IUIE Report Name / Technical Name / New / Report Description / Change
IUF/MTP Account Activity / IE_SIS_FA_MTP_ACCT_ACTV / N / Provides both IU and IUF account transactions of income, transfers in and actual financial aid provided and other transactions, the account also provides all available balances. / Replaced report name with non-technical name. Updated parameters to be consistent with BIRT report standards including parameters, labels, and dropdown for chart.
IUF/MTP Account Balance / IE_SIS_FA_MTP_ACCT_BAL / N / The IU MTP Account Balance report. / Replaced report name with non-technical name. Updated parameters to be consistent with BIRT report standards including parameters, labels, and dropdown for chart.
IUF/MTP Account Information / IE_SIS_FA_MTP_ACCT_INFO / N / Report provides various attributes associated with each IU and IUF account; such as; donated amount from donor, the IUF principal amount and year to day contributions, the donor intent, match date, etc. / Replaced report name with non-technical name. Updated parameters to be consistent with BIRT report standards including parameters, labels, and dropdown for chart.
IUF/MTP Award Commitments / IE_SIS_FA_MTP_AWD_COMMIT / N / The IU MTP Award Commitment report. / Replaced report name with non-technical name. Updated parameters to be consistent with BIRT report standards including parameters, labels, and dropdown for chart.
IUF/MTP IUF Signer / IE_SIS_FA_MTP_IUF_SIGNER / N / The IU MTP Signer report. / Replaced report name with non-technical name. Updated parameters to be consistent with BIRT report standards including parameters, labels, and dropdown for chart.
IUF/MTP Scholarship Awarded / IE_SIS_FA_MTP_SCHOL_AWDED / N / Provides the student that received the scholarship/fellowship by term and by year per account (both IU & IUF) / Replaced report name with non-technical name. Updated parameters to be consistent with BIRT report standards including parameters, labels, and dropdown for chart.
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