SCT Banner YES Implementation Team

Meeting Notes


Item / Description
Date / January 29, 2007
Time / 8:30 a.m.


/ MESHEL HALL – Computer Center Conference Room


Facilitator(s) / Carol Chen and Eileen Greaf
Note Taker / Cheryl Beil
Participants / Catherine Cala, Mary Lou Castner, Troy Cross, Bob DeFrances (for Beth Yeatts),
Donna Esterly, Jeanne Herman, Rick Marsico, Cindy Miller, Jason Thomas, Doug Sewell,
James Stanger, Bob Tupaj, and Donna Wainio

Not Present

/ Sue Davis, Becky Geltz, Betty Jo Licata, Dona Madacsi, and Beth Yeatts





Impl Mtg – 1/22/07 / Prior Action Item #1, TEST instance refresh will be renamed Instance Management and will be moved to the Tech Team task list to provide updates. Email other corrections to Cheryl Beil.


/ See updates on items #1, 10, 11 and 12.


1.  Student / Student and FinAid Teams submitted their decision document to postpone implementations; met with President last week. Began work on a new strategy if extension is authorized for FinAid / Student GoLive. Jeanne will forward a revised timeline to Implementation Team members, along with recommendations to modify processing in Student and FinAid for feedback.
a. Regis/Record / Working with Tom Masters to document how to load general student and academic history data. Doug will review and update M-204 tables for size due to GoLive delay. Promise to Pay decision document will go forward to Executive Comm. The decision document for conversion of academic history needs to be modified; will also need a decision document for a separate advisement screen, since Banner does not store an instructor’s advisement recommendations.
b. Admissions
(J. Herman for
Sue Davis) / Carol noted the count in PROD for undergraduate applications has not changed in # for over a week. Will check to see if there is confusion due to proposed delay of Student GoLive. (NOTE: Carol rerun the SARADMS report after YES Implementation team meeting on 1/29 and found the total undergrad applicant headcounts were 2014 in stead of 1900 reported in the morning’s meeting. Carol also contacted Todd from the Admissions office who confirmed that they continued processing applicants via SSB and INB.) Jeanne suggested that possibly only 1st phase of process has been done due to focus on Spring Semester. Still only 1 Graduate application in Banner; Tina has been focused on filling department’s open positions. Carol and Jeanne will follow up with Tina. Team will discuss how to prepare M-204 for financial aid year 2007-08 plus how to migrate admissions application data from PROD back to M-204; also involves GP. When a student walks in to register for classes in the fall of 2007, a Quick Admit in Banner can accommodate this, but it requires a dynamic synch between M-204 and Banner Admission system. More analyses are needed to support this process. Also the synch email account address creation between M-204 and Banner plus LDAP directory will complicate any synch process between M204 and Banner.
c. Stud Accounts
(Bob DeFrances
for Beth Yeatts) / Jeanne reported that they encountered a problem with the M-204 synch; student refund checks are being sent to old addresses, but as yet have not detected a pattern for the occurrence. Some addresses were updated as long as 7 yrs. ago; others were updated by students on consecutive days but Patron still shows their former the address. Emailed Dona M. re: problem; Marayamah is researching the issue. Bob reported that Beth Y. decided to hold up sending any more refunds for at least 1 day. Also notice a significant increase in returned mail for student billing. Beth has drafted a response and strategy for A/R if delayed implementation is authorized.
2.  General Person / Team should email Rick if there are any time-sensitive agenda items. Will research problem re: incorrect addresses for student refunds. Donna requested that the HR/Payroll staff be added to listserve receiving daily PIDM report; also need to select a rep to serve on PIDM patrol team.
3.  HR/Payroll / Working on 3rd bi-weekly and 2nd semi-monthly payrolls. Will run trial register today for semi-monthly and verify. Still entering timecards for 3rd bi-weekly payroll; will run trial and verify prior to running payroll processes. Discovered one large overpayment for a terminated employee; error corrected and payee will return overpayment. A GMR will be completed to develop a report to monitor net pays in excess of $xxxx to prevent errors of this magnitude in future. Banner payroll process is very labor intensive but should improve with time; currently have limited time for verification of trial pay registers before deadlines to run final registers. Errors in Prof/Admin leave balances included 2007 leave time requested prior to 12/31. Discovered another error – APAS employees with over 22 yrs. of service and continuity of employment now receive 2 extra vacation days – this change was not made. Donna W./Ann Feist are reviewing all records and adjusting manually (involves ~8 employees). Another issue involves an adjustment made for one employee; went through Disposition 60 correctly but won’t feed into Finance. Plan to submit question to the consultant for assistance. Banner Bob returns for consultation 1/30 – 2/1. Occasionally Bob gives conflicting instructions to various team members, often requiring time to reverse work done previously. Inconsistency in training has been a major issue and has necessitated requests for UDC assistance. The 2nd semi-monthly payroll will include Part-Time Faculty for the first time; staff has been working diligently to enter appointments and address problems internally and externally. Implementation of Banner HR/Payroll has created significant resource issues. Team will meet this week to discuss workflow communication and processing issues between departments. Will submit some GMRs for the benefits area. Cindy forwarded additional topics for future Banner visits; Carol will discuss topic at Project Mgrs meeting. Cindy stressed the need for support from upper-level management for web time entry and dept time entry (target go-live is July 2007). Computer access in each area is necessary. WT entry will be used for hourly time entry and all staff leave/exception time, which must be entered in a timely manner since HR calculates leave accruals on a semi-monthly or bi-weekly basis. Staff who reach maximum accrual may require manual adjustment if leave time requests are not processed timely. Cindy is drafting communication for the newsletter and a memo to all employees. Donna E. reported that Cabinet strongly encourages early communication to staff and students of any upcoming changes to current practices; suggested forming a workgroup to discuss and coordinate communication efforts. Project Mgrs will discuss several significant HR/Payroll issues, including lack of staff commitment to Banner implementation, the increased workload inherent in new Banner processes, the impact of ERIP retirements plus processing of related open position requests, and the absence of key personnel at training/consulting sessions. The need for backfill and additional permanent resources will also be re-evaluated. Cindy will research PeopleAdmin software and check with other schools; Carol will review cost.
4.  Financial Aid / Working with Tom Masters to get ready for 2007-08. With delay of GoLive, scholarships will convert back to manually processing; Doug will have to rewrite the online Banner application to tie back into M-204. Will not use Banner when testing is finished; but all processes have been documented and staff will continue to practice until GoLive next year. James will revise the Loan Periods decision document and forward to Carol.
5.  MyYSU / Bob is working with Ron Cole to develop instructions for Targeted Announcements flowchart webpage. John Dalbec received a response to a targeted message that the person did not want to receive any further messages. Bob agrees with the suggestion from Donna W. to send a standard message for those sending announcement emails with a link to our current email policy, indicating that it is the University’s official means of communication. Gordon Mapley reported that a student employee could not open files in the Group application; John suggested that the student add to his internet zone within his security settings (uses Roadrunner). Bob tried to send an email through Groups application with an attachment on different occasions; received an error message stating “Warning: couldn’t store messages – check quote.” John sent a thread that indicated a connection was broken. Message will generally go through after 2-3 attempts.
6.  Finance / Mary Lou is planning to print 1099s today. Some W-2s were mailed 1/26 and remainder will be mailed today. Still need to print ~20,000 form 1098-Ts (takes ~10 hours to print and 3 days for mailroom to process).
7.  Advancement / Computer Services will finalize Phonathon data today. Catherine will meet with Carol today to discuss online giving using TouchNet credit card payment implementation in Banner.
8.  Communications
(E. Greaf for
Betty Jo Licata) / Eileen reported that Betty Jo requested that Team Leaders forward newsletter articles to Ron Cole. January newsletter was delayed until February; will focus on HR/Payroll GoLive.
9.  ODS/EDW / HR/Payroll functional ODS training is set for Feb. 8, 9 and 12 with Joanne Keys. Carol notified Keith Miles that ODS training for Student and FinAid will need to be rescheduled. After Cabinet makes a final decision re: postponing GoLive, Carol will meet with Team Leaders for systems to estimate a new timeline in order to book the consultants in advance. Keith is coordinating a conference call with Lisa Cipolla (Mark McMasters is still unavailable). Carol reported that Jim Hanek is still in the process of planning a WebFocus users group, but his efforts have been diverted to Student and FinAid GoLive issues. Carol suggests that the ODS Finance and Advancement users could use the UDC if they have any questions re: the ODS view or data, but UDC cannot help with WF. Jim/Mike need a list of ODS users planning to attend functional training in order to set up accounts on both Oracle and WF. HR/Payroll will forward their list.
10.  Training / Donna posted a new schedule for February training classes for new hires who will use INB and other areas needing navigation training; also scheduled more SSB training sessions. Scheduled additional payroll assistance sessions in Kilcawley Training Room for the first semi-monthly payroll on 2/15 that will include limited service faculty. Will send info re: Feb. MyYSU training via campus email. WebFocus training for HR/Payroll plus B.Geltz, J.Richards and R.Naples is set for 2/5. Met with HR/Payroll team on 1/25 to discuss procedures to assure consistency in processes. Donna/Cindy met with Linda Cuccitrone re: Bookstore interface to provide correct INB access for Linda and Chuck Sabatino; they will attend training sessions as well. To quell rumors, Donna clarified that an employee’s social security # does not print on their pay stub via SSB. The bank routing # does print on direct deposit but it is also shown on a personal check. Banner modification would be required to mask the routing #; Team will research feasibility.
11.  Technical / The Directory ID synch with M-204 student info will be run on M-W-F and with Banner info for HR on T-Th. Donna W. reminded them that email addresses for employees should be pulled from PEAEMPL record. Also need to pull info for student orientation area including student email addresses for applicants loaded into Banner bud who did not have email addresses generated. John D. forwarded a list to Donna Greenaway to continue processing; questioned the 2-day wait period to generate email addresses. Walk-in applicants will require a login ID promptly in order to register. While staff can register a student, it is not the preferred method, since the student is required to electronically sign off on the Promise to Pay and Title IV screens for audit purposes. Timesheet changes were finished; Troy will send Maureen instructions. The HR/Bookstore interface job is loaded in Appworx. Since Campus Loan Manager does monthly data transfers to outside agencies, will need to research how to process.


1. Frequency of Impl
Team meetings / Eileen proposed that the Implementation Team meet every other week instead of weekly and team agreed; due to 2-12 ODS training, will meet on 2/5 and then 2/19.


New Action Items / Issues /



Due Date



1. Articles for February newsletter /

Team Leaders

/ ASAP / Forward articles to Ron Cole. Focus on HR/Payroll GoLive.

Prior Items / Issues




Due Date


Current Status

1.  Review Banner services application /

Team Leaders

/ ASAP /

Jason Thomas/Mike Roberts/Troy will create a workgroup (including Impl Team leaders) to review current Banner application form including feasibility of separate applications for each system. Need database guardian for HR/Payroll; authorization is now

split between HR office and Eileen for Payroll. Mike is developing an audit form that will list a person’s assigned classes and forms for use by database guardians. A combined appl will not include MyYSU admin access. Group will also assume task of reviewing a General Person security matrix.