Internal MSC- Policy for Creating an ISP Plan

You MUST make sure that the Individual Data Sheet is up to date before proceeding to create a new ISP, otherwise the required data fields will not populate correctly.

The ISP must be written and signed by the MSC within 45 days of an ISP review and within 60 days of HCBS waiver/MSC enrollment. The ISP must be distributed to the individual and advocate and all Waiver Providers within 60 days of the Review.

Waiver providers have 30 days from the ISP review to provide the MSC with their Habilitation Plan.

It is in your best interest to use the “Save” button periodically to save your work because the sessions time-out after 15 minutes.

Step 1: Open the Individual tab from the Therap dashboard, and scroll down to the ISP and Habilitation Plan module.

Step 2: Locate the section for the ISP and left-click “New”. The screen will refresh and you should select “Service Coordination” from the available list of programs on the Select Program page. The screen will refresh and a list of individuals enrolled in that program will populate the screen. Select the individual. The screen will refresh and “ISP Plan” will be shown at the top of the screen.

Step 3: First, complete the fields for the ISP Date (Date of ISP meeting).

NOTE: You should skip the box with the table containing the heading “Dates ISP reviewed”

Step 4: Proceed to Section 1,” The Narrative (Profile, the Person's Valued Outcomes and Safeguards)”. Use the instructions provided in the box to supply the required information.

Step 5: Continue with the “Valued Outcomes” section. Click “Add” and list each valued outcome. The page refreshes to a text box where you will insert the language for the valued outcome. Use the “Add more” button to insert each additional valued outcome. When you are done, click the “Done” button. The page refreshes and returns to the dynamic ISP Plan page, and the outcome you just entered will be shown. You should ignore the “Add/Remove ISP Program Link” button.

NOTE: You MUST use the specific wording agreed upon at the ISP meeting the linkage to the Hab Plan relies on this language.

Step 6: Next, turn your attention to the “Safeguards”. Complete the text box using the instructions provided. List the individual’s after hours beeper number in this section. Refer to the attached safeguards in this section.

NOTE: You must scan and attach all safeguards/IPOPs from outside providers in this section. Also, scan and attach self-direction safeguards here. You need to use the agreed upon naming convention for the scanned document (Lastname_Firstname_Tabs#_YYYY_MM_DD_Title of Document). See instructions below for how to scan, name, and attach documents.

NOTE: The Approved internal IPOPs and safeguards will prepopulate in the space below the textbox. If they are not shown within 30 days of the ISP meeting, contact the individual’s program coordinator ASAP. If the IPOP/safeguards is/are not available, you must complete the ISP within 45 days, make a note at the top of the profile section that the IPOP safeguard was not available and is to be distributed by the provider of the service.

Step 7: Move along to “Section 2: The Person's Individualized Service Environment” and complete the text box for “Natural Supports and Community Resources” using the instructions provided above the box.

NOTE: Use this opportunity to review the list of the Individual’s Contacts. If this list needs to be edited, you will need to make the appropriate changes on the Individual Data Sheet.

Step 8: Complete the Medicaid State Plan Servicessection using the instructions provided in the box. Click the “Add “ button and the page will refresh to the “Medicaid State Plan Services” page where you will identify the name of the provider using the drop down list. Identify the Medicaid Service Coordinator first. Then, identify the type of Medicaid service from the drop down list. Choose “Medicaid Service Coordination”. Use the “Add More” button to identify additional/all remaining Medicaid State Plan services. Click “Done” when you are done. The page refreshes and returns to the dynamic ISP Plan page, and the services you just entered will be shown.

Step 9: Using the same process you used in Step 8, complete the sections for Federal, State and County Funded Resources, HCBS Waiver Services, Other Services or 100% OPWDD Funded Supports and Services.

NOTE: For HCBS Waiver Services, you must add additional information including Name of Provider, Type of Waiver Service, Frequency, Duration, Effective Date, and all valued outcomes the program addresses.

Step 10: Next, complete the section for Name of Service Provider Receiving Copy of ISP Plan and Attachment including the person, advocate, and all service providers. Use the “add” button to add each party. Do not complete the “Date Sent” field at this time.

Step 11: Add the attachments using the established procedures noted below. Make sure to include all outside providers’ plans, sign-in sheet, and others as necessary.

NOTE: All Wavier providers must provide you with their hab. plan within 30 days of the ISP meeting. If you do not have a plan within 30 days of the ISP meeting, contact the individual’s program coordinator ASAP. If the plan is not available, you must complete the ISP within 45 days, make a note at the top of the profile section that the specific plan was not available and is to be distributed by the provider of the service.

Step 12: Click “Submit”

Step 13: The document will either be approved or returned to you for revision by your supervisor.

a)If approved, it will appear in your to-do list for MSC signature. Open the document, Scroll to the bottom of the page, click the box indicating that “I am signing as an MSC for the 45 days requirement,” then click “Save (it will also appear in your to-do list for you to acknowledge, do not acknowledge prior to signing the document.)

b)If the document is returned, you will receive a notice in the to-do ISP work list indicating that corrections are needed—see digital sticky note(s) on the top left corner of the returneddocument. Make the required corrections and click “Submit” on the bottom of the page. Continue this process until the document is approved and you sign it as noted in a).

Step 14: Once you sign the document, you must distribute it to the individual, advocate, and all waiver providers within 60 days of this ISP review meeting. Once distributed open the approved document, scroll to the bottom and click “Show dynamic document”. This brings you back to the top of the ISP. Scroll down and in the box labeled “Discontinue Summary”, Use the “Update” button, type in distributed ISP., return to the service provider distribution section and fill in the dates of distribution. Click “Save”

Step 15: For annual reviews, annual ISPs, you must have the individual advocate, your supervisor sign a paper signature page. Once completed, you must attach it to this approved ISP using the following procedure: open the approved document, scroll to the bottom and click “Show dynamic document”. This brings you back to the top of the ISP. Scroll down and in the box labeled “Discontinue Summary”, Use the “Update” button, type in “Attach signed signature page”. Scroll to the Attachments section, and follow the procedure for scanning, naming, and attaching documents. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Save”.

Instructions for creating semi-annual and/or addendum:

Step 1: Open the Individual tab from the Therap dashboard, and scroll down to the ISP and Habilitation Plan module.

Step 2: Locate the section for the ISP and left-click “Search”. The screen will refresh and you should enter the individual’s name and select “Search”. Choose the last ISP from the list. Open the approved document, scroll to the bottom and click “Show dynamic document”. This brings you back to the top of the ISP. Scroll down and in the box labeled “Discontinue Summary”, select “General”, and in the comment box type “Discontinue as new ISP created/updated/ISP addended.” Scroll to the bottom of the page, click “Discontinue and copy as draft”. The screen will refresh and you will click the blue hyperlink labeled “Newly created ISP plan”. This will bring you to a copy of the ISP that can be edited. Update the ISP as appropriate and update all attachments.Be aware there will be documents attached to this new ISP that you may need to remove if they are outdated. Click on the“ remove” button to un attach. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Save” if you wish to continue working on the document later, or “Submit” if you wish to have the document reviewed for approval. Once reviewed by the supervisor, the document will be returned to you and appear in your To Do list with an accompanying digital sticky note indicating that the document is ready for your signature. Locate the box labeled “ISP Review Date”, check the yes or no for face-to-face, then check the box “Include my signature as MSC Signature and Initials with this ISP Review Date” and click “Submit” at the bottom of the page. The document will go to your supervisor for review. Follow steps 13-14 above for your signature and distribution of the updated/amended ISP.

NOTE: This document is only to approved by a supervisor, do not click the “Approve” button.

Instructions for scanning, naming, and attaching documents:

The safeguards and attachments sections of the form each contain a button labeled “Attach”. For both, click the “Add File” button, the Add File box will open and use the “Browse” button to navigate to where you have stored the file. You should also provide a description in the box naming the document appropriately (e.g., Res Hab Plan, IPOP, Day Hab Plan, Sign-in sheet, Signed signature page, etc). Note, you may need to split the document into smaller pieces so the upload can proceed. See the instructions below for an explanation for how to break a .pdf document into smaller pieces. Scan each document (as needed) and separately attach each subsequent waiver plan from outside agencies: Day Hab, Res Hab, Pre Voc, iPop, Supported Employment, Community Hab, etc.

How to split an Adobe .pdf document into smaller pieces:

You will need a licensed copy of the Adobe Acrobat DC application. The free Adobe Reader will not work. All secretaries have Adobe Acrobat DC and can help you wish shrinking the document.

Here is a link to a brief video explaining the process:

For those who prefer to read instructions:

Step 1.Navigate to the location where you have saved the .pdf document and open it.

Step 2.Left-click “Organize Pages” from the options shown in the tool panel on the right side of the page. You will see little thumbnails (pictures) of the pages comprising the document.

Step 3.Left-click “Split”, shown with a little bitty pair of scissors, to begin the process of breaking the document into smaller pieces.

a.NOTE: You should configure where you want to store and name the resulting files by first left-clicking “Output Options” shown with the little gear. You will only need to do this the first time you use the program because the settings you provide will be preserved for subsequent sessions. Once you have identified where you want the files stored and how you’d like them named, left-click “OK”.

Step 4.Adjust the metric to be used to split the file, i.e., by pages, file size, or top level bookmarks. It is recommended that you choose a 2mb file size for the split.

Step 5.Left-click “Split” and the larger document will be broken into smaller pieces, stored where you have indicated, and named according to your instructions.
