Items and reminders you might want to share with your chapter:
- Great News: New Jersey has chartered a new chapter. It is located in Montclair and is officially called As Time Goes By #1513.
- International Membership Survey: Please ask your member to fill out the survey on the front page of the Spring Quester Quarterly and return it to International. It might be helpful if you print out enough copies for your chapter and have the fill it out at your next meeting.
- Ballots: Thank you to all that returned their chapter ballots for our State officers.
- Volunteers Needed: The Board has voted for NJ Questers to have a presence at the NJ History Fair. This fair will be held Saturday, May 13, 2017 from 11 a.m. until 5 p.m. at the Monmouth Battlefield Park in Freehold. We need volunteers to man the booth for an hour or two. Please ask your chapter for volunteers and let Jeanne Alper know if you can help.
- Spring Council Meeting:The Spring Council meeting will have more than 80 attendees. I am looking forward to seeing you there.
- State P&R Fundraiser: The Board has purchased scarves to be sold for its P&R fund. The cost of the scarves is $25 and they will be on sale at the Council Meeting. Violet Canty will also be asking for volunteers to help sell them in the Hospitality Room at convention. If you can help please let her know. If a member in chapter is not attending the council meeting but will be at convention and is willing to help please have her contact Violet -908-647-6627, .
- Metedeconk’s Fundraiser: Sheila Williams has requested that chapter members bring gently used purses, wallets, and scarves to the Spring Council Meeting. They will then sell them at their fundraiser in June. The proceeds of which will be used for their chapter’s P&R.
- Chapter fundraisers: The next time the board will meet to approve chapter fundraisers will be at the June Board meeting. If you are planning a fundraiser after that date and are inviting the public please get your request to 3rd VP Doris Czarnecki () before June 1st.
- International Dues Forms: The forms for your chapter should be in the mail from International soon. Please remember to include your officers for 2017-2018 not your current officers even if these officers will not be installed until June. The 990 form and the roaster along with your dues check need to be returned to Treasurer Joanne Heal by May 1st. Your officers’ form needs to be sent to International. Encourage your members to circle receiving the QQ by email box on the rosters. This will save International monies and I am sure your members will love it in color.
- International Convention: I hope all have made their reservations for the International Convention. Please let me know who from your chapter is going. I would like a count.
- International Council Meeting: If your chapter president is not attending the Convention she needs to have a chapter member who is going be the delegate for the chapter. The delegate form is in the Winter QQ.
- Web Site: Remember our web site is with a password of revolution1776. The International web site is with a password of Heritage.
- Visitations: During the next 2 years I would love to visit your chapter. I have a program on “Lesser known Gems” that I would love to present at your meeting. I also would love the privilege of installing your new officers next year.
Sally Bertellotti
NJ State President