Ivanhoe Grammar School – Resident Interest Group

Summary of Meeting – 19November 2014, 6-7pm

Chair: Joel Elbourne

Minute Taker: Andy Wilson

Present: Paul Greenhill, Geoff Purcell, David Cox, Robyn Sullivan, Richard Peterson, Robyn Roberts, Ken Whiteman, Paul Simmons, Joel Elbourne, Cr. Jenny Mulholland, Jackie Bernoth, Andy Wilson

Apologies: John Petsas, Jacqueline Lewis, Mick Ross
  • Introduction to Jackie Bernoth – Development Planning Coordinator who will be involved in the processing of the application moving forward.
  • Officers gave a brief summary of the content of submissions that had been received although it was acknowledged that not all of them had been reviewed at this stage. A total of 14 objections were received during the notification period.
  • Upcoming consultation will include invitations to recent submitters as well as submitters from the 2013 version of the Development Plan.
  • A discussion was had as to the style of consultation that would be appropriate and how this might influence who we invite. This needs to consider how best to enable all submitters, particularly the recent submitters, to have a fair opportunity to be heard and discuss their concerns.
  • Officers confirmed that the website could show details of the consultation session which would make the consultation session open to anybody, not just those who have made a submission.
  • A resident suggested a possible Q&A style consultation could work where residents are given an opportunity to submit their questions before the session and these are answered methodically on the evening.
  • There was a sentiment expressed by some members that residents have had more than sufficient time to make a submission and their questions should be clearly articulated in their submissions.
  • Another suggestion is that the consultation session includes all interested residents in one session and the time is divided up into various issues to be discussed.
  • A view was expressed by a member that the consultation session should really be the last opportunity for residents to have their say before officers and Council need to move forward and make a final decision.
  • Another view was expressed that the consultation session could be made available to anyone who has not yet made a submission.
  • Cr. Mulholland suggested that everyone could be in one session but priority should be given to the most recent submitters and they should go first with submitters from 2013 going second where only questions that have not already been addressed are discussed.
  • A member expressed concern about some of the terms and definitions in the plan being ambiguous and therefore may be difficult to enforce in the future and that this needs to be addressed immediately.
  • Another issue was raised about some of the text on the Master Plan of the Development Plan and how it refers to things like ‘internal refit’ but does not clearly describe what this would include.
  • A view was expressed that the hours of operation need to be locked in at this stage and not deferred to the Planning Permit stage of each individual building. The applicant confirmed that the hours specified within the plan are the hours that the school intend to operate under.
  • A discussion was had about a summary of previous approvals that were issued for sites owned by IGS but outside the Development Plan Overlay boundaries. This detail had been circulated to IGRIG members prior to the meeting.
  • A question was asked about other sites owned by IGS outside the DPO boundaries and what implications these had for car-parking.
  • Another question was asked about getting some detail about all of the buildings outside the DPO and what they are used for including how many staff and how many students.
  • The applicant was given an opportunity to provide an update on the points that were committed to be followed up after the last meeting of the IGRIG. A brief update was given about the work that was being done by the architects to attempt to provide a high quality and visually appealing external treatment to the proposed sports centre.
  • Officers informed the RIG members of the schools intention to do a minor alteration to Buckley Hall, filling in the existing covered area to the front of the building to be used as a foyer to this building. The main purpose of this project is to facilitate the upcoming centenary celebrations in 2015. Council officers confirmed that an application had been received and would be decided on shortly and would be considered as generally in accordance with the current Development Plan approved in 2000 and therefore no public notification was required. It was noted that an extension to the timeframes specified within the Development Plan would need to be approved to facilitate the development.
  • A resident noted that they had made an objection to this portion of the development.
  • The next meeting of the IGIRG would not be until after Australia day.