It’s Your Churchbooklet tasks – answer sheet template

Before the pupils come on their visit we suggest you fill in this template with the answers to the questions in the children’s booklet and a) give/send a copy in advance (or on the day) to the teacher and b) print out a copy for yourself so that you are prepared for their questions.

There is a separate box on page 2 of the booklet where children can note down any observations or questions they have and there is a template on page 15 to help them frame their TV presentation.

1) What is this building called?

Cathedral, Chapel, Church, Citadel, Kirk, Other

2)What denomination, if any, does this church belong to?

Anglican (Church of England), Baptist, Church of Scotland, Methodist, Pentecostal, Roman Catholic, Salvation Army, United Reformed Church, Other

3) If there is a cross in this church, why is it there?

4) If this church has a font or baptistry, describe, draw or take a picture of it.

5) Put a ring around the words which describe what happens in this church.

Baptism, Christening, Dedication, Thanksgiving

6) Tick the words this church uses to describe how they remember this meal [Last Supper].

Bread, wafers, wine, juice, chalice (large cup), individual cups, come to the front,served in seats

7) Write down ONE special service or activity involving children that happens in this church at a festival time.

8) What special clothes, if any, are worn in this church? Why or why not?

9) What musical instruments are played regularly in this church?

organ, piano, guitar, drum, flute, saxophone, other

10) Christians come to worship God in church, to feel close to him and one another. How do you feel being here?Put a ring around any words that you feel, or add your own.

Excited,sad, relaxed, calm, anxious, happy

11) How are children involved in the life of this church?

12) What are the leaders called in this church?

Captain, Elder, Minister, Pastor, Priest, Rector, Vicar, Other

13) Write the name of a person in each of the strips below [there are three] who is involved in the activities listed and draw a line to the activity they do.

  • Take part in the services on a Sunday or midweek
  • Look after the building
  • Pay the bills and are responsible for the money
  • Lead the children’s activities
  • Visit people who are ill or in hospital
  • Talk to people about Jesus

14) Find out about some of the people in this church.

  • How old is the oldest member?
  • How old is the youngest?
  • What is the longest time (in years) someone has been a member?
  • How many children regularly come to this church each week?
  • How many people would usually come to this church throughout the week?

15) Churches also run/provide… Put a tick against any this church does.

Clubs for childrenCafé/coffee shop

Clubs for old peopleCare for the homeless

Clubs for those with disabilitiesComfort for those who are sad or lonely

Parent/carer and baby clubsSupport for those who have money problems or

are struggling with life

16) Write down TWO things this church does to help those in their community.

17) Name one thing this church does to help other parts of the world?