

Gandhi Film Guide

It was Richard Attenborough's lifelong dream to bring the life story of Indian political and spiritual leader Mahatma Gandhi to the screen. When it finally reached fruition in 1982, the 188-minute, Oscar-winning Gandhi was one of the most exhaustively thorough biopics ever made. The film begins in the early part of the 20th century, when Mohandas K. Gandhi (Ben Kingsley), a British-trained lawyer, forsakes all worldly possessions to take up the cause of Indian independence. Faced with armed resistance from the British government, Gandhi adopts a policy of "passive resistance," endeavoring to win freedom for his people without resorting to bloodshed. In the horrendous "slaughter" sequence, more extras appear on screen than in any previous historical epic. Gandhi won eight Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Actor, and Best Director.

  1. What happens to Gandhi to introduce him to racial separation (“apartheid”) in South Africa?
  1. What were Gandhi and his Indian followers protesting at the rally?
  1. Why is one man arrested and Gandhi beaten?
  1. Why does Gandhi tell Charlie to leave India?
  1. What is Gandhi’s punishment for “disturbing the peace”?
  1. What plan of Gandhi’s do the other Indian political leaders agree to put into effect?
  1. Does the plan work? Explain the British reaction.
  1. Describe what happens at Amritsar after the people gathered to listen to speeches.
  1. What does General Dyer say in defense of his actions at Amritsar?
  1. What is Gandhi’s response to the massacre of innocent civilians? What does Gandhi propose to do about this tragedy?
  1. Why does Gandhi believe the British will walk out of India?
  1. Why does Gandhi urge Indians to wear homespun cloth?
  1. Why do the marchers riot in front of the police station at Chauri? What happens?
  1. What is Gandhi prepared to do to end the violence? What is the result?
  1. Why is Gandhi arrested? What is his sentence?
  1. Gandhi makes a 200-mile “Salt March” with many of his supporters to symbolize India’s defiance of British laws. What do his supporters do in large numbers?
  1. Gandhi is invited to go to England to represent India for discussions about independence. Why is Gandhi disappointed at the results?
  1. Why are Muslims concerned now that India is independent?
  1. What does Gandhi do to try to stop the Hindu-Muslim violence? What advice does he give to people who have been hurt by the violence?