ITH/14/9.COM/INF.2.2Rev.3– page 1



Ninth session

UNESCO Headquarters

24 to 28 November 2014

Provisional list of documents

Provisional agenda item / Documents
1. / Opening / ITH/14/9.COM/Participants
General Information
2. / Adoption of the agenda / ITH/14/9.COM/2
ITH/14/9.COM/INF.2.1 (Rev. only in English)
Provisional timetable
ITH/14/9.COM/INF.2.2 Rev.3
Provisional list of documents
3. / Observers / ITH/14/9.COM/3
4. / Adoption of the summary records of the eighth session of the Committee / ITH/14/9.COM/4 Rev.
5. / Reports of States Parties
5.a.Examination of the reports of States Parties on the implementation of the Convention and on the current status of elements inscribed on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity / ITH/14/9.COM/5.a
Reports available at
5.b.Examination of the reports of States Parties on the current status of elements inscribed on the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding / ITH/14/9.COM/5.b
Reports available at
5.c.Reports of States Parties on the use of international assistance from the Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund / ITH/14/9.COM/5.c
6. / Report by the Secretariat on its activities / ITH/14/9.COM/6
Financial Statement of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund for the period 1January 2013 to 30 September 2014
7. / Voluntary supplementary contributions to the Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund / ITH/14/9.COM/7 Rev.
8. / Report on the audit of the governance of UNESCO and dependent funds, programmes and entities / ITH/14/9.COM/8
9. / Report of the Consultative Body on its work in 2014 / ITH/14/9.COM/9
Form ICH-01-Aide-mémoire
Aide-mémoire for completing a nomination to the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need for Urgent Safeguarding
9.a.Examination of nominations for inscription on the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding / ITH/14/9.COM/9.a+Add.
Nominations available at
9.b. Examination of proposals to the Register of Best Safeguarding Practices / ITH/14/9.COM/9.b+Add.
Proposals available at
9.c.Examination of requests for International Assistance / ITH/13/9.COM/9.c
Requests available at
10. / Report of the Subsidiary Body on its work in 2014 and examination of nominations for inscription on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity / ITH/13/9.COM/10+Add.2
Form ICH-02-Aide-mémoire
Aide-mémoire for completing a nomination to the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity
Nominations available at
11. / Establishment of the Evaluation Body for the 2015 cycle / ITH/14/9.COM/11
12. / Number of files submitted for the 2015 cycle and number of files that can be treated in the 2016 and 2017 cycles / ITH/14/9.COM/12
13. / Follow-up to decisions and resolutions adopted by the Committee and the General Assembly at their previous sessions
13.a.Draft amendments to the Operational Directives on periodic reporting / ITH/13/9.COM/13.a
13.b.Expert meeting on safeguarding intangible cultural heritage and sustainable development / ITH/14/9.COM/13.b
13.c.Reflection on the referral option for the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity / ITH/13/9.COM/13.c
13.d. Evaluation of the implementation of previous decisions of the Committee in connection with the inscription of elements, selection of proposals to the Register of Best Safeguarding Practices, and granting of requests for International Assistance / ITH/13/9.COM/13.d
13.e.Developing an overall results framework for the Convention / ITH/14/9.COM/13.e
13.f.Coordinated Culture Sector fundraising strategy / ITH/14/9.COM/13.f
13.g.Advantages and disadvantages to Member States in synchronizing the statutory meetings of culture conventions / ITH/14/9.COM/13.g
13.h.Exchange of experiences, cooperation and synergies between UNESCO’s culture conventions / ITH/14/9.COM/13.h
14. / Accreditation and evaluation of non-governmental organizations / ITH/14/9.COM/14
15. / Date and venue of the tenth session of the Committee / ITH/14/9.COM/15
16. / Election of the members of the Bureau of the tenth session of the Committee / ITH/14/9.COM/16
17. / Other business
18. / Adoption of the list of decisions / ITH/14/9.COM/Decisions
19. / Closure