Services available to CURRENT prelaw students at iub

Get the facts: Check outHPPLC’s Prelaw Website! We know law school is not for everyone. If you aren’t sure about a legal career, we can help you decide if this is the path for you. Get on our prelaw email list to be informed of upcoming events. To register, go to our website and click on the “Email Lists” link—to make an appointment, click the

Do it right, do it early: One of the crucial tasks in applying to law school is to do everything right and to do it early. We can help you know what to do, and how and when to do it. The sooner you get started, the easier it will be; however, it is never too late!

On selecting a major for law school. There is no “prelaw” major at IU. Law schools value diversity in their first year class, and this includes diversity of majors—they really do NOT prefer any major(s) above others. Note that your major per se is a relatively minor factor in the admissions process—what is important is your GPA in whatever major you choose. So pick a major you’ll enjoy and one in which you can excel. But there is no rush in choosing a major either—it is absolutely fine to be exploratory when you arrive at IU!

Get letters of recommendation: We have a partnership with Interfolio, the premier online credentials management service. When you are ready to ask for your first letter of recommendation, contact us to find out if opening an optional account with Interfolio would be beneficial for you.

We have guidelines for your writers should they have questions about what to say.

Take advantage of HPPLC’s many prelaw events and programs: HPPLC’s Law Day has featured the nation’s largest university-sponsored Law Fair for many years (125 of 203law schools in 2014). This is a unique opportunity for students to network with admission officials from around the country. We also hold numerous workshops, panels, speakers and meetings concerning the legal profession, law school, and all aspects of the admissions process. Make sure you subscribe to the prelaw email list to receive notification of these valuable professional development events!

Prepare for the LSAT: Our library has all disclosed past exams (which you can borrow at no charge). If appropriate to your learning style, we offer a low-cost, 20 hour, comprehensive LSAT Prep Course, and have a list of local LSAT tutors as well. Our prelaw advisors can help you plan a strategy for success!

Select schools: We have detailed admission statistics and information on specialties, joint degrees,financial aid, and other unique aspects of every US law school -- discover which schools nationwide are best for you!

Apply: Our advisors can help you present your qualifications—and weaknesses—in the best light. We can help with every aspect of the complex and often confusing application process.

Write your personal statement: We can help with this difficult but potentially decisive component of the application.

Please email with any question you may have. We’d like to meet you and are always happy to help!