Ivy Tech Community College- Global Studies Program

Name: Peter Belser

School: Ivy Tech

Course Number and Title: HIST 102

Module Title: Beginning of the U.S. Overseas Empire

Description of the Module:

Students will look at the Spanish American War, the annexation of the Philippines, and the beginnings of the U.S. overseas Empire by examining the economic causes of an expanded U.S. foreign policy and how the treatment of Filipino men, women, and children under U.S. occupation was similar or different than the treatment of African-American or Native Americans in the U.S.

Educational Objectives of the Module (should constitute a minimum of 12% of the course):

1. Analyze the emergence of the United States as a world power.

2. Evaluate the expanding role of the United States in European, Asian, African, and Latin American from the Civil War to the present.

3. Reflect on historical issues and themes using primary and secondary sources and form coherent, defensible interpretations about their domestic and global impact.

4. Describe the on-going development of an urban industrial society and a corporate-capitalist economy out of a rural, agrarian past.

Outline of Lectures/Discussions:

1. Guiding Question: Under what circumstances should we send U.S. troops overseas?

2. Spanish American War: yellow journalism, the Maine, Treaty of Paris (Platt Amendment)

3. Why Philippines?

4. Alfred Mahan, Hawaii, Open Door Policy, Panama Canal, Etc.

Listing of Resources Used to Support the Module (readings, videos, podcasts, documentaries, etc.):

Brinkley, 462-475, 509-514 (including “Platform of the American Anti-Imperialist League, 1899,” primary source)

The Benevolent Assimilation Proclamation by William McKinley

Crucible of War documentary:

Description of the Assignments Used to Facilitate an Understanding of the Module Objectives (writings, interviews, reflections, experiential projects or field work):

Discussion: ask students to draw connections between the creation of the U.S. Empire and the economic problems associated with the Gilded Age (i.e. overcapitalization and overproduction)

Writing Assignment: Read the two primary sources and write a journal entry from the perspective of an African-American or Native American who lived during the Gilded Age. In this journal article, the student should use the experiences of African-Americans or Native Americans to analyze the rationale behind the annexation of the Philippines and to draw parallels between the treatment of African-Americans or Native Americans in the U.S. and Filipinos under U.S. occupation.

Evaluation/Testing Used to Assess the Comprehension of the Module:

Student will write an essay response on an exam analyzing how the Spanish American War changed the U.S. relationship with the world (and how an expanded U.S. foreign policy was influenced by economic problems in the U.S.) and/or write an essay response comparing and contrasting the U.S. treatment of African-Americans or Native Americans and the treatment of Filipinos under U.S. occupation.

Resources (Bibliography) used to Develop/implement the Module:

Same resources listed above for the students.