It’s Your World!!! Biome Dodecahedron


Are you ready to explore your world? Are you adventurous? Do you want to protect the environment and the unique organisms that live here?

Biomes are defined as the world’s major communities. Each community is defined by the climate, vegetation, and organisms that have adapted to life in that particular climate. The importance of biomes can not be underestimated. Biomes have changed and moved many times during the history of life on Earth. Recently, human activities have drastically changed these communities. An understanding of these ecosystems and the conservation and preservation of these biomes should be a concern to us all.

Your Task:


WANTED ENVIRONMENTALISTS to explore Earth’s Biomes

The Blue Planet Foundation is accepting informational dodecahedrons and will donate $100,000 to save a Biome!

It’s your world!

You can make a difference!

In order to accomplish this task you must investigate one of the following biomes and create a dodecahedron.

Tundra Rain Forest Marine

Coniferous Forest Grassland/Savannah Fresh water

Deciduous Forest Desert


1. You will randomly choose a biome to explore.

2. Read through ALL directions and divide up the tasks to complete you dodecahedron.

3. Your dodecahedron is numbered and those numbers correspond to the topics /requirements below.

4. You should use your textbook, library books, and internet as your resources.

Parts of the dodecahedron:

  1. Title piece (place the Name of your biome, a picture of your biome, and your name.)
  2. Describe and identify the location of your biome on a map.
  3. Identify abiotic factors that define your biome such as weather patterns, temperature, and rainfall, soil conditions.
  4. Research and include pictures of three typical producers and their adaptations.
  5. Identify typical consumers- Include one herbivore (describe its adaptation).
  6. Identify typical consumers- Include one omnivore (describe its adaptation).
  7. Identify typical consumers- Include one carnivore (describe its adaptations).
  8. Illustrate & LABEL a typical food chain found in this biome (must describe predator/prey relationships).
  9. Illustrate & LABEL a typical food web found in this biome.
  10. Identify threats to the ecosystem and at least two endangered species. Include pictures of threats and endangered species.
  11. Describe conservation efforts being taken to protect the biome or the endangered species.
  12. Include three – five interesting or unusual facts about your ecosystem.