Friday, February 12, 2016, Magh 30, 1422 BS, Jamadiul Awwal 1, 1437 Hijri

today's paper > news > published: 02:59 february 11, 2016

HC: Ensure emergency services at all hospitalsAsif Islam Shaon

The High Court has directed the government to take necessary steps for providing emergency medical services to road accident victims at all government and private hospitals across the country.

The bench of justices Moyeenul Islam Chowdhury and Md Iqbal Kabir came up with the order yesterday, in response to a writ petition.

Bangladesh Legal Aid and Services Trust and Syed Saifuddin Kamal, a social entrepreneur, filed the petition seeking a High Court order on the government to ensure emergency medical services to injured people at all hospitals and clinics.

The respondents are the Health Ministry, the Road Transport and Bridges Ministry, the Directorate of Health Services and the Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council.

The court also sought explanations within four weeks on why the failure to ensure that hospitals and clinics provide emergency medical services to critically injured persons should not be declared to be violation of the fundamental right to access emergency healthcare.

The court also asked the health secretary and the health directorate DG to explain why they should not be directed to require hospitals, clinics and doctors to ensure immediate emergency medical services when a critically injured person is brought to them, to forward such persons to the nearest emergency department, and to set up a complaints system.

The High Court also ordered the government to submit a report in three months on the progress of the process under the National Road Safety Strategic Action Plan 2014-16.

The court ordered measures to create public awareness on post-crash care and treatment of road accident victims through print and electronic media.

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POST TIME: 11 February, 2016 02:15:47 AM


HC orders emergency treatment at all hospitals


The High Court yesterday directed country’s all the hospitals to provide emergency medical services to those critically injured in road crashes, reports UNB.
It also issued a rule asking the government to explain as to why emergency medical services will not be provided to the road crash victims at all hospitals.
An HC bench comprising Justice Moyeenul Islam Chowdhury and Md Iqbal Kabir came up with the order and rule after hearing a writ petition.
Bangladesh Legal Aid and Services Trust and Syed Saifuddin Kamal filed the writ petition.
The HC bench also asked the government to submit a report within three months on the progress of ensuring emergency medical services at all hospitals and health centres under the National Road Safety Strategic Action Plan 2014-2016.
The Health, and Road Transport and Bridges secretaries and director general of the Directorate General of Health Services will have to submit the report.
The respondents will have to formulate guidelines as to where the victims will file complaints if they are not given emergency medical services, and create awareness through the media in this regard.
Court sources said a bus helper, Arafat, suffered serious injuries as he slipped down while getting into his vehicle in the city on January 21.
Three nearby hospitals refused to treat him after he was taken there. Later, he was taken to Kurmitola General Hospital with the help of police where he succumbed to his injuries.

February 11, 2016 12:41 am·

Staff Correspondent


The High Court on Wednesday asked the Directorate General of Health Service to issue necessary guidelines asking authorities of hospitals, the police and other authorities concerned to provide emergency medical treatment to victims of traffic accidents.
The bench of Justice Moyeenul Islam Chowdhury and Justice Iqbal Kabir also directed the directorate and the roads and bridges ministry to frame the guideline on the operation and management of the emergency medical services.
The guidelines would need to detail how and where an accident victim would lodge complaint in
case of denial of emergency treatment and the punishment for such denial, the order said.
It said that the guideline would need to explain measures to be taken for the protection of people who would come at the help of the victims.
The court also directed the authorities to create public awareness about system of ‘good Samaritans’ through the media.
The secretaries to the health ministry and the roads and bridges division were asked to report the court in three months the steps taken in compliance with the order.
The court passed the interim order asking the government to explain why their failure to provide emergency medical services to people injured in traffic accidents and to protect Samaritans at both public and private hospitals and clinics would not be declared illegal.
The secretaries to the health ministry and roads and bridges division, the director general of health services and the Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council were asked to reply to the ruling in four weeks.
The court passed the order after hearing a public interest litigation writ petition filed by Bangladesh Legal Aid and Services Trust and Syed Saifuddin Kamal, who provided assistance to a victim. The victim was denied of treatment by three hospitals before he succumbed to the injury.
Petitioners’ counsel Sara Hossain, Rashna Imam and Anita Ghazi Islam told the court that denial of immediately treating an accident victim by three hospitals prompted Saifuddin Kamal, a social entrepreneur, to file the petition.
On January 21, Saifuddin with the accident victim went to three nearby clinics but they declined to treat the victim and subsequently the victim was declared dead when he was taken to Kurmitola General Hospital with the help of police.
The victim was identified as bus helper Arafat.

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The daily star

07:24 PM, February 10, 2016 / LAST MODIFIED: 12:14 AM, February 11, 2016

HC orders emergency services for injured persons at all hospitals

Star Online Report

The High Court today directed the government to take necessary steps for providing emergency medical services to all critically injured persons in government and private hospitals across the country

In response to a writ petition, the court ordered the government to submit a report on the progress of ensuring emergency medical services for traffic accident victims under the National Road Safety Strategic Action Plan 2014-2016 in three months.

Secretaries to the ministries of health, and road, transport and bridges were also directed to propose guidelines for the operation and management of emergency medical services, including the operation of an emergency reporting number, and to take measures to create public awareness of such services through the press and electronic media, petitioners’ lawyer Sara Hossain and Deputy Attorney General Motaher Hossain Sazu told The Daily Star.

The HC also issued a rule asking the government authorities concerned to explain in four weeks as to why the failure to ensure the provision by existing hospitals and clinics, whether governmental or private, of emergency medical services to critically injured persons should not be declared illegal.

ALSO READ:Hearts of stone

The HC bench of Justice Moyeenul Islam Chowdhury and Md Iqbal Kabir came up with the order rule after a holding hearing on a writ petition filed seeking its orders on the government to ensure emergency medical services by hospitals, clinics and doctors across the country.

The petition was filed by Bangladesh Legal Aid and Services Trust and Syed Saifuddin Kamal, a social entrepreneur, who as a ‘good samaritan’ had tried to ensure emergency medical services from local hospitals for a young man called Arafat, a bus helper, who fell from a bus and was killed when the bus ran over him on the Airport Road near Banani Dhaka in last month.


They filed the petition based on a report published on The Daily Star on January 24 under a headline “Hearts of stone” that narrated how three prominent private hospitals in Dhaka had refused to provide emergency medical services to critically injured Arafat.

The respondents are the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Road Transport and Bridges, the Directorate of Health Services and the Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council.

The daily star

12:00 AM, February 11, 2016 / LAST MODIFIED: 12:00 AM, February 11, 2016

Emergency treatment for all critically injured in all hospitals, clinics

HC directs govt to ensure

Staff Correspondent

The High Court yesterday directed the government to take necessary steps for providing emergency medical services to all critically injured persons at the government hospitals and private clinics across the country.

In response to a writ petition, the HC ordered the government to submit a report on the progress in ensuring emergency medical services to accident victims under the National Road Safety Strategic Action Plan 2014-2016 to it in three months.

The court also asked secretaries to the ministries of health, and road, transport and bridges to propose guidelines for management of such emergency services and for measures to create public awareness of such services through print and electronic media, petitioners' lawyer Sara Hossain and Deputy Attorney General Motaher Hossain Sazu told The Daily Star.

The HC also issued a rule asking the authorities concerned to explain in four weeks why failure to ensure such emergency medical services to critically injured persons by the existing hospitals and clinics should not be declared illegal.

The HC bench of Justice Moyeenul Islam Chowdhury and Md Iqbal Kabir came up with the order and the rule after hearing the petition filed by Bangladesh Legal Aid and Services Trust and Syed Saifuddin Kamal, a social entrepreneur.

Kamal had tried to ensure treatment from three private hospitals for a bus driver's helper Arif who was killed in a road accident after falling from the bus on the Airport Road near Banani in the capital last month.

They filed the petition based on a report in The Daily Star on January 24 under a headline “Hearts of stone” that narrated how the three private hospitals had refused to provide treatment to Arif before his death.


Secretaries to the ministries of health and road transport and bridges, the director general of the directorate of health services, the inspector general of police and the Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council have been made respondents to the rule

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নিজস্বপ্রতিবেদক| আপডেট: ২২:১১, ফেব্রুয়ারি১০, ২০১৬


একটিরিটআবেদনেরপ্রাথমিকশুনানিশেষেবিচারপতিমইনুলইসলামচৌধুরীওবিচারপতিমো. ইকবালকবিরেরসমন্বয়েগঠিতহাইকোর্টবেঞ্চআজবুধবারএইআদেশদেন।আদালতেরিটআবেদনেরপক্ষেছিলেনআইনজীবীসারাহোসেন।তাঁকেসহযোগিতাকরেনঅনিতাগাজীরহমান, রাশনাইমাম, এসএমরেজাউলকরিমওশারমিনআক্তার।রাষ্ট্রপক্ষেছিলেনডেপুটিঅ্যাটর্নিজেনারেলমো. মোতাহারহোসেনসাজু।

আদেশেআরওবলাহয়, জাতীয়সড়কনিরাপত্তাসংক্রান্তকর্মপরিকল্পনা২০১৪-১৬অনুসারেরাষ্ট্রেরসবহাসপাতালওস্বাস্থ্যসেবাকেন্দ্রেজরুরিচিকিৎসাসেবারক্ষেত্রেকীধরনেরব্যবস্থানেওয়াহয়েছে, সেবিষয়েএকটিপ্রতিবেদনআগামীতিনমাসেরমধ্যেআদালতেজমাদিতেহবে।একইসঙ্গেজরুরিচিকিৎসাসেবাপ্রদানএবংচিকিৎসাপেতেবাধাপেলেক্ষতিগ্রস্তব্যক্তিকোথায়অভিযোগকরবেনসেবিষয়েনীতিমালাতৈরিওএইবিষয়েগণমাধ্যমেসচেতনতাসৃষ্টিতেনির্দেশদেনআদালত।স্বাস্থ্যএবংপরিবহনওসেতুমন্ত্রণালয়েরসচিব, স্বাস্থ্যঅধিদপ্তরেরমহাপরিচালককেএনির্দেশদেওয়াহয়।

আদেশেরপাশাপাশিআদালতরুলদেন।সড়কদুর্ঘটনায়মর্মান্তিকভাবেআঘাতপ্রাপ্তব্যক্তিরজরুরিচিকিৎসাসেবাকেনদেওয়াহবেনা, সেটাওবিবাদীদেরকাছেআদালতজানতেচান।

মানবাধিকারসংগঠনবাংলাদেশলিগ্যালএইডঅ্যান্ডসার্ভিসেসট্রাস্ট (ব্লাস্ট) ওসৈয়দসাইফুদ্দিনকামালনামেরএকব্যক্তিজনস্বার্থেরিটআবেদনটিকরে।ব্লাস্টজানায়, জরুরিচিকিৎসাসেবাদিতেবিভিন্নহাসপাতালেরঅস্বীকৃতিজানানোরপরিপ্রেক্ষিতেএরিটআবেদনটিকরাহয়।


প্রকাশ: ১০ফেব্রুয়ারি২০১৬, ২২:৩১:০৮




একইসঙ্গেজাতীয়সড়কনিরাপত্তাসংক্রান্তকর্মপরিকল্পনা২০১৪-১৬অনুসারেরাষ্ট্রেরসবহাসপাতালওস্বাস্থ্যসেবাকেন্দ্রেজরুরিচিকিৎসাসেবারক্ষেত্রেকীধরনেরব্যবস্থানেওয়াহয়েছে, তাআগামীতিনমাসেরমধ্যেএকটিপ্রতিবেদনআদালতেজমাদিতেবলাহয়েছে।


স্বাস্থ্যএবংপরিবহনওসেতুমন্ত্রণালয়েরসচিব, স্বাস্থ্যঅধিদফতরেরমহাপরিচালককেএনির্দেশদেওয়াহয়।

একটিরিটআবেদনেরপরিপ্রেক্ষিতেবিচারপতিমইনুলইসলামচৌধুরীওবিচারপতিমো. ইকবালকবিরসমন্বয়েগঠিতহাইকোর্টবেঞ্চবুধবারএইতিনটিআদেশদেন।

বিষয়টিসমকালকেনিশ্চিতকরেছেনওইবেঞ্চেরডেপুটিঅ্যাটর্নিজেনারেলমো. মোতাহারহোসেনসাজু।

পাশাপাশি, সড়কদুর্ঘটনায়আঘাতপ্রাপ্তব্যক্তিরজরুরিচিকিৎসাসেবাকেনদেওয়াহবেনা, তাওজানতেচানআদালত।

মানবাধিকারসংগঠনবাংলাদেশলিগ্যালএইডঅ্যান্ডসার্ভিসেসট্রাস্ট(ব্লাস্ট) ওসৈয়দসাইফুদ্দিনকামালজনস্বার্থেআদালতেরিটআবেদনটিদায়েরকরেন।

জানাগেছে, জরুরিচিকিৎসাসেবাদিতেবিভিন্নহাসপাতালেরঅস্বীকৃতিজানানোরপরিপ্রেক্ষিতেএরিটআবেদনটিকরাহয়।আদালতেরিটআবেদনেরপক্ষেছিলেনব্যারিস্টারসারাহোসেন।




১১ফেব্রুয়ারি, ২০১৬০০:০০


গতকালবুধবারবিচারপতিমইনুলইসলামচৌধুরীওবিচারপতিমো. ইকবালকবিরেরহাইকোর্টবেঞ্চএইআদেশদেন।আদালতঅন্তর্বর্তীকালীননির্দেশনারপাশাপাশিরুলজারিকরেন।

এছাড়াজাতীয়সড়কনিরাপত্তাসংক্রান্তকর্মপরিকল্পনাঅনুসারেরাষ্ট্রেরসবহাসপাতালওস্বাস্থ্যসেবাকেন্দ্রেজরুরিচিকিৎসসেবারক্ষেত্রেকীধরনেরব্যবস্থানেওয়াহয়েছে, সেবিষয়েএকটিপ্রতিবেদনতিনমাসেরমধ্যেআদালতেদাখিলকরতেনির্দেশদিয়েছেনহাইকোর্ট।স্বাস্থ্যসচিব, সড়কপরিবহনওসেতুমন্ত্রণালয়েরসচিবএবংস্বাস্থ্যঅধিদপ্তরেরমহাপরিচালককেএনির্দেশবাস্তবায়নকরতেবলাহয়েছে।রুলেসড়কদুর্ঘটনায়আহতব্যক্তিরজরুরিচিকিৎসাসেবাদিতেকেননির্দেশদেওয়াহবেনাতাজানতেচাওয়াহয়।

সড়কদুর্ঘটনায়আঘাতপ্রাপ্তহয়েগুরুতরআহতব্যক্তিরচিকিৎসাসেবাদ্রুতপ্রদানেরনির্দেশনাচেয়েহাইকোর্টেমানবাধিকারসংগঠনবাংলাদেশলিগ্যালএইডঅ্যান্ডসার্ভিসেসট্রাস্ট (ব্লাস্ট) ওসৈয়দসাইফুদ্দিনকামালনামেরএকব্যক্তিরকরাএকরিটআবেদনেরওপরপ্রাথমিকশুনানিশেষেএসবনির্দেশনাদেওয়াহয়।আবেদনেরপক্ষেশুনানিকরেনব্যারিস্টারসারাহোসেন।রাষ্ট্রপক্ষেছিলেনডেপুটিঅ্যাটর্নিজেনারেলমো. মোতাহারহোসেনসাজু।

রিটআবেদনেসড়কদুর্ঘটনানিয়েবিভিন্নজাতীয়পত্রিকায়প্রকাশিতপ্রতিবেদনতুলেধরেবলাহয়, গত২১শেজানুয়ারিআরাফাতনামেরএকব্যক্তিবাসেউঠতেগিয়েপাপিছলেনিচেপড়েযানওগুরুতরআহতহন।তাঁকেনিকটস্থতিনটিহাসপাতালেনেওয়াহলেওচিকিৎ?সাসেবাদিতেঅস্বীকৃতিজানানোহয়।এরপরপুলিশেরসাহায্যনিয়েতাঁকেকুর্মিটোলাজেনারেলহাসপাতালেনেওয়াহলেতিনিমারাযান।আবেদনেবলাহয়, এধরনেরদুর্ঘটনায়আঘাতপ্রাপ্তহয়েপ্রতিদিনইচিকিৎসাসেবানাপেয়েমারাযাচ্ছেনসাধারণনাগরিকরা।এবিষয়েআদালতেরনির্দেশনাপ্রয়োজন।

- See more at:

বুধবার, ১০ফেব্রুয়ারী২০১৬২১:৩৬ঘণ্টা


স্টাফকরেসপন্ডেন্ট, বাংলামেইল২৪ডটকম

ঢাকা :সড়কদুর্ঘটনায়গুরুতরআহতব্যক্তিদেরজরুরিচিকিৎসাসেবাদেয়ারজন্যদেশেরসবহাসপাতালকর্তৃপক্ষওচিকিৎসকদেরকেনির্দেশদিয়েছেনহাইকোর্ট।


বুধবারবিচারপতিমইনুলইসলামচৌধুরীওবিচারপতিমো. ইকবালকবিরেরডিভিশণবেঞ্চএইআদেশদেন।

আদেশেজাতীয়সড়কনিরাপত্তাসংক্রান্তকর্মপরিকল্পনাঅনুসারেরাষ্ট্রেরসবহাসপাতালওস্বাস্থ্যসেবাকেন্দ্রেজরুরিচিকিৎসাসেবারক্ষেত্রেকিধরনেরব্যবস্থানেয়াহয়েছে, সেবিষয়েএকটিপ্রতিবেদনআগামীতিনমাসেরমধ্যেআদালতেদাখিলকরতেনির্দেশদিয়েছেনহাইকোর্ট।

স্বাস্থ্যসচিব, পরিবহনওসেতুমন্ত্রণালয়েরসচিবএবংস্বাস্থ্যঅধিদপ্তরেরমহাপরিচালককেএনির্দেশবাস্তবায়নকরতেবলাহয়েছে।

সড়কদুর্ঘটনায়আঘাতপ্রাপ্তহয়েগুরুতরআহতব্যক্তিরচিকিৎসাসেবাদ্রুতপ্রদানেরনির্দেশনাচেয়েহাইকোর্টেরিটআবেদনকরেনমানবাধিকারসংগঠনবাংলাদেশলিগ্যালএইডঅ্যান্ডসার্ভিসেসট্রাস্ট (ব্লাস্ট) ওসৈয়দসাইফুদ্দিনকামালনামেরএকব্যক্তি।

আবেদনেবলাহয়, দুর্ঘটনায়আঘাতপ্রাপ্তহয়েপ্রতিদিনইচিকিৎসাসেবানাপেয়েমারাযাচ্ছেনসাধারণনাগরিকরা।এবিষয়েআদালতেরনির্দেশনাপ্রয়োজন।আবেদনেরপক্ষেশুনানিকরেনব্যারিস্টারসারাহোসেন।

রাষ্ট্রপক্ষেছিলেনডেপুটিঅ্যাটর্নিজেনারেলমো. মোতাহারহোসেনসাজু।শুনানিশেষেহাইকোর্টঅন্তবর্তিকালীনআদেশেরপাশাপাশিরুলজারিকরে।রুলেসড়কদুর্ঘটনায়মর্মান্তিকভাবেআঘাতপ্রাপ্তব্যক্তিরজরুরীচিকিৎসাসেবাকেনদেয়াহবেনাতাজানতেচেয়েছেনআদালত।

HC orders emergency services at all hospitals in case of road accidents

Update: 08:10pm on Wednesday 10th February 2016 UTC

ttefaq Report

The High Court has directed the government to take necessary steps for providing emergency medical services to all critically injured persons at government and private hospitals throughout the country.

In response to a writ petition, the High Court ordered the government to submit a report on the progress of ensuring emergency medical services for traffic accident victims under the National Road Safety Strategic Action Plan 2014-2016 in three months.

Secretaries to the ministries of health, and road, transport and bridges were also directed to propose guidelines for the operation and management of emergency medical services in the hospitals, including the operation of an emergency reporting number, and to take measures to create public awareness of such services through the press and electronic media.

Petitioners’ lawyer Sara Hossain and Deputy Attorney General Motaher Hossain Sazu informed reporters about the details of the court order.

The HC also issued a rule asking the government authorities concerned to explain in four weeks as to why the failure to ensure the provision of emergency medical services in public or private hospitals and clinics to critically injured persons should not be declared to illegal.

The HC bench of Justice Moyeenul Islam Chowdhury and Md Iqbal Kabir came up with the order rule after holding hearing on a writ petition filed seeking its orders on the government to ensure emergency medical services by hospitals, clinics and doctors across the country.

The petition was filed by Bangladesh Legal Aid and Services Trust and Syed Saifuddin Kamal.

Syed tried to save a critically injured bus helper after he was ran over by a bus on the airport road near Banani last month. However, three prominent private hospitals in Dhaka refused to provide emergency services to the critically injured Arif, which led to the bus helper’s death.

Secretaries to the ministries of health, road transport and bridges, director general of directorate of health services, the inspector general of police and the Bangladesh medical and dental council have been made respondents to the rule.

Give emergency treatment to injured persons: HC to govt

Observer Online Report

Published :Wednesday, 10 February, 2016,Time : 9:00 PMView Count : 18

The High Court has ordered the government to take necessary steps to deliver emergency treatment to critically injured persons at all government and private hospitals across the country.
The HC bench comprised of Justice Moinul Islam Chowdhury and Justice Md Iqbal Kabir on Wednesday gave the order after a preliminary hearing of a writ petition.
Lawyer Sara Hossain was in favour of the writ petitioner while deputy attorney general Md Motahar Hossain Saju stood for the state.
According to the order, all hospitals across the country have been asked to submit a report within three months as to what steps have been taken to deliver emergency treatment as per Master Plan of National Road Safety-2014-2016.
The court also ordered the government to formulate a policy as to where the affected persons will make complaints if they are not given emergency treatment. It also gave orders to take steps to create mass awareness through the media.
Health and Road Transport and Bridges ministry secretaries and DG of Health Directorate were made respondents.
Alongside the order, the court also wants to know from the respondents as to why the critically injured persons in the road accident will not be given emergency treatment.
Bangladesh Legal Aid and Services Trust (BLAST), a human rights organisation and a person named Syed Saifuddin Kamal filed the writ petition. BLAST informs that it files the writ after different hospitals refuse to deliver emergency treatment to the critically injured persons.
On January 21, Arafat, a bus staff, was critically injured as he fell down while getting in a bus. When he was taken to three nearby hospitals, the authorities denied to give treatment. Later he died when with the assistance of police he was taken to Kurmitola general hospital.

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HC orders all hospitals to ensure emergency treatment

Online Desk | Update: 22:52, Feb 10, 2016


The High Court on Wednesday directed country’s all the hospitals to provide emergency medical services to those critically injured in road crashes, reports UNB news agency.

It also issued a rule asking the government to explain as to why emergency medical services will not be provided to the road crash victims at all hospitals.

An HC bench comprising justice Moyeenul Islam Chowdhury and Md Iqbal Kabir came up with the order and rule after hearing a writ petition.

Bangladesh Legal Aid and Services Trust and Syed Saifuddin Kamal filed the writ petition.

The HC bench also asked the government to submit a report within three months on the progress of ensuring emergency medical services at all hospitals and health centres under the National Road Safety Strategic Action Plan 2014-2016.

The Health, and Road Transport and Bridges secretaries and director general of the Directorate General of Health Services will have to submit the report.

The respondents will have to formulate guidelines as to where the victims will file complaints if they are not given emergency medical services, and create awareness through the media in this regard.

Court sources said a bus helper, Arafat, suffered serious injuries as he slipped down while getting into his vehicle in the city on 21 January.

Three nearby hospitals refused to treat him after he was taken there.

Later, he was taken to Kurmitola General Hospital with the help of police where he succumbed to his injuries.

Road crash: HC orders emergency services at all hospitals

Submitted by Lincoln Zaman on Wed, 10/02/2016 - 8:00pm

The High Court today directed the government to take necessary steps for providing emergency medical services to all critically injured persons at government and private hospitals across the country.

In response to a writ petition, the court ordered the government to submit a report on the progress of ensuring emergency medical services for traffic accident victims under the National Road Safety Strategic Action Plan 2014-2016 in three months.

Secretaries to the ministries of health, and road, transport and bridges were also directed to propose guidelines for the operation and management of emergency medical services, including the operation of an emergency reporting number, and to take measures to create public awareness of such services by way of dissemination through the press and electronic media, petitioners’ lawyer Sara Hossain and Deputy Attorney General Motaher Hossain Sazu told The Daily Star.

The HC also issued a rule asking the government authorities concerned to explain in four weeks as to why the failure to ensure the provision by existing hospitals and clinics, whether governmental or private, of emergency medical services to critically injured persons should not be declared to illegal.