“It’s a Matter of Pride”
806 Pearman Dairy Rd, Anderson, SC 29625
(864) 260-5230
Dear Parents:
It is with pleasure that I welcome you to an exciting year at Westside High School, an Early College Academy! We take great pride in our commitment to excellence, passion for children, and the value we place on establishing meaningful relationships with others.
The intent of this handbook is to provide you with easy answers about Westside High School, an Early College Academy, and establish some common procedures for all of us to follow. Although we have tried to include as much information as possible, please call the school office if you have additional questions.
We hope you will read this handbook thoroughly and keep it available for reference throughout the school year. Each new school year offers new challenges and opportunities for all students. The staff at Westside is committed to providing a safe, challenging, and nurturing learning environment for your child. Home and school working together as a team can make this school year a very successful one for your student. I look forward to working with each you of this school year!
Mr. Kory Roberts, Ed. S
Anderson School District 5 Board of Education
Mr. Thomas A. Wilson – Superintendent
Chairman, Mr. Rick Bradshaw
Mrs. Ann Huitt
Mrs. Margaret Mack
Mr. Jay Blankenship
Mr. Tommy Price
Mr. Harold Kay
.Mr. John Griffith
Mr. Paul Zugg
Dr. Sandy Addis
400 Pearman Dairy Road, Anderson, South Carolina 29625
(Phone) 864-260-5000
(Fax) 864-260-5074
Mrs. Amy Heard, Director of Financial Services
Mr. Mike Mahaffey, Assistant Superintendent for Personnel
Mr. Tripp Dukes, Assistant Superintendent for Instruction
Principal.....……………………………………………………………………………………...Mr. Kory Roberts
Associate Principal (Repeat 9th / 10th Grade)……………………………..……Mr. Roderic Taylor
Associate Principal (11th / 12th Grade)………….………………………………..Mrs. Kathy Dobbins
Assistant Principal/Athletic Director ……………….………………….……...... Mr. Rayvan Teague
Assistant Principal (9th Grade Academy Director)…………….……………..Mr. Adam Comstock
Assistant Principal (Instruction)……………………...... Mr. Curtis Smith
Academic Coach……………………………………………………………………...Ms. Sharon King-Hanley
Guidance Counselor (Director)……...... Ms.Kena Steeple
Guidance Counselor…………………………………………………...... Ms. MaryEllen Minniear
Guidance Counselor……………………………………………………………...... Ms. Toni Evans
Guidance Counselor……………………………………………………………………………….Ms. Jill McClain
Guidance Counselor (Asst. Director)…………………………………………………..Mr. Joey Branyon
First Name / Last Name / TitleNick / Agnello / PE
Kathryn / Andrade / Special Education
Janet / Applewhite / Secretary
Rhonda / Arnold / New Foundations
Jeannine / Bailey / Nurse
Michelle / Beatty / Science
Philip / Beben / Math
Linda / Bell / Math
Kathy / Berry-Burns / English
Nicole / Bloedow / Math
Kati / Boring / Social Studies
Ken / Bradshaw / Social Studies
Joey / Branyon / Guidance/Asst Director
Polly / Brown / English
Cara / Brown / Fine Arts/Music
Rodney / Burdette / Social Studies
Walletta / Burriss / Media Clerk
Rachel / Burton / Math
Cathy / Busby / English
Lynne / Butler / Lunch staff
Misty / Evans / Fine Arts/Art
Stacy / Carlton / Jag Coordinator
Brenda / Carter / English (Career Campus)
Christine / Cook / Social Studies
Melissa / Cooke / Math
First Name / Last Name / Title
Aaron / Cottingham / PE
John / Cotton / Custodian
Brett / Davis / Technology
James / Dawson / PE
Harriet / Dennis / Special Educ Assistant
Sherry / Dooley / Lunch staff
Renee / Drake / Media Specialist
Scott / Earley / Assistant AD/Head Football Coach
Kim / Ellison / Custodian
Toni / Evans / Guidance
Carrie / Evans / Special Education
Joy / Fisher / English/Read 180
Mary / Foggie / Receptionist
Carnita / Foster / Math
John / Frady / Science
Kevin / Garrett / Custodian
Leslie / Gibson / Lunch staff
Farrah / Gilbert / English
Belinda / Gillespie / Lunch staff
Darnell / Gilliard / Student Aid
Matthew / Haley / PE
Michael / Hammett / Social Studies (Career Campus)
Jon / Hannah / ISS Supervisor
Bill / Hill / ROTC
Lauren / Hocker / Athletic Secretary
First Name / Last Name / Title
Taylor / Holbrook / Social Studies
Adam / Holland / Social Studies/AVID
Mark / Holliday / Social Studies
Liesl / House / Special Education Assistant
Amber / Huckabaa / Math
Salisha / Humphrey / PE
Brett / Hungerford / Science
Cindy / Hunter / Lunch staff
Jane / Isbell / Foreign Language/French
Andrea / Isengard / Science
Tracy / James / Math
Doug / Jerolamon / Special Education
Destinee / Johnson / Science
Linda / Johnson / Special Education
Xiomara / Jones / Foreign Language/Spanish
Sharon / King-Hanley / Administrative Assistant
Kristie / Lee / English
Daniel / Linder / College & Career Readiness / Social Studies
Fred / Marshall / New Foundations Assistant
Candice / Martin / Foreign Language/German
Mattie / Martin / Custodian
George / Mathis / Technology
Kristy / Mays / Data Clerk
Bailey / McCarley / Math
Jill / McClain / Guidance Counselor
First Name / Last Name / Title
Mikey / McCoy / Strength Assistant
Meredith / McGee / Social Studies
Willie / McGregory / Custodian
Miranda / McIntosh / English/AVID
Beth / Metz / Custodian
Mary Ellen / Minniear / Guidance
Jenilyn / Mulkey / Science
Heather / Neary / English
Angie / New / AVID
Barry / New / PE
Barbie / Norris / Lunch staff
Walter / Parks / Security
George / Patterson / Social Studies
Charles / Paul / Security
Herb / Phillips / Social Studies
Jacki / Pickens / Custodian
Renee / Poore / Special Education
Christopher / Popa / ESOL
Brittany / Queen / Math
Matt / Quinn / Social Studies
Daniel / Rancourt / ROTC
Linda / Rich-Mason / Psychologist (Dr.)
Kelley / Rider / English
Misael / Rodriguez / Foreign Language/Spanish
Chrissy / Saunders / Fine Arts/Art (WHS and LMS)
First Name / Last Name / Title
LaurieA / Scarborough / Bookkeeper
Bobby / Scott / Custodian
Ricky / Scott / School Resource Officer
Mary / Seel / Guidance Clerk
Jane / Sharpe / Foreign Language / Spanish
DeeDee / Shead / English
Amy / Simmons / English
Sheron / Simmons / Lunch staff
Missy / Simpson / Lunch staff
Layla / Smith / Lunch staff
Sean / Snowden / Science
Alyssa / Sotomayor / Athletic Trainer
Kena / Steeple / Guidance/Director
Melissa / Stowe / Special Ed Nurse
Michael / Straup / Social Studies
Candace / Strickland / Computer Facilitator
Patrick / Strothmann / Science
Will / Sullivan / English
Ron / Sullivan / Fine Arts/Art
Brittany / Taylor / Math
Garrett / Thomason / Special Education
James / Thurn / Journalism
Janet / Tindall / Special Education
Rhonda / Usry / Social Studies
Shane / Vickery / Fine Arts/Band
First Name / Last Name / Title
Karen / Washington / Special Education
Jeremy / West / College & Career Readiness
Mary / West / Special Education
Susan / Welborn / Special Education
Sandra / Williams / Custodian
Fatimah / Williams / Special Education Assistant
Amy / Wilson / Special Education
Tara / Wilson / Special Education
Jerri / Winchester / Math
Lawrence / Woodson / Custodian/Head
Bess / Wurst / Journalism
Ellen / Zielinski / Science
Westside High School
Bell Schedule
Ear Buds / Head phones
Gambling/Playing Cards / Dice
Prohibited Items:
General Dress Code Statements
Search and Seizure
Gang and Gang-Related Activities
Participation in Extracurricular/Co-curricular Activities
The South Carolina School Safety Act of 1997
Accreditation and Discrimination
Anderson School District 5
Nondiscrimination Notice
Anderson School District 5 does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, or religion.
Title IX provides that no person shall, on the basis of sex be excluded from participating in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any academic, extracurricular, research, occupational training, or other education program or activity operated by the school district. The Title IX Coordinator for Anderson School District 5 is Mike Mahaffey (864-260-5000 ext 10128).
Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 provide that no otherwise qualified disabled individual shall, solely by reason of such disability, be excluded from the participation in, be denied that benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination in programs or activities sponsored by the school district. The ADA and 504 coordinator for Anderson School District 5 is Dr. Lynn Dowis (864-260-5000 ext 10107).
Federal law regulates access to and release of student records. The school must provide parents of students access (within a reasonable length of time) to official records directly related to students and an opportunity to challenge the accuracy or appropriateness of such records. Except in certain circumstances, the release of student records requires signature of a parent or legal guardian. For further information, contact the Guidance Office.
Federal law requires school systems to release student names, addresses, and telephone numbers to military recruiters and recruiters from institutions of higher education unless parents specifically object. If youdo not want this information released, you must notify the school in writing.
If you wish to request information concerning your child’s teacher’s qualifications, please contact the principal at 864-260-5230.
Video and Photography Policy
There are numerous activities at Westside High School that provide opportunities for students to be photographed and/or videotaped. Student publications including the yearbook use photographs and pictures to document student life and various events. Our mass media classes produce news programs that are broadcast over the local channel. Small groups of students in the mass media classes interview students on video for specific class projects. Teachers and administrators maintain web pages on the Internet that may use pictures of students involved in extracurricular activities, classes, athletic events, band shows, performing arts, awards and honors, etc.
If you do not want your student to be (videotaped), or your student’s picture used in any of the above instances, please notify the school.
“Learning today, leading tomorrow!”
By assuring quality improvement in every facet of school life and incorporating the resources and diversities of our communities, Westside High School’s mission is to educate all students and produce graduates with the knowledge and skills to be lifelong learners, individuals with ethical character, and citizens who contribute to an ever- changing global society.
A nurturing, caring family, instilled with a joy of learning and life, appreciating cultural diversity and united in support of democracy.
A family in which everyone shares responsibility and is respected as an individual with his or her own visions, goals, beliefs, and ideas.
A family which believes all people can learn and experience success.
- We believe in the institution of public education, where the student is our central focus, and where we should educate the total student.
- We believe each student is entitled to quality public education.
- We believe every student has the responsibility to earnestly participate in the educational process.
- We believe learning is the business of public schools and that knowledge and skills are our product.
- We believe that family involvement and broad based community support is critical in the development of the student.
- We believe students have different educational needs and that each individual has worth and potential for growth and development.
- We believe effective education helps students apply knowledge.
- We believe ethical values and positive self-image contribute to the success of the individual and society.
- We believe the understanding of diversity, including ethnic differences, can promote harmony and mutual respect in our society.
- We believe with every right comes responsibility.
- We believe shared decision-making improves the educational process.
- We believe every student is entitled to a safe, secure, and positive learning environment.
- We believe the quality of life in our community is improved by increasing the educational levels of our population.
- We believe each individual will be treated with dignity and respect.
“It’s A Matter of Pride”
Rising ‘neath the golden sunshine
And the blue, blue sky,
Proudly stands our Alma Mater,
Dear old Westside High.
You’re our idol, inspiration.
Memories never die;
For we’ll love and cherish ever,
Hold your standards high.
So with hearts of happiness,
Voices deep with pride;
We proudly hail and loudly praise,
Our own dear Westside High.
Oh, we love you, yes we love you;
Courage ever high,
We pledge to thee our loyalty,
Dear old Westside High / SCHOOL MASCOT
Maroon / Grey / White
Westside High School
Bell Schedule[CA1]
Lunch 1 / Lunch 28:20 / 9:50 / 1st Block / 8:20 / 9:50 / 1st Block
9:50 / 10:10 / Advisory/Travel / 9:50 / 10:10 / Advisory/Travel
10:15 / 11:45 / 2nd Block / 10:15 / 11:45 / 2nd Block
11:45-11:55 / Students with PM AVCC classes get grab and go lunch / 11:50 / 12:45 / 3rd Block Part 1
11:50 / * All non AVCC Students are in their 3rd Block Class / 12:45 / 1:15 / Second Lunch
12:00 / 12:30 / First Lunch / 1:15 / 2:00 / 3rd Block Part 2
12:30 / 2:00 / 3rd Block / 2:05 / 3:40 / 4th Block
2:05 / 3:40 / 4th Block
Lunch 3 / AVCC SWAA Schedule
8:20 / 9:50 / 1st Block / 1st 8:25 - 9:55
2nd 10:00 -11:30 / 8:25 – 9:45 / 1st Block
9:50 / 10:10 / Advisory/Travel / 9:50 – 10:10 / Travel
10:15 / 11:45 / 2nd Block / 10:10 – 11:30 / 2nd Block
11:50 / 1:30 / 3rd Block / Travel / Travel / Travel
1:30 / 2:00 / Third Lunch / 3rd12:25 – 1:55
4th 2:00 – 3:30 / 12:20 – 1:40 / 3rd Block
2:05 / 3:40 / 4th Block / Travel / Travel
2:05 – 3:25 / 4th Block
Teachers at Westside High School pledge to do whatever it takes for a student to learn. When he or she does not, they will take the following progressive steps to ensure academic success:
1. Conference with the student.
2. Contact the parent or guardian.
3. Schedule morning or afternoon tutoring with the student in their classroom.
4. Refer the student to the graduation coach / counselor for assistance.
5. Conference with student, parent, counselor, and other teachers of the student.
6. Refer the student to the counselor for enrollment in the Credit Recovery
7. Refer the student to administration for inclusion in special programs
(mentoring, review courses and blitzes, peer tutoring, support classes, etc.)
8. Refer the student to administration to develop academic, attendance, behavior
9. Proceed to find additional interventions.
It is unlawful for any non-student (one not enrolled at this school) to be present without approval of the principal. Students suspended or expelled are not to be on school premises without prior approval of the principal. Such violations are considered trespassing.
Solicitations and advertising are not allowed on the campus without express permission from the principal, except those of school-sponsored functions.
Individuals entering school buildings and facilities may be asked to submit to metal detector search procedures to ensure that weapons and other dangerous objects are not brought into buildings and facilities. This is in accordance with Anderson School District Five Policy, JCAC.
In addition, for the safety of others at all athletic events, students may not run onto any athletic field after a South Carolina High School League contest (at home or away). Students also may not have any fireworks or other type of smoke devices on school grounds and/or at athletic events at home or away.
When the administration has reasonable cause to believe that weapons are in the possession of identified or unidentified students, when there has been a pattern of weapons found at school, or when violence involving weapons has occurred at the school, the administration is authorized to use handheld, stationary and/or mobile metal detectors in accordance with procedures developed by the administration in conjunction with legal counsel. Any search of a student or individual's person as a result of the activation of the detector will be conducted in private in accordance with the procedures.
The District's express intention for this policy is to enhance security by preventing students and/or individuals from bringing weapons or other dangerous objects into the schools. Any student who violates the provision of the Student Code of Conduct, which provides that a student may not possess, use, or transfer dangerous weapons, will be disciplined in accordance with district policy.
Students must attend the school located in the zone where their parents/guardians reside. Students who change residence during the school year must immediately notify the Guidance Office.Enrollment for new or returning students is temporary until all records are received.
When a special education student transfers from this school to a school outside of Anderson School District Five, the Director of Special Education/designee will send a copy of the student’s special education information to the receiving school. This procedure will facilitate the exchange of records between school districts and prevent delays in the provision of free and appropriate public education.
Any student moving out of the district during the year must withdraw and attend school in his/her new place of residence. Each year some students from other school districts apply to Anderson School District Five for out-of-district permission to attend Westside High School. The amount of out-of-district tuition is set each year by the Anderson District Five Board of Trustees.
Students are enrolled in Anderson School District Five on a probationary basis. When records are received, the school administration may take action to withdraw a student who has been expelled, disciplined for conduct which could cause him/her to be expelled or adjudicated as delinquent for a violent crime in any jurisdiction, the unlawful use or possession of weapons, or the unlawful sale or use of drugs. Serious offenses committed outside of school can result in student expulsion from school. Expungement of expulsions from school records is possible if students maintain exemplary discipline after returning to WESTSIDE HIGH from expulsion. Students/parents should contact an administrator for expungement details.