DESRGC Bulletin/Newsletter

October 2016


It is said, “Kindness is the oil that takes the friction out of life.” (GLB)

Greetings to you all. As we go to print, summer has passed and Autumn has arrived in the Kern Valley. The summer was a very busy time in and around the Lodge. Many private parties and activities were held but there were at least two major fires in the area. More than 300 homes were completely lost and the families were displaced. Since the fires, several organizations have stepped up to assist the affected people in an effort to get their lives back on track and having somewhere to live. Our hearts and prayers continue to go out to the families affected and for those who lost their lives.

This is the most favorite part of the year to me as the valley begins to turn green again and the late wildflowers begin to blossom before winter sets in. Several of us have taken advantage of the high lake level and warm waters and have been able to get some fishing in. I know Tom Russell, Terry Grimm and I have had a lot of good luck. Tom and Terry scored big with some monster Rainbow Trout & Catfish and I didn’t too bad with the Catfish action. Most of the fish were in the two and three pound range and were very active.

We have not had confirmation but “Team Duranty” is still having the annual “Orphan’s Thanksgiving” celebration at the Lodge and everyone is invited. Mark Duranty and Erica have hosted the event and we have had a ball! So keep your eyes and ears peeled for the event and we plan to see members there. Bring an appetite for food, friends and good music!

As you all know, the annual Club yard sale was held on September 30th to October 2nd. Personally I don’t think that we had the usual crowds which show up and line up early in the morning. We all agreed that the major fires and displacements had a lot to do with it. Either way, we had people show up in droves on the first day and they began to clean us out of the favorite goodies. As always, we had a free complimentary breakfast and lunch for the customers which consisted of coffee and donuts! Folks seem to enjoy the hospitality. Although we had less items and less people than last year, I think we made out alright and made almost as much money as last year! I wanted to say thank you to all of you that donated items for the sale and for the usual “suspects” who showed up to help. Jack Hays ran the “big rig” and Tom Russell, Terry Grimm, Angelo Blascovich, Jack Hays Jr., Bob & Kobi Ayres and I were there “barking” for customers to get the best deals! Also, a big Thank You to Randy Carson who once again came through and donated a extensive collection of knives of every type to be sold at the sale. Thanks Randy, you are definitely a trooper! I want to remind all members to begin collecting and donating their unwanted items for next years’ yard sale to make it another great success!

As a devoted American, I want to encourage everyone to make sure you get out and vote this November!

A reminder to all members that if you expect to stay at the Lodge, you must make reservations through Jack Hays. Mail your deposits to DESR&GC at PO Box 147, Wofford Heights, CA. 93285. Your deposit will be returned by the Club Treasurer & not by Jack Hays.

Until next time, may you all be abundantly Blessed.

TBear Ochoa


Meetings for the next three months:

Oct 04 General Meeting/ Don Ramon’s in Huntington Beach

Nov 01 General Meeting/ Don Ramon’s “ “

Dec 06 General Meeting/ Don Ramon’s “ “

DESRGC Meeting Minutes 9-6-16

(None submitted)

Jack watching over the cash & knife collection. Terry & “Blasco” discussing prices.


Don Ramon’s Restaurant at 16961 Golden West St., Huntington Beach. N/W corner of Warner & Golden West. Dinner at 5:30pm, meeting starts at 6:30pm



Name / Title / E-mail Address / Phone Number
Tom Russell / President / / (818) 317-7633
Ralph Arzate / Secretary / / (714) 460-8360
Mark Duranty / Executive V.P. / / (714) 404-5688
Tom Russell / Admin. V.P. / / (818) 317-7633
Joey Junio / Vice President / / (714) 307-7304
Terry Grimm / Treasurer / / (310)994-6682
Greg Smith / Sgt. At Arms / / (714) 840-7865
Dave Servais / Membership Chair / / (714) 875-4213
TBear Ochoa / Past President/
Boathouse Chairman / / (714)554-1459
Jack Hays / KRVC Lodge / Lodge Reservations / (760) 417-0283
KRVC Mailing Address / P.O. Box 147
Wofford Heights, Ca. 93285

***As stated before, all reservations are to be made directly to Jack Hays and no one else. Mailings should go directly to: P.O. Box 147, Wofford Heights, CA., 93285. Any deposits will be returned at a later date by the Club Treasurer Terry Grimm.


Building Fund

Dear Members,

As you all well know, our Lodge is under constant need of repair and upgrading. Several years ago, I started the Building Fund Project which was very successful thanks to you all. It was established since a lot of members felt left out of all the scheduled work parties to make all the necessary repairs and upkeep. For one reason or another, members couldn’t attend yet they still wanted to somehow be involved in the upkeep of the Lodge. We started the special fund again to provide for emergency repairs and upgrades. This fund will goes directly for materials used in the upkeep and for special needs in case of emergencies.

This is how it works: Below you will find the attached donation certificate. Fill it out and forward it with your donation check or money order made out to “Douglas El Segundo Rod & Gun Club”. On the side memo line, write in “Building Fund”. It’s that simple.

I would like to thank all of you in advance for your contribution and acknowledging the need for beautifying the Lodge which is second only to our valued members.

Sincerely Yours, TBear Ochoa





Would like to donate to the D.E.S.R. & G.C. Club Building Fund in the amount of $______.

Enclosed is a check/money order for that amount. Make checks/money orders out to: “D.E.S.R.G.C”.

Please send your donation to the Club Treasurer, Terry Grimm, 5388 Dobson Way, Culver City Ca. 90230

I’ll do almost anything for a sale! Montana, Jack Jr. and Tom coordinating the indoor sales.