LOJ #46: Living to Amaze Jesus

Andover Baptist Church-November 15th, 2009


A. Text for today is Luke 7:1-10 and our sermon is titled ‘Living

to Amaze Jesus’

B. Introduction

1. The age old military question: Can you be a soldier and

a godly person?

2. Today Jesus shows us that not only can this take place,

but also that a soldier could be an example all of us

should look to when it comes to faith in Him

3. But before we begin looking at this amazing example of

a Roman soldiers faith, I would like all the faithful men

and women who have served or are serving in our

military to please stand

4. Prayer and blessing


READ: Luke 7:1 (Scripture slide)

"When Jesus had finished saying all this in the hearing of the people, He entered Capernaum.

A. Capernaum was Jesus' N ministry headquarters

1. Jesus was likely near Capernaum when He preached the

Sermon on the Mount

2. In fact the suggested mountain I sonly a mile west of

Capernaum (SLIDE:Jesus of the Bible, pg 239 pictures)

B. This event we are looking at took place directly after the

Sermon on the Mount

1. Scripture tells us that the people were amazed at Jesus’


2. What He said was truly amazing, enough so that we

spent over 3 months looking at them

a. Review?

b. Jesus Himself was going to be amazed shortly

C. Jesus had just taught with authority now He is going to show

He has the authority with His miracles

READ: Luke 7:2-5(Scripture slide)

“2 There a centurion’s servant, whom his master valued highly, was sick and about to die. 3 The centurion heard of Jesus and sent some elders of the Jews to him, asking him to come and heal his servant. 4 When they came to Jesus, they pleaded earnestly with him, “This man deserves to have you do this, 5 because he loves our nation and has built our synagogue.”

A. The Roman Soldier looking for Jesus

1. Recent archeological evidence has shown that there was

an Roman army outpost at Capernaum

2. Centurion: 'Captain of a hundred'

3. From historical sources we can approximate that there

was about 1500 centurions in the Roman army

4. Special forces of the Roman Army

5. Centurions were paid at least 15x that of a regular

soldier (sometimes as much 60x)

a. Average wages then were a denari a day

b. A centurion would make between 3750 and

15000 a year

c. This help make them socially elite, but they did

not start out that way and likely this soldier

worked his way from the bottom up

6. Honestly when I think of a Roman centurion I think of a

human war machine

a. Bent on war and the making of war

b. Cold, calculated human war tank

c. And yet here before us today is a man who's

kindness is more striking than his sword

7. Scripture attests to this for every time a centurion is

mentioned in the Bible it is in a positive light (in fact

Cornelius, a Roman Centurion, is the first Gentile

Christian…see his story in Acts 10)

B. Why does he seek Jesus out? To help his dying Servant

1. We have seen and will see people come to Jesus for

themselves, their children and even their friends but

this man seeks Jesus for his servant

a. Matthew 8:6 tells us ‘my servant lies at home

paralyzed and in terrible suffering’

b. Could have been a number of things, some

suggest polio which was common in the 1st


2. Unique servant master relationship

a. Matthew seems to indicate that this servant was

his personal servant

b. Possible his servant was Jewish

c. Such Roman treatment of servants was rare

1. Aristotle: 'For master and slave have

nothing in common; a slave is a living

tool, just as a tool is an inanimate slave.'

2. Gaius: 'the master possesses the power of

life and death over the slave'

3. To the Romans the only difference

between a slave and a cart was that the

slave could talk

4. But as we shall see this man is no normal


C. How is it that this solider knows of Jesus?

1. Well the text tells us that this man had only heard of


2. News had spread about Jesus, so even the Gentiles (non-

Jews) knew of Him

3. Most likely he had heard of the former miracle Jesus

had performed: the healing of the officials son in

Capernaum (John 4) which we will look at again here in

a little bit

D. The Soldier sent some of his Jewish friends to go to Jesus

1. Most soldiers would have done anything not to have to

go to Israel (like the armpit of the Roman Empire)

a. Roman soldiers would likely feel about being

stationed in Israel as our soldiers today feel about

being shipped to Iraq or Afghanistan

b. History even tells us that some soldiers were

shipped to Israel as a form of punishment

c. And due to the contentious nature of the Jews not

many Roman soldiers would likely claim to even

tolerate them let alone love them

d. In fact Romans referred to Jews often as 'a filthy


2. But for reasons we will never know this soldier had

been within Israel long enough to become interested in

their faith and befriend their people

3. This soldier had made friends with the ‘elders of the


a. These guys could have been one of two things

1. Either the ones who ran the synagogue

(local Jewish church)

2. Or the town leaders who were the town ruling body (local Sanhedrin)

b. The fact these men considered this Roman

soldier as a friend is just as shocking as him

liking them

1. Jews favorite term for Gentiles was

was dogs

2. And considering that the Romans were

the worst of the bunch to them because

they were an invading occupying force,

the last person you would think they

would befriend is this Centurion

3. Would you befriend a guy form Al-


4. Despite all of this they had nothing but good things to

say about this foreign soldier

a. His character, to them, is worthy of Jesus to grant

his request

b. He had been good to them and they sought to

extend the favor

E. So why was this man so well liked?

1. Well first off he had built the local synagogue there in

Capernaum (SLIDE picture of)

a. Again the synagogue was the local place of

worship away from the Jerusalem temple

b. According to the text he built it out of his own


c. It’s quality of construction is attested to the fact

that archeologically it is in the best shape of any

building in Capernaum (the base is likely the one

this soldier paid for)

d. Kindness will never be short on friends

2. Second his religious views obviously aligned more with

the Jews than the pagan Romans

a. Jews allowed Gentiles (non-Jews) to attend

synagogue worship as long as they acted


b. I feel it is safe to assume that he was what the

Jews called a Godfearer

1. There were two types of converts to


a. Proselyte: a follower who gets

circumcised and obeys all of the

dietary laws

b. Godfearer: followed most of the

Jewish ways except for the food

restrictions and circumcision

2. Some suggest that had he been a Jewish

proselyte he would have approached

Jesus himself

3. The Jews viewed Godfearers as the group

that stood between faithful Jews and

pagan Gentiles

F. So why did this soldier not approach Jesus himself?

1. I think something must be said that this soldier did not

impose his military authority over Jesus in an attempt to

force Him to come

2. The centurion was being socially conscious of the fact

that conservative Jews would still not have eaten with

him because he was a Gentile, even if he did build a

synagogue in his town

3. We can see this later in the life of Jesus when the Jewish

leaders who seek Pilate to crucify Jesus have him come

out to see them instead of going into Pilate’s home

4. Another likely reason is that some rabbis were not very

open to Gentiles, possibly why this soldier sent someone

to Jesus (one rabbi said 'Gentile worshipers are as hard

for Israel as a sore.')

a. This may be the reason the elders were begging

Jesus to essentially come quickly

b. Pouring it on to solicited Jesus aide: 'pleaded


c. The only reason for them to do this was that they

thought Jesus would have been reluctant to


d. They failed to realize that nobody deserves the

grace of God and that He gives it because He

loves us

READ: Luke 7:6-8 (Scripture slide)

“6 So Jesus went with them. He was not far from the house when the centurion sent friends to say to him: “Lord, don’t trouble yourself, for I do not deserve to have you come under my roof. 7 That is why I did not even consider myself worthy to come to you. But say the word, and my servant will be healed. 8 For I myself am a man under authority, with soldiers under me. I tell this one, ‘Go,’ and he goes; and that one, ‘Come,’ and he comes. I say to my servant, ‘Do this,’ and he does it.”

A. 'Jesus went'

1, Matthew’s account has Jesus asking (according to the

Greek) 'Shall I go heal him?'

2. Interesting to note that it was Jesus going to the

centurion and not the other way around, if we call out to

Him He will come to us as well

3. Jesus went not because He had to or because someone

deserved Him to, but because of His love

4. That same love can be yours as well if you have not

already received it, all you have to do is to ask Jesus to

come into your life and He won’t hesitate to do so

B. The Humble Centurion

1. It appears as this soldier must have been watching for

Jesus to come

2. This time notice that he sent friends to Jesus

encouraging Him to not trouble Himself by coming to

his home

a. This seems very odd since according to the text

Jesus was not far from the centurions home

b. What was the reason then? It has everything to

do with the Jewish attitude on Gentiles

1. This attitude stemmed from the Jewish

interpretation of texts like Ezra 6:21

"So the Israelites who had returned from the exile ate it, together with all who had separated themselves from the unclean practices of their Gentile neighbors in order to seek the Lord, the God of Israel."

2. The Mishnah (written down oral tradition)

says, 'The homes of Gentiles are


3. Therefore the belief was that any Jew that

entered into a Gentile home would be

unclean themselves

4. A rabbi who went into a Gentiles home

would have to go through a cleansing

ritual which included a bath, before they

could worship God again

5. This explains why the soldier didn’t want

to 'trouble' Jesus in this way

c.In a world that doesn’t want to generally trouble

themselves for Jesus, this humble attitude was a

shocking contrast

3. Here was a manhas done great things for the people of

God, but he does not see that as a reason to be prideful

in his approach to God

a. The Jews said of him 'he is worthy of you doing

this for him'

b. Yet here he says, ‘Lord I am not worthy that you

even enter my home’

c. You can be great in this world, but you cannot

compare to Jesus

Lk 18:14“I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.”

C. This Soldier was the most faithful man in all of Israel

1. He had perfect faith that whatever Jesus said would be


2. He had such faith because he knew how orders work

a. As a centurion he took orders from a tribune who

commanded 600 men and six centurions

b. He was responsible to his tribune for training the

men and was likely known, as all centurions

were, for his strict discipline (think of master

sergeants in our military system)

c. They fought alongside and in front of their

soldiers and generally suffered many casualties

d. When they spoke their subordinates listened and


e. Terry/Courtney what would happen if your

commanding officer told you to do something

and you said no?

3. Just as the words of the centurion causes his troops to

spring into action, so does creation listen to its Creator's


Ps 148:5"Let them praise the name of the Lord, for he commanded and they were created."

a. To the centurion the emperor on the throne in

Rome commanded him…here he places Jesus on

the throne of the universe

b. The soldier knew Jesus had authority to take his

servants sickness away

1. And he had absolute faith in that


2. He had not met Jesus

3. He had never seen Jesus

4. He had not had deep theological

discussions with Jesus

5. He had not seen Jesus do a miracle and

nor does he seek a sign or miracle to

accept Who Jesus is

6. He had simply heard of Jesus and


4. Why are we not like him?

READ: (Scripture slide)

"9 When Jesus heard this, he was amazed at him, and turning to the crowd following him, he said, “I tell you, I have not found such great faith even in Israel.” 10 Then the men who had been sent returned to the house and found the servant well."

A. 'amazed…turned to crowd'

1. People had just been amazed by Jesus now He is

amazed at this centurion's faith

2. Only three times do we see Jesus amazed

a. Here at the centurions faith

b. At the Canaanites woman's faith (Mt 15:28)

c. And lastly in Mark 6:5 at the lack of the faith the

Jewish people had in Him at Nazareth

3. In what way are you amazing Jesus?

B. Jesus is amazed because no one in all of Israel, including the

Jews, had showed this much faith in Him'

1. The Jews who should have been the first to accept Him

2. The Jews approached Jesus with pride and doubt over

and over in the Gospels, but here a Gentile sent for

Jesus in humility and in faith

3. Here the people of God who had for centuries been the

benefit of His miraculous grace would not accept Him,

and yet a Gentile who stood at a distance from God's

people did

4. This man did not have all the religious training a Jew

would have, he likely had only a basic knowledge of

the Old Testament Scriptures, yet here he has more

faith in the Son of God than the people the Messiah

came from and for

5. And Jesus had already done a miracle in Capernaum for

a Jewish official who couldn’t seem to get it in his head

that Jesus did not need to see his son to heal him (cf.

John 4:46-53)

6. Even Jesus' own disciples at this time did not even have

this type of faith

Mt 8:26"He replied, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm."

C. Jesus healed his servant

1. Notice that Jesus didn't even need to say a word to heal

the servant

2. There is no greater miracle of Jesus than this…His

authority is so absolute He can heal whenever or

wherever He pleases…without touching, without being

there, without even speaking a word…His mere will is

brought into being at His thought of it

3. If today you have faith in Christ He will come to you

and will make you spiritually well

4. Greatness, as this centurion knew, does not come in the

size of your knowledge, birth, wealth, influence, etc.

but in the size of your faith in Jesus Christ


Let us sing our last song #,

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