Minute of the Spiritual Care Committee

held on Friday28thFebruary 2014 at 1.00pm

in the Seminar Room, Summerfield House


Councillor Bill Howatson, Chairman, NHS Grampian (Chair)

Caroline Cormack, Chaplaincy Volunteer

Gillian Douglas, Chaplain, WoodendHospital, NHS Grampian

Nigel Firth, Equality and Diversity Manager, NHSGrampian

Laura Gray, Director of Corporate Communications and Board Secretary, NHSGrampian

Sue Kinsey, Lay Member

Stuart Hannabuss, University of Aberdeen

Father George Hutcheon, Chaplain, RC Church

Andrena Lawrence, Community Nurse Specialist

Rev Graeme Longmuir, Presbyteries Gordon & Aberdeen

Morag Mitchell, Aberdeenshire Community Health Partnership

Mairearad Ros, Chaplain, ARI, NHS Grampian

Ruth Richardson, Chaplaincy Volunteer

Mark Rodgers, Co-ordinating Chaplain, NHSGrampian

Jim Simpson, Chaplain, Mental Health, NHSGrampian

Liz Tait, Clinical Governance Co-ordinator (Moray) by VC

Gillian Trew, Regional Ecumenical Team

Alasdair Walker, Mental Health

Yvonne Wright, Acute Sector

In Attendance:

Sandra Stankus, Bereavement Service Project Lead

Diane Murray, Committee Secretary

Item / Subject / Action
1. / Apologies
Apologies were received from Colin Dempster, Sharon Duncan, Ian Groves, Linda Oldroyd, Sandy Reid, Ruth Richardson,
Rev Graham Taylor, Leanne Will
2. / Minute of Meeting held on 1st November2013
The minutes of the meeting held on 1st November 2013 were accepted as a true record.
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. Introductions were made around the table.
3. / Matters Arising
3.1 / ARI Mosque
Laura confirmed that work is still ongoing to improve facilities at the Prayer room (ARI Mosque). The Mosque Working Group has agreed to build a three bay extension at a cost of £123,000. The Group wrote to the Endowment Committee with their proposals for a significant contribution towards costs. This was discussed at the Endowment meeting in December 2013. The Endowment Group were supportive of the proposal but would like a discussion to take place with the University to contribute 50% towards the costs. At present there is £62,000 available from Endowments for this proposal. Discussions with the University are still ongoing and the University will have to set this cost against their budget for 2014/2015, followed up by their budget setting process in May/June 2014.
Discussions are still required on the accommodation that will be used on a temporary basis during building work. Ongoing work is being undertaken to help out with small improvements.
3.2 / Maggie’s Centre
Mark had met with the staff from the Centre to discuss an effective way to offer spiritual support to the patrons of the centre. The Maggie’s Centre staff have contact details for Chaplaincy and Chaplains have occasionally been dropping in. It may be that one of the newer Chaplains, Katrina Blackwood, who has a brief for Community Chaplaincy, may take this on as part of her role.
3.5 / Vacancies
A secretarial vacancy has been submitted through the vacancy control procedure and will be advertised very soon. Sheena Pirie has now retired after 18 years service.
This secretarial vacancy at ARI is for 4 days a week (30hrs)
There is also a fixed term Chaplaincy vacancy within Moray, 6 hours at Dr Grays and 4 hours at Buckie. Interviews for this will take place later in March
Admissions Documents
Mark reported that the new patient admission document had not produced any significant increase in the number of referrals or the information received by Chaplains. There was some discussion of the limited use of the document beyond ARI.
Staff Governance
At the last meeting concerns were raised over the fact that Chaplains are still unable to access the PMS system. Sharon Duncan suggested that we raise these concerns with the Staff Governance Committee, stressing that Chaplains need certain basic information to do their job.
Laura reported that this issue was raised at the last Staff Governance Committee meeting in November 2013. It is on the agenda for the next meeting of this committee scheduled for March 2014. Mark has prepared a paper for that meeting and will speak in support of it .The paper will recommend that Chaplains are regarded as part of a
Integral part of the healthcare team and they therefore require some access to the PMS system to fully undertake their job effectively.
Mark understands that there is a very strong expectation that this summer the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care for United Kingdom will recognise Chaplains, through their membership of the United Kingdom Board of Healthcare Chaplains, as an accredited voluntarily registered profession. The current UK Government believes that there is too much regulation and so has stopped registering new healthcare professions in the way that nurses are registered and instead has gone to tighter control on voluntary registration. Chaplains in NHS Grampian are members of UKBHC and are bound by its Professional Code of Conduct, which should ensure sensitive and appropriate use of the information Chaplains would be able to access.
4. / ARI Bereavement Centre
Sandra Stankus, Bereavement Service Project Lead was invited to attend this meeting to discuss her work around the ARI Bereavement Centre.
Sandra provided a very informative presentation around her work on fact finding and scoping, in relation to setting up the bereavement service at ARI. A copy of the presentation is attached for reference.
Some of the main points highlighted were:
-A variety of staff at ARI, as well as outside agencies were consulted around developing and implementing the service at ARI.
-Bereaved carers relatives & carers may require help immediately after death on a variety of issues.
-There are at present 106 deaths per week in Grampian, with ARI averaging 25 of these deaths per week.
-The main proposed site for the Centre would be the East End Gate Lodge. An application has been submitted to the Endowments Committee to cover the full cost of building upgrade, conservatory, reflection garden and a discreet path to the mortuary. The application has been agreed in principle.
-One of the main differences is that the next of kin will be contacted by letter 6 weeks later, to offer condolences and to offer the opportunity to speak with a member of staff involved in their relative’s care and to give them the opportunity to ask any questions. There will be a tear off slip offering this service.
-If the next of kin would like a follow up at the Bereavement Centre, the lead will record the questions and concerns asked by the next of kin. Some issues can be resolved directly with the Lead, others will require involvement from the Consultant involved in the care. If this is the case then a meeting with the Consultant will be arranged.
The group were then given the opportunity to ask any questions.
Some of the agreed actions were:
-A great deal of work and discussion is still required. Laura agreed to follow this project up with Amanda Croft.
-It was confirmed that all complaints against NHS Grampian are dealt with through the NHS Grampian Feedback service. Any complaints regarding deaths are also dealt with this way.
-Stuart Hannabuss queried whether Sandra had been in contact with the Care Not Killing Group. Sandra agreed she would make contact.
-Discussion would still be required around how the centre will cope with the relatives from outside of the City and deal with the death certificates etc, as this may mean relatives outside the City having to travel back into Aberdeen.
-There may be problems in getting appointments with the Consultants and the relatives, as most relatives are back at work after 6 weeks.
-It was queried whether funding for posts have been approved for this project.
-It was agreed to engage with the sector and get an updated report for the next meeting of this group. It was agreed an agenda item around Chaplaincy involvement in this project should be on the next agenda for the group.
Bill thanked Sandra for her contribution in this project and for presenting her findings.
New Death Certificates
Liz summarised the presentation around the Certificate of Death (Scotland) Act 2011 which was presented at recent Assest Management Group. The presentation gave the implications of the new certificate for staff, public and the Bereavement Centre.
The main points highlighted were:
-This will now implemented in 2015 and not in 2014 as originally planed
-The Asset Management Group agreed to increase the size of the Mortuary at Foresterhill Site by 16 spaces. There are plans in place to complete replace the Mortuary at a later date.
-One of the main changes with the new certificate is that 11 Medical Reviewers will be employed to randomly check samples of Medical Certificates of Cause of Death (MCCD) for accuracy and quality regardless of whether burial or cremation. One of these Medical Reviewers will be based in Aberdeen. The reviews will be in two levels – Level 1 – shorter review undertaken by medical reviewer and completed within one working day. Level 2 – will be more comprehensive in addition to level 1 review and completed with three days. It is proposed at one in four MCCDs will undergo the level 2 review.
-There were Clinical Governance concerns around the case notes being transferred to the central belt for the level 2 reviews. Thought will also have to be given to people from certain faith communities, where early burial is required as part of their faith.
-Liz confirmed that she is attending an event around Ethics & Law Conference, where this issue will be discussed.
-It was agreed that the more length of time to arrange and undertake funerals causes more anxiety to families.
It was agreed to discuss the MCCDs again at the August meeting.
Liz informed the group that she is willing to attend other faith groups, meetings etc to do a presentation around the MCCDs.
5. / Chaplains’ Annual Report
Rev Mark Rodgers provided the Annual Chaplaincy report for discussion. The following points were noted.
● Staffing Changes – these have been constant with Rev Lizzie Campbell tendering her resignation in July 2013. Rev Alison Hutchison resigned after 25 years. In November 2013, Mrs Gillian Douglas took over the lead role at Woodend. MrsKatrina Blackwood joined the team to cover ARI and with a view to working in more community settings in the future. Mairearad Ros has joined the ARI team, with a base in the Emergency Care Centre. Rev Sam Ferguson undertook the role of Episcopal Chaplain on a temporary basis, and in June 2013, Canon Graham Taylor was appointed on a permanent basis to the post at ARI. Rev Carol Anne Parker has taken up the Chaplaincy post in Fraserburgh following the resignation of Rev Ali Harvey.
Rev James Falconer was congratulated on his receipt of a GRAFTA in November 2013. This was the Chairman’s award for Staff member of the year and was largely in connection with James’ work in fundraising and awareness raising with regard to the Therapeutic Roof Garden. This was richly deserved and certainly raised the profile of the Chaplaincy Team as whole
● Volunteers – 12 new volunteers were recruited and trained in the summer of 2013. Volunteers were then deployed throughout the Hospitals in AberdeenCity, with a significant number in the Emergency Care Centre.
  • Values Based Reflective Practice (VBRP) – during 2013 Trudy Noble has been endeavouring to raise the profile of VBRP. In September a session was held with senior members of staff. Jim Simpson has two groups running in mental health. Two other groups from Learning Disabilities and one from Older Adult Community support will be meeting soon.
  • The NHS Grampian’s Spiritual Care policy was revised in 2013. The revised version is slightly shorter and focuses on four of the key elements in the delivery of spiritual care in NHS Grampian. A presentation was made to the NHS Grampian Board in June 2013.
  • James Falconer continues to offer this at three GP
Rev Rodgers was thanked for this very helpful report, and it was noted the success once again of the seasonal carol concerts.
  • Discussion is ongoing with Sandy Reid, manager of the HealthVillage to identify ways in which Chaplaincy might have a presence there. The HealthVillage would be an ideal location to offer Community Chaplaincy Listening.
  • Andrena queried whether the CCL could visit Marywell Centre, as at present there is no spiritual care support. Mark agreed to inform his colleague of this but suggested that accessing the CCL service at the HealthVillage might be possible. Mark agreed to forward the literature for CCL to the Marywell Centre.
Rev Mark Rodgers was thanked for producing the annual report.
6. / 6.1
6.3 / Sector Reports
Aberdeenshire – Morag Mitchell
The following was reported:
- Aberdeenshire are currently producing a new ‘hospital booklet’ and spiritual care will be added to this. The draft booklet is currently being piloted in Kincardine & Mearns and Buchan.
-The Moderator of the General Assembly visited PeterheadHospital in November and was very pleased with what she saw. David Ross (Chaplain in Peterhead) accompanied her on this visit.
Mental Health – Jim Simpson
The following was reported:
-Value Based Reflective Practice still continues with 2 groups ward based, 2 groups LD & 1 group support workers.
-There are issues about the size of the Chapel. 39 people attended Sunday Service and the Chapel only holds 25 people. Discussions have taken place with the General Manager and an alternative location has been identified. This move will take place over the next few weeks.
-Spiritual Care staff will be considered for inclusion in the Mental Health and Learning Disability Sector Workforce Plan, which is currently being updated.
-The “Team Away Day” was a great success.
-Jim recently facilitated a learning set onthe Patient Safety Programme at the Chaplains Conference in January 2014.
Moray – Liz Tait
The following was reported:
- Work is still ongoing around the disposal of ashes from babies between NHS Grampian and Aberdeen City Council. Liz confirmed she has yet to see the completed policy and procedure documents around this issue
-Interviews are taking place on 11th March 2013 for the Moray vacancy. Redesign of the post will take place over the next 18 months so a fulltime Chaplain can be appointed.
-An event has been arranged in Moray for 25th April 2014 around Miscarriage and Early Pregnancy Loss. Local faiths have an opportunity to present. Junior doctors are collecting information from hospitals from across the UK on other methods of remembrance and reflection.
6.4 / Acute – Yvonne Wright
The following was reported:
-The new nursing admission documentation is still not capturing spiritual care needs requirements for patients. Sean Coady (Moray CHSCP) is leading on this, looking at all parts of the new document. Work is still ongoing to improve the document.
-Three new Chaplains have been appointed. Mairearad Ros, Gillian Douglas & Kartina Blackwood. Mairearad and Katrina are based at ARI and Gillian is based at Woodend.
-Due to the upgrade of Phase 2 at ARI, the Spiritual Care Team is moving to the east end of ARI
- The Sunday Services will now be held in the Conference Room in the ECC. It is hoped the work will be completed in 6 months.
-The new entrance at ECC is progressing well. Laura confirmed the sanctuary area is being co-ordinated with the Spiritual Care Team and a proposal has been presented to the Endowment Committee to fund furnishings for the Sanctuary.
City CHP –
There wasno representation from AberdeenCity and no update report submitted. Laura would pursue this with the City CHP for future meetings.
7. / AOCB
Laura reported that there had been a complaint sent into NHS Grampian via the Feedback Team around the perceived difficulty a patient encountered in getting a Bible during their hospital stay.
It was also noted that the Gideons are very keen to make Bibles available to all patients within the hospital, if required. The Bibles would require to be sealed for HAI issues and would become the property of the patient. It was agreed that a supply of Gideon Bibles would be available on wards, but that representatives of the Gideons would not attend to place these.
It was suggested that all ward staff should be made aware that the Chaplaincy has a stock of Bibles can be readily available if required. It was agreed the Chaplaincy Team would discuss this issue and feedback to the May meeting of this group.
8. / Date of Next Meetings
9th May 2014, 10am-12noon in Seminar Room, Summerfield House