Minute of the Spiritual Care Committee

held on 12 March 2010 at 10.00am

in the Seminar Room, Summerfield House


David CameronChairman

Laura GrayDirector of Corporate Communications

Linda OldroydNurse Consultant

Kitty McDonaldChaplaincy Volunteer

Ian GrovesSessional Chaplain Rep

Jim SimpsonHospital Chaplain

Sharon DuncanStaff Side Rep

Sue KinseyLay Member

Sylvia SpencerChaplain (Scottish Episcopal Church)

Fred CouttsHead of Spiritual Care

Stuart HannabusHumanist Society of Scotland

Sarah CampbellGrampian Racial Equality Council (Grec)

In attendance:

Shellie Baxter

Item / Subject / Action
1 / Apologies
Apologies were received from Jane Alton, Margaret Coull, Gillian Trew, Elizabeth McDade and Dr Hassan Ali.
LG opened and welcomed everyone to the meeting as the Chairman was delayed.
2 / Minute of the meeting held on 6 November 2009
These were accepted with the exception of one amendment to item 5 – change RoyalCornhillHospital to Roxburghe House.
It was commented that it was an excellent meeting at Roxburghe House and well organised.
3 / Matters Arising
3.1 Short term post at Roxburgh House
FC advised that nothing had been done about this as yet and not had the opportunity to discuss. Still important to identify what is required.
3.2 Spiritual Care Matters
Work in progress, Alison Hutchison will report on the project at the next meeting. A conference will be held in May in Perth – Alison will make a a presentation at this conference.
FC did an overview of the successful bids for funding.
3.3 Spiritual Reflections
LG advised that a focus group was held in Aberdeen on 4 March. Geoff Lachlan (who is organising the project) had organised focus groups in three areas where there was no representation on the working group.
NHS Education are funding the printing and the first print run will be provided free.
Discussion was held around the Book. FC has concerns that this book will go missing, suggested that a PDF version be made available online. FC to encourage NES to do this and in audio format. / FC
4. / Nursing Documentation
There is currently a problem with chaplains gaining access to information about patients’ spiritual needs. Need to find a way to encourage the ward receptionist to fill in the required details.
Adam Coldwells is working with the short life working group looking at these issues.
5. / Chapel/Office at RoyalCornhillHospital
LG has no update as yet. JS advised that there is space for 25 people in the chapel, attendance normally between 25-30. Bring to next meeting. / LG
6. / Sessional Chaplains
In the process of offering contacts to sessional chaplains to serve in Community hospitals.
17 chaplains will be given contracts on 1 April. FC has heard back from 8 so far.
7. / Chaplaincy Snapshot Audit
FC went over the snapshot audit. Typical examples of what Chaplains in Grampian actually do. Audit has been sent to Ewan Kelly to prepare a Scottish report and will be presented to the appropriate department in Edinburgh.
8. / Foresterhill Mosque/Prayer Room
Apologies from Dr Ali. Bring to next meeting. / HA
9. / Spiritual Care Policy
FC thanked Sarah Cambell, Sharon Duncan and Sue Kinsley who had worked on the revision. Policy has been looked at to see if there was anything which required updating. Some changes have been made after a period of consultation. The Policy was approved.
10. / Annual Report
FC produced the annual report showing some of the activity of chaplains. Giving a picture of the work done in 2009. LG to take to the Board and FC to circulate round the Faith Groups. / LG FC
11. / Hospital Visiting by Faith Group Representatives
FC had received a comment that implied that there may be a restriction on priest/ministers (faith groups) visiting the wards. LG confirmed that there is no policy as such. Think we need to provide a guide for good practice.
LG advised that following a visit from HEI last year we have had to look at various things and produce an action plan, there is a huge amount of work ongoing.
It was suggested that this would be the right time to reinforce the ‘Good Visitor’s Guide’, therefore trying to reduce spread of infection. Focus groups are currently looking at this. / FC
12. / Spiritual Care in Aberdeen City CHP
FC has asked Sandy Reid to come along to the September meeting and will share his views on staff support.
13. / AOCB
NF spoke about Religions and Cultures book in Grampian, a wonderful book and is going like ‘hotcakes’!
14. / Date of Next meeting – Friday 7 May 2010, venue to be confirmed.