IWACIII2017 Registration Form
We would greatly appreciate it if you could complete this form and send it to with subject Registration until August 25, 2017.
Name / NationalityAffiliation
Title / □ Prof. □ Dr. □ Mr. □ Ms.
Address / Zip Code
E-Mail / Phone
Paper / ID / Title
Fee / □ Early birds until Aug. 25, 2017
Regular 2000 RMB (40000 JPY), Student 1500 RMB (30000 JPY), either for only one paper
After Aug. 25, 2017
Regular 2300 RMB (46000 JPY), Student 1800 RMB (36000 JPY), either for only one paper
□ Additional papers (Please avoid no show for each paper)
500 RMB (10000 JPY) for each additional paper
□ Accompanied persons
500 RMB (10000 JPY) for each (> 8 yrs. old), Free (≤ 8 yrs. old)
1Accompanied Attendance / □ None □ One □ Two □ Three
Payment Information / Sent to (select one)
□ 中国工商银行 Total: RMB
□ みずほ銀行 Total: JPY / Remitter’s name
Sending date
2017 / /M /D
Reservation / Conference Site / Room Type (RMB) / Stay Period / Reservation
China Hall of Science and Technology / □ Twin Standard (558)
□ King Business B (568)
□ King Business A (798) / Check In: Nov.
Check Out: Nov. / Room
3Round-Table Discussion
Reservation / Price 260 RMB per person
(on-site payment by cash only)
(If the number of participants is less than 20, it will be cancelled.) / Person
1. Please fill in the number of accompanied person who are more than 8 years old (less than or equal to 8 years old children are in free of charge). Accompanied person could enjoy the same service (except for Conference Kit) as that of registered participants.
2. Participants who want to reserve CHST (conference site), please fill in the Registration Form and send us until Aug. 25, 2017. Hotels nearby the CHST are listed in Hotel Information http://iwaciii2017.bit.edu.cn, please make reservation of other hotels by yourself.
3. Detailed information on the Round Table Discussion can be found in Transportation and Travel http://iwaciii2017.bit.edu.cn.