NHS Grampian Board Paper – Transitional Leadership Groups’ Progress against Legislative Timetable

The following tables set out progress being made by each TLG against the key milestones.


Activity / Timescale / Progress and commentary
Drafting of Integration Scheme / Integration scheme being developed on the basis of the model scheme on behalf of all 3 partnerships. This will be adapted by each to reflect local circumstances with a programme of consultation to take place between October and December 2014.
Scope of services and functions / By April 2015 / Scope of delegated functions and services has been agreed at meeting of 2nd July 2014 as those set out in the draft Regulations and Orders.
Recruitment of Chief Officer / Completed
Agreement on localities within IJB area / By April 2015 / This is to be set out in the Integration Scheme. Discussion on localities taking place at TLG and will be consulted on within the consultation timeframe for the Integration Scheme.
Development of Strategic Planning Group / Requirement of the Integration Scheme – By April 2015 / This is not formally in place in Aberdeen City TLG however the aim will be to build upon work done under Reshaping Care for Older People’s Strategic Plan. Officer appointed to support the planning function and in post. Work to develop and consult on a Strategic Plan will take place over 2015 with the final plan being approved by the IJB when it is formally operational – must all be in place by April 2016.
Shadow arrangements/transition toward fully operational as IJB / Terms of reference for a Shadow IJB are drafted and to be discussed at TLG on 23rd of September with aim that these are adopted at the October 2014 meeting and the Shadow IJB being operational thereafter.
All requirements in place and fully operational as IJB / April 2016


Activity / Timescale / Progress and commentary
Drafting of Integration Scheme / First draft for formal sharing to be ready by 1st October 2014. / A small group has met on a number of occasions to develop the first draft. The Integration scheme, which goes in front of the Parliament is deliberately broad in its approach and will be accompanied by a number of other documents which are not bound by the Parliament but can be appropriately modified by the IJB once formed. This allows for changes to be made without the documents going back before the Parliament.
Scope of services and functions / Beyond the NHS services being discussed through the Strategic Change Management Group (three Chief Officers and Director of Modernisation) the Council is thinking about the best mechanism to host Criminal Justice.
Recruitment of Chief Officer / Completed
Agreement on localities within IJB area / It is proposed that against the Regulation we will utilise the six administrative areas of Aberdeenshire. There is, however, considerable work about building capacity around natural communities and thought about how these are brought together within the area. We are working closely with the Council Area Managers who have great expertise in this approach.
Development of Strategic Planning Group / April 2015 / A shadow Group is in place and has initiated work. Initial discussions with NHSG Modernisation, Health Intelligence and Public Health is underway to ensure appropriate corporate support is available for the production of such a crucially important document.
Shadow arrangements/transition toward fully operational as IJB / April 2015 / The TLG is working productively in both its own development to be a high performing Board and also on the business which it will oversee.
All requirements in place and fully operational as IJB / April 2015 / Our proposed timescale is to become, by Parliamentary agreement of our Integration Scheme, a formal IJB in April 2015. We will then aim to have our Strategic Plan in place by late summer/ autumn of 2015 giving the IJB about six months to get fully up to speed.


Activity / Timescale / Progress and commentary
Drafting of Integration Scheme / April 2015 / Integration scheme being developed on the basis of the model scheme on behalf of all 3 partnerships. This will be adapted by each to reflect local circumstances with a programme of consultation to take place between October and December 2014.
Scope of services and functions / April 2015 / Scope of delegated functions and services has been agreed at meeting of 2nd July 2014 as those set out in the draft Regulations and Orders.
Recruitment of Chief Officer / Completed
Agreement on localities within IJB area / Ongoing discussion and consultation process on the final formation of localities to be finalised at September’s Transitional Leadership Group. This will be consulted on widely within community and with wider stakeholders.
Development of Strategic Planning Group / Requirement of the Integration Regulations – by April 2015 / A Strategic Planning Group is being formed, building on the successful partnership approach used to develop the Strategic Plan for Older People. This group will sit as a key workstream under the Transitional Leadership Group and its membership will be as set out in the draft regulations.
Shadow arrangements/transition toward fully operational as IJB / April 2015 / Memorandum of Understanding has been developed with the ambition for the TLG to act in Shadow form from October 2015.
All requirements in place and fully operational as IJB / April 2016