IV. Increase and improve connection, communication and coordination between health and education systems.
Michigan’s Early Childhood Outcomes / Component Area(s) / Overall Strategy (Goal) / Objective(s):Born Healthy
Healthy, Thriving & Developmentally on Track
Ready to Succeed at School Entry
Reading Proficiently by end of 3rd grade / Pediatric and Family Health
Social and Emotional Health
Early Care and Education
Parenting Leadership
Family Support / IV. Increase and improve connection, communication, and coordination between health and education systems. / A. Strengthen awareness of community resources and information exchange among providers and families / Target Group Members:
Fran Jozefowicz, Travis Neller, Barbara Ball-McClure, Effie Alofoje-Carr, Robin Pizzo, Thais Rousseau, Kristen Osterhouse, Adrienne DeFord, Wendy Boyce, Mary Jo Wegenke
Activities / Responsible Entities / Target Dates / Resources Needed / Progress Measures / Next Steps
- Evaluate and strengthen the 211 referral protocol and capacity to provide information on resources.
Asset Independence Coalition’s use of 211 / Monitoring of the information will identify accuracy and currency of information available/provided.
- Promote opportunities for health and education providers to network regularly to share screening information- ASQ-SE, MCHAT.
A working referral loop will be evident with information being shared back and forth using appropriate releases of information.
- Target community resource outreach to law enforcement, DHS, doctors who serve high needs families and coordinate outreach efforts amongst education sector – preschool, home visiting, child care, Great Start to Quality
IISD Family Learning Connection / Increase in referrals to home visiting hub and early childhood joint application.
Shared messages will be used with referral sources. /
- Group identified the need to collect coordinated information and increase outreach in re CCAMPIS:
- Identify a way to capture the data on other student parent programs at Ingham County colleges
- Find out if GRSP asks parents any info regarding college status, or whether CCAMPIS outreach can be done through GRSP. Can contact GSRP advisory council to see where this will fit and make sure teachers are aware of CCAMPIS. Wendy can contact the advisory council when it starts back up in the fall
- Robin will guest spotlight with CCAMPIS presentation at next LLG meeting to get information out to home visitors
- Parent café – Robin can host one for CCAMPIS parents
- Is there a connection we can make with the library and the CCAMPIS program? The library has a parenting nook with resource information in the children’s area.
- Can someone reach out to policy council? Wendy can talk with Corrie Mervyn about who the best contact to reach out to would be – by end of August/beginning of September