you in writing of the outcome and actions to be taken within 10 working days.

J and K Training Ltd are committed to the principles of equal opportunities in employment and training. We strive to ensure equality of access to all training and employment opportunities


Version 3 Jan13