IT-IS MyGo qPCR System (Full spectrum qPCR analysis)

IT-IS Life Science ltd®

With an installed base of thousands of instruments, and over 10 years of creating exceptional technology, IT-IS the world's leading independent producer of real-time PCR systems.

IT-IS MyGo Pro System vs MyGo Mini System

The MyGo Proreal-time PCR instrument provides unmatched performance in a convenient format. Novel Full Spectrum Optics deliver 120 optical channels of fluorescence data from every tube in parallel, with no moving parts, for reliable multiplex PCR. High performance Peltier elements, and solid silver blocks, provide both speed and world leading thermal uniformity. The result is rapid, precise, quantitative PCR and melting point analysis. Advanced algorithms combined with an intuitive user interface support a broad range of applications,operating systems and connection options.

MyGo Mini® systemis easy to transport and install. Up to 16 samples can be run in 0.1/0.2 ml tubes, affordable qPCR but without compromising data quality. System is supplied standard with fast heating and cooling, whilst assay performance is supported further by a heated lid design. The system is ideal for a large range of applications including - Research, Teaching, Diagnostics, Vetininary & Food testing to name just a few potential applications from this compact system weighing just 1.8kg! Systems are availale in 4 unique colours - Blue, Green, Pink & Gold!

Click MyGo Proor MyGo Mini to see the brochure.

MyGo Pro / MyGo Mini
Number of wells / 32 / 16
Power consumption / 170 W / 90 W
Operation noise / < 40dB / Silent
Ramp rate / heating 5oC/s, cooling 4oC/s / heating 3oC/s, cooling 1.5oC/s
Optical channel / 120 (Full spectrum optics) / 3 (Bayer mask)
Multiplex level / 7 / 2
Reaction volume / 10 – 100 ul
Dynamic Range / 9-log
Excitation / 500nm
Emission / 510-750nm
Temperature range / 37-99oC
Thermal uniformity / 0.05oC (SD)
Thermal resolution / 0.01oC
Thermal accuracy / 0.25oC
Control method / Peltier

Benefits of using MyGo qPCR system

Full spectrum analysis with up to 7 Multiplex Level (Fig. 1)

Excellent Thermal Control helps to address temperature non-uniformity (TNU) (Fig. 2)

Powerful software with Built-in High Resolution Melting (HRM) analysis

Extremely low power consumption and operation noise

Power and easy to use software with the following features:

  • Automated analysis modules for:

- absolute and relative quantification

- melting curve analysis

- endpoint genotyping

- high resolution melting (HRM)

  • Quick start using templates for all major applications
  • Analysis of full spectral data
  • Generation of custom dye files for novel fluorophores
  • Straightforward setup and editing of sample and target information
  • Comprehensive data export functions
  • Compatible with Windows, Mac & Linux Systems
  • Instrument start from a USB flash drive, using preprogrammed settings