Foresterhill Site Car Parking

Proposed Phase I Arrangements


The paper and the attached proposals are presented to the Grampian NHS Boardto seek approval of the recommendations set out below.

Strategic Context

The proposals are influenced by several of the organisation’s strategic responsibilities including sustainable transportation; sustainable environment; patient safety and experience; and sustainable workforce. Major relevant strategic guidance includes:

  • Delivering for Health (SEHD 2005)
  • Building a Health Service Fit for the Future (SEHD 2005)
  • Better Health, Better Care - CEL (2008) 20
  • Health Promoting Health Services etc - CEL (2008) 4
  • The Scottish Patient Safety Programme
  • Car Park Charging at NHS Scotland Healthcare Sites - CEL (2008) 38
  • Car Park Management at NHS Scotland Healthcare Sites - CEL (2010) 02


  1. The Board Executive Team and the NHS Grampian Delivery Unit instructed the revived Foresterhill Transportation Partnership Group (FTPG) to “work up options for the rigorous enforcement of parking controls.”
  1. FTPG has found this a more onerous task than perhaps first envisaged as a consequence of the potential wide ranging impact that simply enforcing controls might have.
  1. Group members have met on several occasions to discuss proposals and much detailed work has been carried out between formal meetings. Members of the public, including people with physical and sensory disabilities,have been brought into discussions through forum involvement and two specific updates to the Patient Focus and Public Involvement (PFPI) Committee. A draft of the proposals in advanced form was presented to the Grampian Area Partnership Forum (GAPF) meeting on 18 May for discussion.
  1. FTPG membership includes amongst others; Staffside; British Medical Association (BMA) representation; Board non-executive director; Board executive director; Aberdeen University representation; general management; facilities management; public representative; and travel coordination and communication specialists.
  1. Reference has been made to the transport partnership for Aberdeen City and Shire(NESTRANS) and external travel consultants with existing experience of the Foresterhill site and its environs.
  1. The proposals have undergone a detailed Equality and Diversity Impact Assessment. Where the original draft did not meet required standards, changes have been made to ensure that the attached proposal is compliant. It has not been possible, however, to re-produce maps and schematics throughout the document in a suitable format for all potential readers. Arrangements will be made to provide more legible versions when requested to do so and to provide a variety of support to people seeking assistance through the use of volunteers and other means.
  1. The proposals include equipment, workforce and financial resource implications. These are set out in Section 6, pages 24 to 26 of the proposal document.

Key Risks

  • A key risk of not resolving present parking difficulties relates to corporate risk 853 - Patient Safety is compromised.
  • Risk 1134 Sustainable Workforce could be impacted on by the proposed arrangements
  • Risk 855 asset base not fit for purpose leading to low morale and health and safety risks if proposals not implemented


Taking no action to improve the current car parking arrangements at Foresterhill is not an option that NHS Grampian can afford to contemplate. The proposals being put forward offer the likelihood of significant benefit to the quality of patient care and experience. However, they also involve, even at the basic level, a significant financial investment which the organisation can only make at the expense of other services and less pressing priorities.


Grampian NHS Board members are asked to consider and approve the following recommendations:

  1. Agree to the main proposal summarised in Section 6 of the proposal document. This will commit the organisation to investing £265,000 of funds of a capital nature, £22,000 of one-off revenue expenditure and £203,000 of annually recurring revenue expenditure.
  1. Agree to the introduction of an inter-site shuttle bus service involving an estimated annual recurring revenue investment of £140,000.
  1. Agree to the introduction of a Foresterhill site Circular Shuttle service involving an estimated annual recurring revenue investment of £100,000.
  1. Agree to the principle of land development to the west of existing parking facilities. This will require planning permission from Aberdeen City Council, non-recurring fees of £5,000 and an estimated capital investment of £1,000,000.
  1. Agree to the principle of developing a subsidised Staff Park and Ride service involving an estimated annual recurring revenue investment of around £100,000.
  1. Direct the organisation to implement the changes in the current financial year by reprioritising capital and revenue plans or:
  1. Direct the organisation to reprioritise its capital and revenue plans for 2012/13 and commence implementation at a date beyond 1 April 2012.

Executive Lead

Richard Carey, Chief Executive

Paper submitted by

Alan Gall, Deputy Chief Executive/Director of Finance and Chair of Foresterhill Transportation Partnership Group

21 July 2011