Foreign Language National Honor Society
Application – January 2011
This application must be completed and returned to Ms. Li,Ms. Sternlicht,or Mr. Williams(rooms H211, H103, or H101) no later thanWednesday, January 26. Please note that this is a four page application and all pages must be completed in order for your application to be considered.
Late applications will not be considered!
All applications must be typed.**: You can download a copy of this application at
The Foreign Language National Honor Society is an honor society for high school students enrolled in Chinese,French, or Spanish and is sponsored by the American Association of Teachers of French (AATF), the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese, and the Chinese Language Association of Secondary Schools. The purpose of the society is to recognize high achievement of high school students in foreign language and to promote a continuing interest in internationalstudies.
-from SHF website
First: M.I.Last:
Please answer the following eligibility questions for theForeign Language National Honor Society
YES / NOI have successfully completedChinese,French, or Spanish III or above
I am/was enrolled in aChinese, French, or Spanish course in the current school year
I have a minimum 4.0cumulative average of all Foreign Language courses taken from 8th grade to the present
I have an 3.5 cumulative average of all high school courses
I have a behavioral record free from suspension, instances of academic dishonesty (i.e. plagiarism), and/or a pattern of inappropriate behavior.
If you answered NO to any question but would like to explain your situation and still be considered, please do so in writing and attach to this application.
Transfer Students: Please see Ms. Li, Ms. Sternlicht, or Mr. Williams for additional requirements.
Expectations of Foreign Language National Honor Society members are drawn from the constitution and bylaws of the nationalhonorary language societies. In summary, they are:
Enrollment and completion of the foreign language class for which you qualify
Attendance at the induction ceremony in March
Maintenance of a 90% cumulative average in Foreign Language classes
Maintenance of an 85% cumulative semester average in all classes
Participation in Foreign Language Honor Society meetings and activities
Attendance at next year’s induction ceremony of new members
Participation in the National Language Examinationswhen offered
Maintenance of a behavioral record free from suspensions, academic dishonesty, and/or a pattern of inappropriate behavior
Meet all deadlines and pay any required dues
Fulfillment of the yearly service (requirements disseminated at our first March meeting) and language requirements. These will be explained after the induction ceremony and are accessible from the SHF website.
Failure to meet these expectations will result in a written warning, a probation period, or removal from the Foreign Language Honor Society.
Email will be the primary mode of communication about activities, scholarship opportunities, and service possibilities. Please provide below an email account which you read regularly.
You will be notified by mail in mid-February of the department’s decision. Please provide a mailing address:
Please answer the following questions in English:
A 7th grade student is about to take his first course in Foreign Language at TRMS. He asks you, “What’s the point of Foreign Language class?” How do you respond to him?
The Foreign Language Honor Society recognizes academically excellent students in their study of Foreign Language at TRHS. Members will serve as models for other students in the Foreign Language Department through their achievement, mature behavior, and service. What qualifies you to be a member of the Foreign Language National Honor Society?
Please answer the following question in the target language of your study (or of the language in which you are enrolled at the highest level) :
Why do you like studying foreign language or more than one?
This required signature is from a Foreign Language teacher that can attest to your excellence in the study of the Foreign Language and culture.
Signature: ______Date: ______
This required signature is from a non Foreign Language teacher, coach, or employer who can attest to your reliability and performance in his or her field.
Signature: ______Date: ______
Position: ______Phone:______
Signature: ______Date: ______
Signature: ______Date: ______
This typed application is due to Ms. Li, Ms. Sternlicht, or Mr. Williams by Wednesday, January 26. Late applications will not be considered!
After reviewing each application, the Foreign Language Department will vote to induct new members. You will be notified by mail in mid-February as to the status of your application.
Please direct any questions to the following teachers for the Foreign Language National Honor Society:
Ms. Regina Doyle Sternlicht
Mr. Eben Williams
Ms. Lan Li
Triton Regional High School
112 Elm Street
Byfield, Ma ,,
TRHS Foreign Language Department 12/21/10Page 1