

Minute of Meeting of the Patient Focus and Public Involvement Committee held on Wednesday 6 February 2013 in the Seminar Room, Summerfield House, 2 Eday Road, Aberdeen at 10.00 am.


Mrs Christine Lester, Non-Executive Board Member (Chair)

Mr Richard Carey, Chief Executive

Ms Susan Carr, Associate Director of AHPs

Ms Pamela Cornwallis, Lead Speech & Language Therapist, representing Aberdeen City CHP

Dr Roelf Dijkhuizen, Medical Director

Mrs Laura Dodds, Public Involvement Manager

Ms Linda Duthie, Special Projects Manager, Public Health

Mr Nigel Firth, Equality and Diversity Manager

Mrs Wilma Forrest, Lay Member

Ms Tracey Gervaise, Public Health Lead, representing Moray (by videolink)

Mrs Laura Gray, Director of Corporate Communications & Board Secretary

Mrs Jenny Greener, Non-Executive Board Member

Cllr Bill Howatson, Chairman

Ms Eleanor Murray, Quality Lead Nurse, representing Acute Services

Ms Linda Oldroyd, Nurse Consultant, Patient Safety & Patient Experience

Cllr Anne Robertson, Non-Executive Board Member

Liz Tait,Clinical Governance Manager (by videolink)


Mr Ian Frampton, National Clinical Assessment Unit (observer)

Ms Caroline Shewan, E Communications Assistant (observer)

Mrs Marilyn Elmslie, Committee Clerk

Item No

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1 / Welcome, introductions and apologies
Christine Lester welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Apologies were intimated on behalf of Jane Adam, Mike Ogg, Jacqueline MacKintosh, Linda Juroszek, Pauline Rae, Christopher Third and Lisa McCartney.
2 / Minute of the meeting held on 14 Nov 2012
The minute was approved as a correct record of the discussions.
3 / Matters arising from previous minute
3.1 / Patient Rights and Responsibilities
Nigel Firth confirmed that although the Charter did not provide the specific offer of being made available in other formats and languages the various factsheets which accompany the Charter do include this, therefore this complies with the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000, the Disability Discrimination Act 2005 and the Equality Act 2010.
4 / PFPI Assurance
4.1 / Planned workshop update/discussion
Laura Gray asked the Committee whether they would be willing to meet in a workshop format to discuss the function and business of the Committee and to consider the development of the PFPI Framework. She noted that the format of the Committee had remained the same for several years and suggested that the discussion include the PFPI Committee assurance work within the context of Quality Strategy, Person Centred Care and Health and Social Care Integration. She suggested that the next meeting on 8th May be extended into the afternoon allowing the opportunity for the workshop in the morning and the usual business meeting in the afternoon, with lunch provided. A short questionnaire will be sent to the Committee members to gather thoughts on the areas to be discussed.
Cllr Howatson enquired whether there were strict guidelines with the Framework as laid down by the Scottish Government. Laura noted that there was a degree of flexibility to embed this in the Person Centred Care work but that we would keep the assurance mechanism for the Grampian NHS Board clear.
Discussions were held on how we engage with Local Authorities at a practical level on Health and Social Care Integration and how to involve them with the PFPI Committee work. Cllr Robertson noted that the Local Authorities already have public involvement structures and suggested that a mapping exercise be completed with the Local Authorities for common ground to ensure there would be no duplication of the work.
Laura Dodds noted that there will be a recruitment process to introduce new public representatives onto the Committee and that there would be a period of overlap for Wilma Forrest and Jane Adam to remain on the Committee and hand over to the new incumbents. She confirmed that she would invite the new representatives to the workshop.
Laura Gray confirmed that a venue and facilitator for the workshop will be sourced and the details, along with the questionnaire, will be sent to the PFPI Committee members in due course.
The Committee agreed that the workshop will be held on Wed 8 May. Venue and timing to be notified.
5 / Learning, Development and Assessment
5.1 / Scottish Health Council – quarterly update
A written update was provided but unfortunately there was no representation from the SHC available for the meeting.
Wilma Forrest noted that the SHC report included raising awareness of the PPG ‘Start up’ tool and enquired if an update on the numbers of practices using the tool could be provided for the next meeting. / SHC
5.2 / PFPI e-learning package update
Laura Dodds confirmed that the draft package is due to be finalised and will be shared with the Committee for their views and feedback. The work is currently available on powerpoint with word notes attached but will move to an e-learning package once agreed and finalised.
5.3 / Participation Standard 2012 – 2013
For last year, NHS Grampian was assessed at “evaluation” level (level 3 out of 4 possible levels) for the standard. We now need to complete the self assessment and submit evidence to demonstrate that we are “improving”. Internal submissions are being collated by David Cooper and will be sent to Laura Dodds and Laura Gray to review in two weeks. There is a requirement that Committee members review and endorse the submission before it is sent to SHC for the 18 March deadline.
The two case studies chosen by the Scottish Health Council to showcase good practice for this year’s submission are the Equality & Diversity consultation events and the Carers Information Strategy e-learning package for staff.
Laura Dodds stated that she was collating the hours required to complete the submission for the standard to ensure that the work involved was not disproportionate.
The Committee noted the update / LG
6 / Sector PFPI updates
6.1 / CHP, Acute, Public Health and Mental Health Service updates
Written updates were provided for each sector.
Aberdeen City CHP
Pamela Cornwallis noted that the useful written update was now also used as a mechanism to feed back to the sector.
She highlighted that the web pages for the HealthVillage have been created and are accessed via the information on Hospitals within the NHS Grampian website.
Wilma Forrest queried why the Aberdeen Citizen’s PanelquestionnaireCity Voice was used as a method to gain information, at a local level, on alcohol sales, for the Aberdeen City Alcohol and Drugs Partnership. She expressed her concern that this may not have been the appropriate target audience. Members of the Committee agreed. Richard Carey stated that as Chair of the Aberdeen City ADP he would bring the matter to their attention at the next meeting and provide feedback to the Committee. Pamela noted Wilma’s concern and would feed back to Heather Wilson, Health Improvement Officer, Aberdeen City ADP.
Aberdeenshire CHP
Although no representative was available to attend the meeting Richard Carey noted that the information contained within the update was very useful and he was assured that engagement with Aberdeenshire communities was ongoing.
Tracey Gervaise highlighted the activities of the PPF and noted the recruitment of 3 new public members to the group. Topics to be discussed at future meetings are dementia and podiatry services.
Liz Tait also noted that the Moray Patient Public Forum has asked for an extraordinary meeting to be convened to seek reassurance on integration and to discuss several adverse events which have been highlighted in the local press. Adam Coldwells, General Manager for Moray CHSCP, Jane Mackie from Moray Council and Sandy Dustan, General Manager, Dr Gray’s Hospital, have agreed to attend.
Richard Carey expressed his gratitude for the involvement work of the two public representatives on the Dr Gray’s Hospital reconfiguration and that the involvement and engagement of the public was important. He suggested that a Communication Strategy similar to that used prior to the opening of the Emergency Care Centre be produced. Open days for public and staff was also suggested. Laura Gray confirmed that the Corporate Communications department would assist and she would contact Sandy Dustan.
From the update provided Eleanor Murray highlighted the successful transfer of patients and services into the Emergency Care Centre.
She also noted that a Thank You event for volunteers who work on the Foresterhill and Royal Cornhill sites has been arranged for the afternoon of 24 April. Laura Gray confirmed that invitations have been sent to the various voluntary organisations.
Public Health
Linda Duthie provided the useful update.
Wilma Forrest noted her thanks to Linda for providing contact details for the leads on the specific topics.
Mental Health
An update was provided but no representative was available from the sector to attend.
The Committee noted the useful updates. A reminder was given to ensure that as a well as a written report that a representative from each sector attend to update the Committee. Richard Carey noted that he would bring this matter to the attention of the General Managers to ensure that an appropriate person is available to present reports to the Committee to comply with the process of assurance to the NHS Grampian Board.
7 / Public Involvement and Consultation
7.1 / Public Involvement Team Quarterly update
The quarterly template was provided showing the progress with the various activities and consultations. Laura Dodds noted that since the update was written the technical difficulties with the e-portal system had been rectified and it is hoped that the pilot will start soon. She will share the link with the Committee members and seek feedback.
Following a successful recruitment campaign for the Public Forum, the PI team were hoping to pilot a Youth Forum to actively engage and involve younger people. Other Health Board areas have been contacted to see what processes they use. Richard noted that it was easier to engage young people through technology and the use of social media. Laura Gray confirmed that the use of apps, such as the national campaign “Ready Steady Baby”, are now being promoted as a way of targeting people who would not normally access services. Roelf Dijkhuizen suggested that the GP clusters may be approached as a vehicle to access hard to reach groups.
7.2 / Maternity Review Implementation Communication Plan
A copy of the implementation plan from Nov 2012 – Mar 2013, highlighting the progress made was provided, including the establishment of a Grampian Maternity Liaison Committee. Progress on implementation of the review recommendations will be through the Performance Governance Committee.
Laura Dodds noted that she had attended and presented at a recent SHC event to discuss Option Appraisal Processes. Positive feedback was received from attendees on the NHS Grampian Maternity Review process which was highlighted as good practice.
8 / Patient Experience
8.1 / National Person-centred Health and Care Programme
Linda Oldroyd provided verbal feedback on the two day learning event for all Board areas which was held on 20 and 21 November. There was good representation of participants from Grampian. She explained the event was to introduce the 4 workstreams for the programme, namely care experience, staff experience, leadership and coproduction with their accompanying driver diagrams and ideas for person-centred interventions for testing. All Boards presented storyboards to showcase person centred work and share good practice. There was time for team planning and the NHS Grampian team agreed that there should be a local follow up workshop as soon as possible.
8.2 / Person-centred Care Event, 28 January
As mentioned above, a follow up event was held locally to share what was learned and how to take the work forward. Feedback from a short survey questionnaire was shared. This asked patients what they felt was important to them when they were in hospital and what they missed from home. 160 people completed the survey. The three main themes that emerged were communication, home comforts and care and treatment. Many patients miss their family and the ability to communicate with them. It was reported that many older patients felt that the Hospedia service was too expensive which meant they were unable to make telephone calls or watch television. Richard Carey noted that he would approach the Chair of the Endowment Committee to enquire if funding through the Endowment Fund could be sourced.
The attendees at the follow up event completed a template in which they recorded what tests of change they were going to carry out with their teams.
Discussion took place on the various ways to improve person centred care including reviewing visiting hours, protected mealtimes and the rules that stand in the way of providing person centred care.
The Committee noted the updates and the Chair thanked the Committee for the valuable discussion. / RC
9 / Equality and Diversity
9.1 / Equality and Diversity update
Nigel Firth advised that he had represented NHS Grampian at the Scottish Parliament Equal Opportunities Committee (EOC) Evidence Session held at the Scottish Parliament on Thursday 17th January 2013. The session looked at the problems associated with the under provision of gypsy/traveller permanent and short term halting sites in Grampian and the implications this had for gypsy/traveller health. Similar hearing had been held for other parts of Scotland.
The shortage of long term and temporary halting sites for gypsy/travellers meant that it was hard to provide continuity of care when gypsy/travellers were constantly being moved on.
As a follow up, the EOC had held a Dialogue Day and EOC Meeting at Clinterty on Monday 4th February 2013. Clinterty was the only permanent gypsy/traveller halting site in Grampian.
The many gypsy/travellers who participated at the event, highlighted the chronic under provision of short and long term halting sites in Grampian and the resulting stress and harassment of constantly being moved on.
On a positive note, Clinterty site residents singled out for special praise the excellent GP services provided by local GP Dr McMann. Dr McMann had the total trust and esteem of the gypsy/traveller community and a number of gypsy/travellers advised that they had returned to Clinterty from elsewhere in Scotland simply to receive care from her. The input of local community nursing staff was also warmly praised.
9.2 / Programme – Ethics and Law Seminar for Senior Medical Staff 16 November 2012
Nigel noted that the event had been very well attended and the evaluation of the Seminar by participants was exemplary. He highlighted the discussion regarding Social Media and Confidentiality by Dr Andrew Power which was well received and made staff aware of the dangers of posting inappropriate comments on social media sites.
9.3 / Equality and Diversity training for staff
In the period January 2012 to October 2012, 1,031 NHS Grampian staff had received equality and diversity training.
The Committee noted the useful updates.
10 / Patient, Public and Carer Information
Laura Gray noted that a workshop event by the Carers’ Information Strategy group had been held. She confirmed that it has been challenging to sustain consistent representation from Local Authority representatives on the group.
A communication has been sent to various organisations seeking their bids for funding for projects associated with unpaid carers.
11 / Advocacy and Volunteering
11.1 / Volunteering in NHS Scotland: One year into the Programme
Laura Gray noted that there will be a regional workshop held in Grampian by Volunteer Scotland.
11.2 / Advocacy
Laura Gray confirmed that additional funding of £25k had been provided to both Advocacy Service Aberdeen and to Northeast Advocacy Northeast, which highlights the ongoing increased investment in advocacy by NHS Grampian.
12 / Items for information
12.1 / Minutes of Acute Sector PFPI Group 27 Sept 2012
12.2 / Action notes of HAIPFPI Group 14 Sept 2012
12.3 / NHS Grampian Public Forum Report 27 Oct 2012
12.4 / Minutes of Carers Information Strategy Group 30 Oct 2012
12 / Any other Competent Business
The Chair asked Roelf Dijkhuizen whether he could provide an update with regards to the matter of smoking at hospital entrances which he was asked to take forward to the Tobacco Policy Steering Group (as per Acute Sector update from minute of previous meeting on 14 Nov 2012). Roelf confirmed that he had discussed the matter and that the General Manager of the Acute Sector at the time, Vince Shields, had reassured the group that suitable areas for smokers would be identified. The new GM, Jonathon Lofthouse, was also keen that the matter be kept on the agenda. Roelf also noted that he had received support from many clinicians to assist with implementation. Further updates will be provided to the Committee.