Weekly Sermon From The Living Word
Mk.5:1-5, 21-26, 35-37
U.S. News & World Report, the following hospitals were ranked as the number one hospital in America; John Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland. 1 Mark chapter 5 has been called a hospital for incurables. Dr. Ken Trivette calls it
Mercy Hospital…… lt features a men’s ward, a women’s ward, and a children’s
every patient that has ever entered this hospital has been miraculously cured.
There is not a case or condition that cannot be treated and cured in this
hospital. This hospital specializes in cases and conditions that no one else can
Only one doctor on call, but that one doctor is all that is needed. He is a
specialist in all fields. He is a doctor that has never met a case or condition that
He could not handle. He is a doctor that is known around the world and
throughout the ages as the “Great Physician.”
A- A Horrible Case (v.1-2)
1-We see how these demons dominated his life ( “a man with an unclean
spirit”) (Vs. 2).
a-The word “with” denotes being or remaining within and carries the idea of
the sphere of action.
b- Simply put, this man was under the power of the demons within him.
c-Verse 9 tells us that were many demons that indwelt this man.
d-The word “unclean” is descriptive of evil courses and the creation of the
impulse to do evil.
e- The demons that occupied this man were in control of his thinking, his
emotions, and his will. Whatever evil course or evil impulse they suggested,
he without resistance obeyed.
2-We also see how these demons defiled his life(v.3) “his dwelling among the
tombs.” He lived among the dead. His home was a graveyard. Luke says that
he “ware no clothes” (Luke 8:27).
a- The picture that comes to my mind as I read the descriptions given of him
in the Bible is a wild-eyed, unshaven, long shaggy hair, dirt filthy man
running naked in the graveyard
3-we also see how these demons had distressed his life. (v. 5,) “And always,
night and day, he was in the mountains, and in the tombs, crying, and
cutting himself with stones.” There was a deep restlessness about his life.
a-a horrible case
B- A Helpless Case (v.25)
1-in a despairing condition (v.26)
a-blood problem……banking problem
2- in a desperate condition (v.26b)
b-dark and dismal….nothing has helped…..exhausted all
resources ******BECKY****TITLE*********
C-A Hopeless Case (v.22-23, 35, 42)
A-He Will Take Any Patient
2-*******finding a doctor*******specialist**********
3- Every kind of patient you can imagine came to Him and not one of them
He turned away. It does not matter who you are, what you have done, or
what your problem may be, Jesus will never turn you away. The Bible
says in John 6:37, “Him that cometh to Me, I will in no wise cast out.”
Jesus the Great Physician takes all kinds of patients and He takes any
B-He Can Treat Any Problem
***********I heard about a man that walked into a doctor's office. He had a
cucumber up his nose, a carrot in his left ear and a banana in his right ear.
"What's the matter with me?" he asks the doctor. The doctor replies,
"You're not eating properly."***********
***********There is the man who went to see his doctor because he was
suffering from a miserable cold. His doctor prescribed some pills, but
they didn't help. On his next visit the doctor gave him a shot, but that
didn't do any good. On his third visit the doctor told the man, "Go home
and take a hot bath. As soon as you finish bathing throw open all the
windows and stand in the draft." "But doc," protested the patient, "if I do
that, I'll get pneumonia." "I know," said the doctor, "I can cure
**************There are many kinds of problems that doctors have to
treat. Sometimes they can cure the problem and sometimes they can’t.
When you look at the problems Jesus treated, you find that he treated
blindness, leprosy, palsy, withered hands, fevers, lameness, paralysis,
deafness, muteness, and just about any other condition you can think of.
No one ever came to Him with a condition He could not heal.
Jesus is indeed the Great Physician. He will take any patient and treat any
A- Different Problems
one had a demonic problem. His problem reminds us of the power of Satan
and sin in a life. His dwelling among the tombs and condition in which he is
found reminds us how the course of a sinful life always results in a miserable
and tragic condition. It has been well said that sin will take you farther than
you want to go, keep you longer than you want to stay, and cost you more than
you want to pay.
ONE HAD a disease problem. Her problem reminds us that we can try to
solve the problems in our life, but in the end we find that we need someone to
do for us what we can’t do for ourselves. It will take more than pulling
ourselves up by our own bootstraps. We can try everything in our power and
resources to change our condition, but we always find things worse rather
than better.
ONE HAD a death problem. There is the reality of death for us all and at the
end of this life there is an eternity where we must meet God. The great
question of life is whether or not we are ready to meet God.
B-Difficult Problem (V.4,26,35)
Jesus—the Great Physician—could do! Hallelujah! He can still take care of
any problem in our life! (V.8,18-19)…..(V.28-29)……(V.41-42)
HURTING, HELPLESS, HOPELESS (Dr. Jesus)***********
There is a Physician that is greater than all physicians. There is One who
can do what no other can do. There is One who can do what family and
friends and even doctors cannot do. He is the Great Physician—One who
can take care of every problem you have in your life.
Will you become His patient today?
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Sermon 2004-04