Yahuwah Declares:

“It’s the Sound of War”

“I Hear the Sound of the Army of the Lord” by Dave Moody / |

I hear the sound of the army of the Lord
I hear the sound of the army of the Lord
It's the sound of praise
It's the sound of war
The army of the Lord
The army of the Lord
The army of the Lord is marching on
© 1984 C A Musicvia “High Praise”

Let’s put a Name to the ambiguous “Lord.” His Name is Yahuwah! The army of Yahuwah is marching on. The Captain of His army is His Son Yahushua Yahuwah!

Joshua 5:13-15: If this Captain of Yahuwah’s host is not Yahushua Yahuwah, only begotten Son of Yahuwah from before the foundation of the world, then we have blasphemy and lawless disobedience on the part of this Captain, breakingExodus 20:3-5 – the 1stand 2ndCommandments. But, if He is Yahushua, the mighty conqueror, Son of Yahuwah, then Joshua’s worship prefigures our worship of the King of Kings and Master of Masters. (Revelation 5, and 11:15-18)

Philippians 2:6-16: “..every knee shall bow…”

Psalm 24:8: “Lift up your heads O you gates and be you lifted up you everlasting doors, and the King of esteem will come in. Who is this King of esteem? – Yahuwah strong and mighty, Yahuwah mighty in battle.”

This King is the Captain of the hosts of heaven. (Daniel 7:13-14, Psalm 2) Yahushua is the right hand and the right arm of Yahuwah who brings Him the victory. (Psalm 118:16) Yahushua returns with the wrath of Yahuwah on the “Day of Yahuwah.” He comes in the Name of His Father - Yahuwah. A son bears the name of his father. His chief name is his “last name,” his Father’s name.

Our Captain of the Hosts of heaven will return with the Hosts of heaven, and all the set-apart ones who have died in faith, to reclaim their bodies in the first resurrection – the resurrection of the set-apart ones. (Revelation 19) Messiah prophesied of this “First resurrection of the righteous” (Revelation 20:4) in Matthew 24:27-31. His key timing: “Immediately AFTER the tribulation of those days…THEN shall the sign of the Son of man appear in the heavens…and He shall send His messengers with the great sound of the trumpet and He shall gather the chosen ones from the four winds….” (Matthew 13:35-43) This is the resurrection of the bodies of the righteous dead. In the resurrection, our bodies become like Messiah’s resurrected body. (I John 3:1-3) The body unites with the spirit-man (soul and spirit) that has been in heaven to form an eternal immortal being. Yahushua our Captain goes before us into battle. As His loyal servants and soldiers we follow Him wherever He goes. (Revelation 14:1-5)

In June of 2016, Derek was at the Western Wall in the Old City of Jerusalem. He was praying, asking Abba what was on His heart. All of a sudden a Jewish man standing next to him began blowing a shofar. Yahuwah spoke into Derek’s spirit: “It’s the sound of war.”

Scriptures for rallying the armies by a certain sound of the shofar: Numbers 10:8-9, Numbers 31:6; Jeremiah 4:19-22

On April 3, 2017 Derek did an audio podcast in which he began by blowing the shofar, then he related the above story. The podcast is entitled: “Be On Your Guard – We Are in a War.” I highly recommend that you listen to it!


War has been declared by the kingdom of darkness against every human being on earth, to complete their hate-filled goal to destroy every vestige of the image and likeness of Yahuwah off the earth and replace it with what looks like “them.” They are furiously working to destroy the nature of Yahuwah in humanity – the attributes of love, joy, peace, faith, kindness, compassion, gentleness, and longsuffering. The star gates, portals, or doorways, are being opened for hundreds of millions of fallen beings to comeup on the earth, as well as descend from their dimension into earth. For the purpose of their control, and food supply, human DNA has been slowly altered viaGM food, water, air poisoning, chem.trails, vaccines, medicines, mind-conditioning technology, etc., so that people open up to their programming and fall in line with their will.

The calling for the entrance of the pre-flood Nephilim and Rephaim to return is worldwide, but nowhere is it stronger than in the community of the Jesuit Illuminati, Satanists, Luciferics, and Globalist Elite rulers of the earth. The Nazis never disbanded. Their hierarchy just moved their operation after WW II into America, at least 100,000 of them under “Operation Paperclip,” into Antarctica, into Argentina, Brazil, and a few other countries where they could hide under a veil of secrecy, continue their experiments, and work under their Nephilim leaders. Their goals are aimed at returning the pre-flood gods--the Nephilim, the Arian race, the “men of renown” that became the gods of Egypt, Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome. But, also, tribal elders, “medicine men,” “witchdoctors,” and sorcerers amongthe Native American Indians of America’s Southwest, as well as ancient people groups of Mexico, Central and South America, Africa, Asia, the islands of the Sea, etc., are calling for their “sky gods” to return.

Southwest U.S. is a stronghold for the activity of demonic powers, some openly embodied as “grays,” or hybrids. The DUMBS (deep underground military bases) in areas of New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado and Utah are major centers of alien activity, while just a few miles from them are native American tribal rulers who are in “kivas” actually raising the fallen ones from the underground and communicating with them. It is no coincidence that these two groups are united in “spirit” and are inclose proximity with one another distance-wise. The united goal is the return of the Nephilim to take bodies and rule as in the ancient times before the Flood. This is a worldwide passion with millions of people.

High technology, given to man by the returned Nephilim, is being used to open “star gates.” But, always, satanic rituals are used to open them, too – blood sacrifice is always involved. As we get into the time of the depopulation of most of the earth by “blood sacrifice” in various ways, the 4th horse of Revelation 6, it will accompany the entrance of Satan himself into the earth (Revelation 12:7-17)

The earth is hollow several miles down in many places. Deep underground tunnels have been built using high technology that carves out tunnels without leaving debris, leaving only a slick surface on the walls. There are at least 200 underground cities in the U.S. alone, more in other countries. I’m talking citieswith 3-4 story office complexes, apartments, restaurants, businesses, banking, and political headquarters of course. Under America, maglev trains travel on electromagnetic waves and take people from New York to Los Angeles in 30 minutes. Other nations also employ maglev technology. You can Google“maglev trains,” and see pictures for yourself. “Maglev” is short for electromagnetic levitation. It’s real. No, this technology is not used on the surface of the earth.

Deep in underground caverns, scientists, and black-ops military personnel,have found whole groups of “aliens,” i.e. demons, fallen entities of the dark kingdom. Yes, man and these “grays” work side by side in several areas of our earth–like under Antarctica. The truth has reached the surface. No, this is not science fiction, or the plot for a scary Hollywood movie--it’s real. Do your homework and learn.

I suggest Steve Quayle’s book Empire Beneath the Ice – How the Nazis Won World War II, available on stevequayle.com. I also highly recommend the new DVD by Steve Quayle, Tim Alberino, and Tom Horn “There Were Giants,” and the accompanying book Unearthing the Lost World of the Cloud Eaters, to be released in early May, and purchased together through the SkywatchTV store at skywatchtv.com Home, at an amazing discount. The Gen 6 True Legends series, of which this is #3, are superior documentaries. They can be purchased individually on stevequayle.com. L.A. Marzulli’s Watcher’s 10-part series is excellent, as are his books, The Return of the Nephilim books I and II with lots of pictures.

You mustknow what is coming upon the earth--what has been here from pre-Flood,and post-Flood days to right now in 2017, in order to clearly see what you’ll be up against. It’s all in the Word! For example, inIsaiah 13, Septuagint Version, correctly translated from the Hebrew, Yahuwah says He will bring giants up on the earth to execute His judgment. He will allow portals to the dark kingdom to be opened for the entrance of their “nobles.” We’re seeing that now.

Messiah warned us that men’s hearts would fail for fear from seeing those things which are coming UP and ON the earth. (Luke 21:25-27)[Refer to: “The Rising of Hades from the Inner Earth”/January 28, 2016] Huge deceptions, using technology unknown to the common man, will be used to frighten, to awe, and to control the minds of earth’s people.

The U.S., Nazis, Russians, etc., have been working with returned Nephilim since at least 1896. Enoch’s 70 generation prophecy is exact to that year. And wow – all the things that happened that year to launch the prophecy of Daniel 12:3 are amazing!I’ve written and spoken about much of this since 2014 in articles and audio messages from Canada.

Nazis began tapping into pre-flood technology from the time of the Vril Society in the 1920s. In 1922, from séances,the Vril got the plans for building flying saucers for the returned “spirits.” In 1947, Admiral Byrd took a flotilla to Antarctica to check out Nazi activity, in Operation High Jump. It was not long before, being off shore in Antarctica, his 13- ship flotilla was attacked by Nazi “flying saucers,” and some of his men killed. He was forced to flee back to the U.S. From 1947, UFO sightings became front page news, as with the Roswell crash in July of 1947. Byrd and all associated with Operation High Jump were shut up and shut down. But, Byrd revealed some of the technology of those flying crafts that could go from pole to pole in 30 minutes.

Ignorance is not bliss! We must know what we’re up against, so that we submit to the Spirit of Yahuwah to empower to stand against these forces of evil. (Ephesians 6:10-18; II Corinthians 10:3-6)

The disembodied spirits of pre-flood Nephilim, the children of the original 200 that descended during the days of Jared on Mount Hermon, are coming into the earth by the millions to take bodies from which to work through. They appear as “grays” to some people, but they can also shape-shift to look like a normal human person. They also want to enlist you for their goals. I’m sure your reaction is “NO WAY!NOT ME!”Of course you don’t want to be a part of their goals. But note: “They” won’t take your “NO” without a fight. [Refer to: Parts I, II, and III of “Scriptural Methods for Correct and Safe Spiritual Warfare”/January 2017.

Ephesians 6:10-18, Luke 10:19, and Revelation 12:11, stands between you and them! They are preparing to make themselves known openly. Know how to do fearless warfare with boldness, because you are anchored in faith in the power of Yahuwah through Yahushua.We do not fight flesh and blood. We fight with principalities, powers, demons…

It is time to unite more than ever with those who are blood-bought by the Lamb of Elohim, who will be with us in the Kingdom—those who love the Savior with all their heart – so that we might be one, as They are one. (John 17)

I Peter4:7-14--fervently love one another …

We’re on the battlefield whether we like it or not. The weak, fearful, whiny, unprepared, and ignorant will be taken out quickly. My ministry has been dedicated to helping prepare His true warrior-spirited remnant to overcome and endure to the end. For, it is at the end of our faith that we receive the reward, that we receive the goal of our salvation. (Matthew 10: I Peter 1:9)The enemy couldn’t get Messiah, so he’s coming after us.

Possess your eternal life! Stand fast! Endure to the end! If you fall, get right back up and keep going. Stop the whining, complaining, self-pity, fear, and “feelings” talk--get up, and or be killed in this battle.

Derek quotedCoach Dave Daubenmire in his podcast. Coach Dave coached a high school football team. He would ask his downed players: “Are you hurt, or are you injured? - If you’re injured, I’ll get you help. If you’re hurt, get up and get your butt back into the game.” It’s time to grow up folks! We’re in the time Messiah talked about, moving fast forward into the worst of it. Isaiah says 66:1-2, Matthew 18:1-4: Child-like faith and boldness is mandatory to win. The power of the Spirit within you is mandatory to win!

Take on His armor, His strength, His power … He wants to equip you – let Him!

Sin is the life-force of Lucifer/Satan. He and his fallen ones are strengthened by our sin and negative emotions, which reflect a sin-nature. Sin and faithless emotions give them energy that allows them to advance against us. Don’t feed them! Don’t give them any space to take you over. Take all thoughts captive. Submit all to Yahushua who is your Master, and the Captain of Yahuwah’s army.

The building of the 200,000,000-man army of Revelation 9:16 and 16:13-14, Joel 2, Ezekiel 38 and Zechariah 14:1-5 is comprised of fragmented demon possessed people, along with hybrid beings of all types. It is estimated that 100,000 fragmented possessed people have already been recruited into this army. [I highly recommend Russ Dizdar’s The Black Awakening for the whole picture. There’s only position to take if you’re going to survive: GO ON THE OFFENSIVE! “Having done all to stand, stand therefore…”

The armor (garments of the High Priest) is given to us to preserve our eternal life, so that we can be about His business of snatching others from the fires of hell. Don’t shoot the wounded of His people! Help them be healed and restored to continue their own fight. We have a mighty assignment from our Master in these last days. Our eternal position and our eternal rewards depend on how we use our time in the coming days. “Redeem the time, for the days are evil.”

You’re either actively in this battle, or you have already been taken captive by the enemy. If you are immobile in the face of what is really happening, you are alreadytrapped in a cage by the enemy.We are not called to be a slave to fear, or to ease, comfort, and fleshly lusts either. We have the privilege of submitting, with joy, to being “doulos,” bond servants of our Master, in training for reigning with Him. We are either children of Yahuwah or we are not. If we don’t come out unto Him, He cannot be our Abba.If you do not strengthen yourself and go forth in obedience to Him, He will eventually give you over to what you love.

Our time is short … We in “sprinting season,” we win, or we lose. Run to win (I Corinthians 9 24-27) Acts 17:6:The early believers turned the world upside down. Are you turning the world around you upside down today by the power of the Spirit moving through you? If not, what’s your problem?

The New York Times reports thatbillionaires going to New Zealand to hide out from the coming “apocalypse.” They know about it, and are terrified,about the coming of Yahushua. That’sRevelation 6:12-17: They will cry out for the rocks to fall on them because of the “WRATH OF THE LAMB!”

The wrath of Satan is going forth against the children of Elohim. Blow the shofar! Gather others into your home for prayer-warfare, to break bondages off of His people, so that we all can be free to go forth for the Kingdom.

Do daily prayer walking in your neighborhood, city, state, country, or in other countries. TheActs 1:8 pattern is for YOU to walk out! It starts with prayer walking, proclaiming, and commanding the forces of darkness to leave. As you are faithful in prayer walking and proclamation, He will bring people to you so that you can share the Good News of salvation, and the return of the Savior as King.

Never forget Psalm 92:6-8: “A senseless man does not know, and a fool does not understand this, that when the wicked spring up like grass and all the workers of iniquity rise, it is for them to be destroyed forever. But, you Yahuwah are on High forever.”

Shalom in the love of Yahuwah for His children,


April 17, 2017

Yahuwah Declares: "It's The Sound Of War", April 17, 2017

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