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TD 863 (GEN/5)
STUDY PERIOD 2009-2012 / Doc 77
English only
Original: English
Geneva, 12 April 2012
Source: / ITU-T Liaison officer to JTC 1
Title: / Report of the ISO/IEC JTC 1 Plenary meeting, 7-12 November 2011
For action to: / -
For comment to: / -
For information to: / JCA ICT&CC
Contact: / Olivier Dubuisson
France Telecom Orange
France / Tel: +33 2 96 05 38 50
JTC 1 held its plenary meeting from 7-12 November 2011 in San Diego, CA, USA.
At its 28-30 April 2009 meeting TSAG nominated Mr. Olivier Dubuisson (France Telecom Orange, France) as ITU-T Liaison Officer to JTC 1. Mr. Dubuisson attended the JTC 1 meeting.
This document gathers the items discussed by JTC 1 which are relevant to SG 5 and JCA-ICT&CC. (If needed, the N-numbered JTC 1 documents can be obtained from the ITU-T Liaison Officer to JTC1.)
The next JTC 1 Plenary meeting will be held from 5-10 November 2012 in Jeju, Republic of Korea.
- New JTC 1 Sub-Committee
Resolution 27–New JTC 1 Subcommittee 39 on Sustainability for and by Information Technology
JTC 1 establishes a new JTC 1 Subcommittee 39 on Sustainability for and by Information Technology with the following terms of reference:
Title:Sustainability for and by Information Technology
Scope:Standardization related to the intersection of resource efficiency and IT which supports sustainable development, application, operation and management aspects.
To avoid any duplication of work and to support innovation, SC 39 will engage in active liaison and collaboration with:
- Other JTC 1 entities
- ISO TC 207, ISO TC 242, ISO TC 257
- IEC TC 100, IEC TC 108, IEC TC 111, SMB SG 4, IEC/PC 118, IEC TC 57/WG 21, IEC TC 8 and SMB SG 3
- ITU-T SG 5
- Any other appropriate body including external organizations e.g. consortia
A Working Group on Energy Efficient Data Centers (contingent upon approval of an NWIP).
Draft Terms of Reference:
- development of a data center energy efficiency taxonomy and vocabulary
- development of a holistic suite of metrics supporting universally accepted standardized Key Performance Indicators
- development of best practices for energy efficient data centers
- development of an energy management system standard specifically tailored for data centers
Between now and the 2012 JTC 1 Plenary meeting, SC 39 should survey ongoing and new activities in JTC 1, identify overlaps with respect to their scope and make recommendations to the 2012 Plenary on how such overlaps should be addressed.
Administrative support and leadership of SC 39 will be provided as follows:
- The US National Body will serve as Secretariat for the SC and John Calhoon will serve as the Acting Chair for the SC.
- The US National Body will provide a Convenor of the Working Group on Data Centres. The individual will be named within 60 days.
It is proposed that SG 5 nominates a liaison officer to JTC 1/SC 39.
It is proposed that JCA-ICT&CC sends a liaison statement to JTC 1/SC 39 recommending them to nominate a representative to JCA-ICT&CC.
- Possible future Green-by-ICTstandardization areas
Resolution 41–Call for consideration for future Green-by-ICT standardization to JTC 1/SCs and WGs
JTC 1 recognizes that ICT technologies, equipments and systems can help other business and industry sectors reduce their energy consumption and improve theirenergy efficiency. Their adoption of ICT technologies, equipments and systems maycause new requirements for ICT standardization. JTC 1 N10813 includes study results on use cases, relevantfunctional elements, other relevant standardization activities, gap analysis resultsand standardization opportunities in the areas of smart buildings and education.
JTC 1 recommends relevant JTC 1/SCs and WGs to consider the followinginformation for future standardization initiatives. Mr. Yong-Woon Kim (Republic of Korea) may be invited to relevant group meetings toexplain the following information. JTC 1 also invites National Bodies interested in the studyitems to submit corresponding NPs to designated JTC 1 groups (and possibly others not yet listed here):
No. / Prospective standardization topics / JTC 1 Relevant groups
1 / Development appropriate tools to evaluate green costs and benefits of proposed systems, technologies, projects and approaches for e-education, e-learning and e-training
Assessment methodology to quantify green effects of ICT functions for education, learning and training
Metric and measurement of reusability of e-learning contents / JTC 1/SC 39
2 / Building network area
Overall architecture of building networks
Semantic model used for building networks
Data models that implement the semantic model / JTC 1/SC 6
User interface standards / JTC 1/SC 35
3 / Interoperability between Smart Grid and building automation networks / JTC 1/WG 7
4 / Guideline for sensor and meter placement for cost-effective building energy management / JTC 1/WG 7
5 / Metric and measurement to evaluate the performance of building energy management system / JTC 1/SC 25
6 / Building energy information protocol for the interoperability among heterogeneous BAS/BEMS solutions / JTC 1/SC 25
7 / BAS/BEMS data description for interoperability of building context / JTC 1/SC 25
8 / Secure communication protocol for building automation and control networks / JTC 1/SC 27
JTC 1/SC 25
For information of SG 5 and JCA-ICT&CC.
- Wireless power transfer
Resolution 47–Incubator Group for Wireless Power Transfer and Application for ICT
JTC 1 thanks the National Body of Korea for their presentation on wireless power transfer and application for ICT, and JTC 1 encourages the National Body of Korea to pursue an incubator group for this topic. JTC 1 requests its Secretariat to announce the creation on the JTC 1 website.
For information of SG 5 and JCA-ICT&CC.