Official Minutes

Meeting of the Full Board

September 27-28, 2012

Juneau, Alaska

Official Minutes

Board of Regents

Meeting of the Full Board

September 27-28, 2012

Juneau, Alaska

Regents Present:

Patricia Jacobson, Chair

Carl Marrs, Vice Chair

Kirk Wickersham, Secretary

Jyotsna Heckman, Treasurer

Dale Anderson

Timothy Brady

Fuller Cowell

Kenneth Fisher

Mari Freitag

Mary K. Hughes

Michael Powers

Patrick K. Gamble, Chief Executive Officer and President, University of Alaska

Others Present:

Tom Case, Chancellor, University of Alaska Anchorage

Brian Rogers, Chancellor, University of Alaska Fairbanks

John Pugh, Chancellor, University of Alaska Southeast

Michael Hostina, General Counsel

Carla Beam, Vice President for University Relations

Dana Thomas, Vice President for Academic Affairs

Ashok Roy, Vice President for Finance &Administration and Chief Financial Officer

Karl Kowalski, Chief Information Technology Officer

Kit Duke, Associate Vice President, Facilities

Michelle Rizk, Associate Vice President, Budget

Donald Smith, Chief Human Resources Officer

Kate Wattum, Interim Director, Public Affairs

Brandi Berg, Executive Officer, Board of Regents

Julie Benson, Coordinator, Board of Regents

I. Call to Order

Chair Jacobson called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. on Thursday, September 27, 2012.

II. Adoption of Agenda

Regent Marrs moved, seconded by Regent Anderson and passed with Regents Anderson, Brady, Cowell, Fisher, Freitag, Heckman, Hughes, Marrs, Powers, Wickersham, and Jacobson voting in favor that:

PASSED AS AMENDED (amendment noted by *)

"The Board of Regents adopts the agenda as presented.

I. Call to Order

II. Adoption of Agenda

III. Approval of Minutes

IV. Executive Session

V. Public Testimony

VI. President’s Report

VII. Governance Report

VIII. Presentation from the University of Alaska Southeast

IX. First Review of FY14 Operating Budget Request

X. First Review of FY14 Capital Budget Request and 10-Year Capital Improvement Plan

XI. Approval of Revisions to Board of Regents’ Bylaws

XII. Approval of University of Alaska Fairbanks Research Foundation

XIII. Human Resources Report

XIV. Planning and Development Issues

A. Development Report

B. UA Foundation Report

*XV. Approval of Honorary Degrees and Meritorious Service Awards for Spring 2013 and Beyond (removed from agenda)

XVI. Approval of Tuition Rates for Academic Year 2014

XVII. Approval of Academic Degree Recipients

XVIII. Approval of Board of Directors for Seawolf Holdings, LLC

XIX. Discussion regarding Strategic Direction Initiative

*A. Endorsement and Approval of Strategic Direction Initiative (SDI) (added)

XX. Consent Agenda

A. Academic and Student Affairs Committee

1. Approval of a Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Paralegal Studies at the University of Alaska Anchorage

2. Approval of a Baccalaureate Degree in Legal Studies at the University of Alaska Anchorage

3. Approval of an Associate of Applied Science in Paralegal Studies at the University of Alaska Anchorage

4. Approval of an Undergraduate Certificate in Legal Nurse Consultant Paralegal at the University of Alaska Anchorage

5. Approval of an Undergraduate Certificate in Retail Management at University of Alaska Anchorage

B. Audit Committee

1. Acceptance of the University of Alaska Foundation FY13 Operating Budget

C. Facilities and Land Management Committee

*1. Approval of the University of Alaska Anchorage Campus Master Plan Amendment for the Engineering Parking Garage (referred to the Facilities and Land Management Committee for reconsideration)

*2. Schematic Design Approval for the University of Alaska Anchorage Engineering and Industry Building (moved to New Business XXI.C.1.)

3. Approval of the University of Alaska Anchorage Matanuska-Susitna College Campus Master Plan Amendment for the Valley Center for Arts and Learning

*4. Approval of Resolution and Schematic Design Approval for the University of Alaska Fairbanks Student Housing and Dining (P3) (approval for student dining)

5. Schematic Design Approval for the University of Alaska Anchorage MAC Housing Renewal Phase 1

6. Schematic Design Approval for the University of Alaska Anchorage Beatrice McDonald Hall Renewal

7. Formal Project Approval for the University of Alaska Anchorage Allied Health Sciences Building Renovation

8. Formal Project Approval for the University of Alaska Fairbanks Toolik Field Station 2012 Capital Improvements

9. Formal Project Approval for the University of Alaska Fairbanks Fine Arts Complex Vapor Barrier Project

10. Schematic Design Approval for the University of Alaska Fairbanks Campuswide Energy Fairbanks Campus

11. Schematic Design Approval for the University of Alaska Southeast Freshman Student Housing (Banfield Hall Addition)

XXI. New Business and Committee Reports

A. Academic and Student Affairs Committee

B. Audit Committee

C. Facilities and Land Management Committee

*1. Schematic Design Approval for the University of Alaska Anchorage Engineering and Industry Building (moved from consent agenda)

2. Formal Project Approval for the University of Alaska Fairbanks Campuswide Infrastructure, Roads and Curbs Project

3. Committee Report

*D. Approval of a Nomination to the Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges (AGB) (added)

*E. Approval of Authorization to Purchase ORCA Facility Located on the Corner of Washington Street and Third Avenue in Seward, Alaska (added)

*XXI.A. Executive Session (added)

XXII. Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education Report

XXIII. UA Athletics Report

XXIV. Future Agenda Items

XXV. Board of Regents' Comments

XXVI. Adjourn

This motion is effective September 27, 2012."

III. Approval of Minutes

Regent Heckman moved, seconded by Regent Powers and passed with Regents Anderson, Brady, Cowell, Fisher, Freitag, Heckman, Hughes, Marrs, Powers, Wickersham, and Jacobson voting in favor that:


"The Board of Regents approves the minutes of its regular meeting of June 7-8, 2012 as presented. This motion is effective September 27, 2012."

Regent Cowell moved, seconded by Regent Marrs and passed with Regents Anderson, Brady, Cowell, Fisher, Freitag, Heckman, Hughes, Marrs, Powers, Wickersham, and Jacobson voting in favor that:


"The Board of Regents approves the minutes of its special meeting of June 26, 2012 as presented. This motion is effective September 27, 2012."

Regent Marrs moved, seconded by Regent Powers and passed with Regents Anderson, Brady, Cowell, Fisher, Freitag, Heckman, Hughes, Marrs, Powers, Wickersham, and Jacobson voting in favor that:


"The Board of Regents approves the minutes of its emergency meeting of July 27, 2012 as presented. This motion is effective September 27, 2012."

Regent Powers moved, seconded by Regent Cowell and passed with Regents Anderson, Brady, Cowell, Fisher, Freitag, Heckman, Hughes, Marrs, Powers, Wickersham, and Jacobson voting in favor that:


"The Board of Regents approves the minutes of its regular meeting of August 8, 2012 as presented. This motion is effective September 27, 2012."

IV. Executive Session

Regent Marrs moved, seconded by Regent Fisher and passed with Regents Anderson, Brady, Cowell, Fisher, Freitag, Heckman, Hughes, Marrs, Powers, Wickersham, and Jacobson voting in favor that:


"The Board of Regents goes into executive session at 8:10 a.m. Alaska Time in accordance with the provisions of AS 44.62.310 to discuss matters the immediate knowledge of which would have an adverse effect on the finances of the university related to facilities, contracts, compensation, labor and matters the immediate knowledge of which would prejudice the reputation and character of a person or persons related to honorary degrees and meritorious service awards, Seawolf Holdings, LLC, personnel and compliance. The session will include members of the Board of Regents, President Gamble, General Counsel Hostina and such other university staff members as the president may designate and will last approximately 2 hours. This motion is effective September 27, 2012.”

The Board of Regents recessed its executive session at 10:00 a.m.; reconvened executive session at 10:40 a.m. and recessed executive session at 11:40 a.m. on Thursday, September 27, 2012.

The Board of Regents reconvened its executive session at 8:45 a.m. on Friday, September 28, 2012

The Board of Regents concluded an executive session at 9:35 a.m. Alaska Time on September 28, 2012 in accordance with AS 44.62.310 discussing matters the immediate knowledge of which would have an adverse effect on the finances of the university related to facilities, contracts, compensation, labor and matters the immediate knowledge of which would prejudice the reputation and character of a person or persons related to honorary degrees and meritorious service awards, Seawolf Holdings, LLC, personnel and compliance. The session included members of the Board of Regents, President Gamble, General Counsel Hostina and other university staff members designated by the president and lasted approximately 4 hours.

V. Public Testimony

Keri Rochon, Carrs/Safeway employee, spoke in support of the retail management certificate program and the value of online education classes offered at the university.

Sarah Ray, UAS assistant professor of English, spoke in support of the One Campus, One Book program, which emerged from the international common reading program; stated UAS has participated in this program for the past two years and this year has 11 faculty members using Being Caribou by Karsten Heuer in different curriculum across campus.

Kevin Maier, UAS assistant professor of English, welcomed the board to Juneau and thanked the board for ongoing support of programs at UAS; spoke about the success of hosting an international conference on campus during spring 2012 for the Association for the Study of Literature and Environment and how undergraduate students were able to participate in organizing and attending the event.

Robin Walz, UAS history department representative, spoke about the Evening at Egan lecture series and the participation of UAS faculty and Juneau community members in the program; thanked the board for ongoing support of the UAS master plan; and specified the need for a cultural arts center at UAS.

Abel Bult-Ito, president of United Academics, expressed concerns about the increase in tuition and the cost of living in Alaska; mentioned the corresponding consumer price index rates and the relationship to tuition costs at the university; and stated opposition to the 2% tuition increase.

Sol Neely, UAS assistant professor of English and coordinator of the honors program, expressed gratitude for the support the honors program has received; stated the newly formed program is enhancing student learning and success and is attracting a diverse group of students from various disciplines.

Andrew McConnell, USUAA vice president, stated UAA students are split on opinions regarding the tuition increase but the majority are appreciative of the 2% increase; noted the increase is the lowest in the last decade; and highlighted projects USUAA is focusing on this academic year, which include the green bike share program, a student discount program with local businesses, expanded meal options on campus and sustainability projects that could produce revenue for UA.

Jarmyn Kramlich, USUAS president, mentioned the student sponsored events on campus and the 16 active UAS clubs; stated students are involved in the UAS master plan amendment process; expressed his excitement regarding the addition

of Banfield Hall and the location selected for the new building; thanked the board and President Gamble for working hard to keep tuition low; and stated support for the 2% tuition increase.

Angelo Katasse, USUAS vice president, thanked the board for meeting in Juneau; spoke in support of the 2% tuition increase; and stated the priority of student government leaders this year is to promote student success by providing opportunities for traditional and non-traditional students to take part in a variety of campus activities hosted by USUAS.

Frankie Pillifant, Juneau resident, Teck Alaska, Inc. employee and a UAA geology advisory board member, spoke about her background in mining, the significance of training geologists within the state of Alaska; and in support of the university budget for additional faculty positions within the UAA geology department.

VI. President’s Report

No report was provided.

VII. Governance Report

Juella Sparks, Staff Alliance Chair, thanked Provost Caulfield for his positive support and recognition of staff and thanked the board for allowing the governance groups an opportunity to report to the board; highlighted the role of staff in advancing the mission of the university; spoke in support of a 3.5% staff compensation increase; stated concern regarding communication issues between administration and staff; and noted as a leader in staff governance her intent is to first work to improve and protect the university and second to advocate for staff.

Cathy Cahill, Faculty Alliance Chair, thanked President Gamble for listening to faculty concerns regarding Complete College America and his support of faculty recommendations to Governor Parnell about the program; stated faculty is embracing SDI and is looking forward to contributing to the process; and is working to improve the relationship between MAUs to improve education quality, credit transferability and student success.

Shauna Thornton, Coalition of Student Leaders Speaker, stated she is honored to represent students as the newly elected Coalition of Student Leaders Speaker; spoke about the importance of student involvement in SDI and how student leaders will engage students to participate in the process; and noted the importance of being a mentor to fellow students.

VIII. Presentation from the University of Alaska Southeast

The University of Alaska Southeast highlighted student success in elementary teacher education, Alaska Native languages of Southeast Alaska, and undergraduate research opportunities.

IX. First Review of FY14 Operating Budget Request Reference 1


Regents' Policy 05.01.01.A. – Budget Policy, states, "The budget of the university represents an annual operating plan stated in fiscal terms. All budgetary requests shall be adopted by the board prior to submittal to the Office of the Governor or the legislature."


President Gamble and Associate Vice President Rizk led a discussion on UA’s Proposed FY14 Operating Budget.

The operating budget discussion provided regents with an understanding of UA’s current operating budget, UA’s proposed FY14 operating budget priorities, the assumptions underlying the FY14 request, and the impact of the requested high demand program request on student outcomes and measures. Administration sought Board of Regents’ feedback on key priorities and answered questions in areas requiring further clarification. There was a discussion regarding the “Heads Up” meeting with the Governor’s Office of Management and Budget (OMB), which occurred on September 26, 2012.

The proposed FY14 Operating Budget includes the necessary resources to cover adjusted base increases (i.e., contractual and fixed cost increases) plus high demand program requests that align with the themes coming out of the Strategic Direction Initiative (SDI). These requests also support the MAU-specific accreditation needs and requirements.