Comment Form — Permanent Modifications to Timing Tables in INT-005, INT-006, INT-008
Comment Form — Permanent Modifications to Timing Tables in INT-005, INT-006, INT-008
Please use this form to submit comments on the proposedINT-005-3, INT-006-3, and INT-008-3 standards. Comments must be submitted by March 8, 2008. You may submit the completed form by e-mail to ith the words “CI Timing Table” in the subject line. If you have questions please contact Stephen Crutchfield at or by telephone at 609-651-9455.
Individual Commenter Information(Complete this page for comments from one organization or individual.)
NERC Region(Please check all Regions in which your company operates.) / Registered Ballot Body Segment
(Please check all Industry Segments in which your company and its affiliates are registered.)
NA – Not Applicable / 1 — Transmission Owners
2 — RTOs and ISOs
3 — Load-serving Entities
4 — Transmission-dependent Utilities
5 — Electric Generators
6 — Electricity Brokers, Aggregators, and Marketers
7 — Large Electricity End Users
8 — Small Electricity End Users
9 — Federal, State, Provincial Regulatory or other Government Entities
10 — Regional Reliability Organizations and Regional Entities
Group Comments (Complete this page if comments are from a group.)
Group Name:
Lead Contact:
Contact Organization:
Contact Segment:
Contact Telephone:
Contact E-mail:
Additional Member Name / Additional Member Organization / Region* / Segment*
*If more than one Region or Segment applies, please list all applicable regions and Segments. Regional acronyms and segment numbers are shown on prior page.
Background Information:
An Urgent Action SAR was developed in 2007 to make a change to the Coordinate Interchange Timing Table for WECC to increase the reliability assessment time from five minutes to ten minutes for Requests for Interchange (RFIs) submitted from one hour up to twenty minutes prior to ramp start time. With only 5 minutes to assess, WECC reliability entities were unable to assess many RFIs and therefore the Arranged interchange was not implemented.
Under the Reliability Standards Development Procedure, the Urgent Action modifications made to the timing table will expire unless they are replaced with permanent changes that go through the full standards development procedure. The SAR for this project proposes permanent changes to the timing table referenced in the following standards:
INT-005 — Interchange Authority Distributes Arranged Interchange
INT-006 — Response to Interchange Authority
INT-008 — Interchange Authority Distributes Status
Note that the proposed revisions to the timing table have also been submitted to NAESB under Request R07007 for use in the associated business practices.
The members of the Coordinate Interchange Timing Tables Standards Drafting Team (CITT SDT) believe the changes made to the table provide clarity for timing requirements. The CITT SDT revised the timing tables based on industry comments. These revisions include:
1To provide better understanding of the timing requirements, the timing tables were split into a WECC specific table and an Eastern / ERCOT / Hydro Quebec specific table. Timeline images were also added to the standard. These formatting changes do not change the timing rules.
2Based on industry comments, the new timing tables re-introduce the time classifications of “Late” and “On-time” and include a designation for the new “After-the-Fact (ATF)” time classification applicable to all Interconnections. These classifications are consistent with the existing e-Tag implementation. The addition of these time classifications does not add to or modify the requirements of the standard.
3The timing table for WECC includes the modification to allow reliability entities up to 10 minutes for reliability assessment in most cases while still allowing for On-Time submittal of e-Tags up to 20 minutes prior to the operating hour (per the Urgent Action change to the standard). This change brings WECC reliability assessment timing in better alignment with Eastern / ERCOT / Hydro Quebec assessment periods.
4A change was made to INT-006-2, R1, clarifying applicability to “On-time” RFIs.
5The “Minimum Total Reliability Period” column has been deleted from the tables. The CITT SDT felt that the information in this column did not add any benefit to the standards and removing the column makes the table clearer.
Under the Reliability Standards Development Procedure, the Urgent Action modifications made to the timing table in 2007 will expire. They will be replaced with these proposed permanent changes that go through the full standards development procedure. There is a project identified in the Reliability Standards Work Plan: 2007-2009 that will open the entire set of Coordinate Interchange standards to a robust set of modifications during 2009.
TheCITT SDTrequests comments on the acceptability of the changes made to the timing table. Accordingly, we request that you include your comments on this form and e-mail to ith the subject “CI Timing Table” by March 8, 2008.
You do not have to answer all questions. Enter All Comments in Simple Text Format.
Insert a “check” mark in the appropriate boxes by double-clicking the gray areas.
- Do you agree with the proposed timing table “Timing Requirements for all Interconnections except WECC”? If not, please explain in the comment area.
- Do you agree with the proposed timing table “Timing Requirements for WECC”? If not, please explain in the comment area.
- Do you agree with limiting the applicability of R1 (and the associated Measure M1) of INT-006-3 to On-time RFIs? If not, please explain in the comment area.
- If you have any other comments on the modifications made to the standards that you haven’t made in response to the first four questions, please provide them here.
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