Academic Success Plan
Student’s Full Name:
By creating your Academic Success Plan, you will map out your personal plan-of-action for YOU to be a successful college student.
Your Academic Success Plan will help you to:
· Determine why you are in college, your experience with academics, and the resources available to you.
· Discover your academic strengths and areas for improvement
· Developing a plan for meeting with each of your professors
· Developing a plan for meeting with your Academic Advisor
· Developing concrete goals related to your academic success at CCCC
Student Agreement:
I agree to use the strategies I have mapped out in my Academic Success Plan. I have a clear understanding of what I need to do to be academically successful at Central Carolina Community College. If I have any questions or need further assistance, I will follow-up with my Success Coach.
Student Signature: ______Date: ______
Student Printed Name: ______
Success Plan certified as created:
Success Coach Signature: ______Date: ______
Success Coach Printed Name: ______
Office Use Only:
Follow-up Appointments: Session 2______Session 3______Other: ______
Coach Initials: ______
Full Name: Click here to enter text.
Student ID#: Click here to enter text.
Current Major: Click here to enter text.
Date of Success Plan Completion: 06/25/13
About Me
First, it will be helpful to reflect on a few aspects of your life as you begin to develop a clear plan for college success. Answer the following questions about yourself as completely as possible.
1) I was motivated to pursue a college degree because….
Click here to enter text.
2) After I graduate, I plan to use my earned college credential(s) [degree, diploma, certificates] by….
Click here to enter text.
3) Describe the top three reasons why you find college to be challenging:
Working around family, time management, Getting the right information to succeed
4) Describe your best experience(s) so far as a student at Central Carolina Community College? What happened? Who was involved? Why was the experience so special?
Click here to enter text.
My Study Habits
Generally, I study Choose an item. per day.
Generally, I sit down to study 3-5 time(s) per week.
Clearly describe the setting(s) where you feel most productive studying? Click here to enter text.
Why do you feel comfortable in these settings? Click here to enter text.
In the future, I plan to study Choose an item. per day and Choose an item. times per week.
My Support Network
It is important to surround yourself with supportive friends, family, and mentors who can encourage your success. Please list any members of your current support network who are available to your college success at Central Carolina Community College:
1) Click here to enter text. Relationship to you: Click here to enter text.
2) Click here to enter text. Relationship to you: Click here to enter text.
3) Click here to enter text. Relationship to you: Click here to enter text.
4) Click here to enter text. Relationship to you: Click here to enter text.
My Academic History
Think about the courses you have taken so far. Use the following worksheet to highlight three courses in each category.
My Successful or Enjoyable CourseworkCourse/
Grade / I was successful because: / The success strategies that I used were:
CIS 110/A / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text.
HUM 122 / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text.
My Past Coursework that Needed Improvement
Course/ Grade / Factors that contributed to my low grade included: / I believe I could have achieved in this course if I:
ENG 111 / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text.
SOC 220 / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text.
Meeting with my Academic Advisor
Each student who visits the College Success Center will know his or her Faculty Advisor’s contact information, and/or will become familiar with the academic advising process in his or her respective academic department. Your Success Coach will help you with this process.
Faculty Advisor: Click here to enter text. Phone: Click here to enter text.
E-mail: Click here to enter text. Building/Office: Click here to enter text.
Brainstorm 4 potential questions to ask your advisor.
● Click here to enter text. ?
● Click here to enter text. ?
● Click here to enter text. ?
● Click here to enter text. ?
Discussion Points with Your Advisor.
It is important to know why you choose an academic program. In the box below, brainstorm a few reasons why you chose your major. For ideas, visit the following webpage where you can find a description of what is learned in your respective program:
Click here to enter text.
Academic Pre-Advising
Before any academic advising meeting with your advisor or success coach, it is important to know which classes are needed for upcoming semesters. Your advisor and coach can provide you guidance and advice along the way.
Follow the steps below to map out your future class plans:
1) Visit
2) Click on the Aviso link and login using your CougarMail email and password. Aviso is an online academic advising tool that you can use to communicate academic plans to your advisor and success coach.
3) Follow the steps to map out your online Success Plan by choosing your class plans between now and graduation.
4) After you create your Success Plan in Aviso, click the Print button.
5) You may then Save the document on your computer for your records. (See image below)
6) Type “Yes” to confirm that you submitted a plan in Aviso: Click here to enter text.
Mapping Goals for My Academic Success
Understanding how to calculate your GPA is extremely important when setting academic goals.
To learn how to calculate your GPA, visit this link:
My current overall GPA is: / Click here to enter text.
To improve my GPA to a: / Click here to enter text.
I must earn the following # of credits: / Click here to enter text.
And must earn this GPA: / Click here to enter text.
Think about some of the most challenging courses you are taking now or plan to take.
Complete this chart.
will need to achieve / Resources on campus that I will use
Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / T
Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text.
My College and Career Goals
To achieve college and career success, it is important to set personal goals and then develop an action plan to achieve them. Develop three academic and/or personal goals below and describe how you will achieve the goals and give yourself a deadline for completion.
Goal #1 / Click here to enter text.How I will achieve this goal / Click here to enter text.
Deadline (Month, Year) / Click here to enter text.
Goal #2 / Click here to enter text.
How I will achieve this goal / Click here to enter text.
Deadline (Month, Year) / Click here to enter text.
Goal #3 / Click here to enter text.
How I will achieve this goal / Click here to enter text.
Deadline (Month, Year) / Click here to enter text.
Student Success and Support Referrals
Admissions/Counselors/Placement Testing: Changing your major, admission into selective programs (allied health, Vet. Med Tech, etc.), withdrawing from a class. Taking your placement test.
Lillington / Sanford / PittsboroMiriello Building
(910) 814-8827 / Welcome Center - Bell Building
(919) 718-7300 / Administration Building
(919) 545-8025
Career Center: Career assessments, career advice, job/internship searches, resume creation.
Miriello Building
(910) 814-8827 / Welcome Center - Bell Building
(919) 718-7396 / Administration Building
(919) 545-8054
Tutoring: Free peer tutoring support for your CCCC coursework.
Miriello Building
(910) 814-8827 / Science Building, Academic Assistance Center
(919) 718-7504 / Building #2, Academic Assistance Center
(919) 545-
Writing & Reading Center: One-on-one and group assistance/guidance with written class assignments.
Miriello Building, Academic Assistance Center
(910) 814-8865 / Science Building, Academic Assistance Center
(919) 718-7210 / Building #2, Academic Assistance Center
(919) 545-8029
Financial Aid Office/Veterans Aid: Financial aid guidance to pay for college. Guidance on the process to submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and veterans benefits.
N/A / Hockaday Hall
(919) 718-7229 / N/A
Business Office: Questions about your student account balance, making payments, the FACTS payment plan, refunds.
Miriello Building
(910) 814-8827 / Hockaday Hall
(919) 718-7310 / Administration Building
(919) 545-8025
Special Populations: Support for students with disabilities and special needs.
N/A / Hockaday Hall
(919) 718-7416 / N/A
College Success Center: Academic/personal issues, academic pre-advising/registration, orientation and first-year experience classes (ACA 111, ACA 115, ACA 122), Benefits Bank assistance to find eligible work supports.
Miriello Building
(910) 814- 8858, 8856 / Hockaday Hall
(919) 718-7485 / Building #2, Academic Assistance Center
Distance Education: Blackboard assistance, technical issues, support with distance classes.
N/A / Science Building
(919) 718-7396 / N/A
Library: Academic and information resources in electronic or print format.
(910) 814-8843 / (919) 718-7244 / (919) 545-8084
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Updated June 2013