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FK522ZH OCXManual http: //
1Structure of FOW565ZH OCX
2.1Function “GetEnrollData”
2.2Function “SetEnrollData”
2.3Function “DeleteEnrollData”
2.4Function “ReadSuperLogData”
2.5Function “GetSuperLogData”
2.6Function “ReadGeneralLogData”
2.7Function “GetGeneralLogData”
2.8Function “ReadAllSLogData”
2.9Function “GetAllSLogData”
2.10 Function “ReadAllGLogData”
2.11Function “GetAllGLogData”
2.12Function “GetDeviceStatus”
2.13Function “GetDeviceInfo”
2.14Function “SetDeviceInfo”
2.15Function “EnableDevice”
2.16Function “EnableUser”
2.17Function “SetDeviceTime”
2.18Function “GetDeviceTime”
2.19Function “PowerOnAllDevice”
2.20Function “PowerOffDevice”
2.21Function “ModifyPrivilege”
2.22Function “ReadAllUserID”
2.23Function “GetAllUserID”
2.24Function “InitKeeper”
2.25Function “GetProductInfo”
2.26Function “SetProductInfo”
2.27Function “GetEnrollSpace”
2.28Function “SetEnrollSpace”
2.29Function “BenumbAllManager”
2.30Function “GetLastError”
2.31Function “GetAdjustInfo”8
2.32Function “SetAdjustInfo”...... 19
2.33Function “GetUserPassTime”...... 19
2.34Function “SetUserPassTime”...... 19
2.35Function “GetGroupPassTime”...... 19
2.36Function “SetGroupPassTime”...... 20
2.37Function “GetGroupMatch”...... 19
2.38Function “SetGroupMatch”...... 20
2.39Function “GetPassTime”...... 19
2.40Function “SetPassTime”...... 20
2.41Function “GetGLogDataOnlineStart”...... 21
2.42Function “GetGLogDataOnline”...... 22
2.43Function “GetGLogDataOnlineEnd”...... 23
2.44Function “SetIPAddress”...... 23
2.45Function “OpenCommPort”...... 23
2.46Function “CloseCommPort”...... 23
3Property...... 23
3.1Property “CommPort”...... 24
3.2Property “ReadMark”...... 24
1Structure of FOW565ZH OCX
Classification / No / Function Name / ExplanationMethod / 1 / GetEnrollData / It gets one of registered data from the terminal.
2 / SetEnrollData / It registers a user on the terminal.
3 / DeleteEnrollData / It deletes one of the registered data from the terminal.
4 / ReadSuperLogData / It reads the newly-recorded management data from the terminal.
5 / GetSuperLogData / It gets one of the management data from the internal memory.
6 / ReadGeneralLogData / It reads the newly-recorded attendance data from the terminal.
7 / GetGeneralLogData / It gets one of the attendance data from the internal memory.
8 / ReadAllSLogData / It reads all of the management data from the terminal.
9 / GetAllSLogData / It gets all of the management data from the internal memory.
10 / ReadAllGLogData / It reads all of the management data from the terminal.
11 / GetAllGLogData / It gets all of the attendance data from the internal memory.
12 / GetDeviceStatus / It gets the current status of operation of the terminal.
13 / GetDeviceInfo / It gets the setup information of the terminal.
14 / SetDeviceInfo / It modifies the setup information of the terminal.
15 / EnableDevice / It enables/forbids the terminal to record attendances on it.
16 / EnableUser / It enables/forbids the terminal to record attendance of the specified user.
17 / GetDateTime / It gets the time and date of the terminal.
18 / SetDateTime / It modifies the time and date of the terminal.
19 / PowerOnAllDevice / It powers on all of the terminals.
20 / PowerOffDevice / It powers off an individual terminal.
21 / ModifyPrivilege / It modifies the authority of the user for the terminal.
22 / ReadAllUserID / It reads the info data of all the users registered currently on the terminal.
23 / GetAllUserID / It gets the info data of all the users from the internal memory.
Classification / No / Function Name / Explanation
Method / 24 / InitKeeper / It initializes the all data(log, registered) of the terminal.
25 / GetProductInfo / It gets the product information from the terminal.
26 / SetProductInfo / It sets the product information on the terminal.
27 / GetEnrollSpace / It gets the register data count.
28 / SetEnrollSpace / It sets the register data count.
29 / BenumbAllManager / It changes all managers to general user data.
30 / GetLastError / It gets the last error info.
31 / GetAdjustInfo / It gets adjust time information from the terminal.
32 / SetAdjustInfo / It sets adjust time information on the terminal.
33 / GetUserPassTime / It gets user passtime information from the terminal.
34 / SetUserPassTime / It sets user passtime information on the terminal.
35 / GetGroupPassTime / It gets group passtime information from the terminal.
36 / SetGroupPassTime / It sets group passtime information on the terminal.
37 / GetGroupMatch / It gets group match information from the terminal.
38 / SetGroupMatch / It sets groupmatch information on the terminal.
39 / GetPassTime / It gets passtime information from the terminal.
40 / SetPassTime / It sets passtime information on the terminal.
41 / GetGlogDataOnlineStart / It set to start getting online log data from the terminal.
42 / GetGlogDataOnline / It get online log data from the terminal
43 / GetGlogDataOnlineEnd / It set to stop getting online log data from the terminal.
44 / SetIPAddress / It sets an IP address for communication with the terminal via the network.
45 / OpenCommPort / It opens a COM port for communication with the terminal.
46 / CloseCommPort / It closes a COM port for communication with the terminal.
Property / 1 / CommPort / It designates a COM port.
2 / ReadMark / Recorded data-reading mark
2.1Function “GetEnrollData”
[Function] Function “GetEnrollData” is used to get one of the specified registration data from the terminal.
[Format] BOOLGetEnrollData(Long dwMachineNumber ,
Long dwEnrollNumber ,
Long dwBackupNumber ,
Long FAR*dwMachinePrivilege ,
VARIANT FAR*dwEnrollData ,
Long FAR* dwPassWord );
[Parameter] dwMachineNumber : It stands for the ID number of the terminal which the data will be read from.
dwEnrollNumber : Registration number of the data to get
dwBackupNumber : Backup number of the registration data to get.
Below are values of the backup numbers.
Value / Meaning0~9 / Fingerprint data ranging from No.0 to No.9
10 / Password data
11 / ID card data
dwMachinePrivilege : A pointer to the Long-type variable receiving the device authority of
the registration data to get.
Below are values of the device authority.
Value / Meaning / Authority0 / General user / None
1 / Top-class manager / Setting registration and devices
2 / 2nd-class manager / Enrollment
3 / 2nd-class manager / Setting the devices
dwEnrollData :A VARIANT-type pointer to the cache receiving the value of the
registration data to get. The data is 1,828 bytes in size.
dwPassWord : A pointer to the Long-type variable receiving the password value of the
registration data to get.
[Return Value] It is TRUE when a valid data has been read from the terminal.
It would be FALSE if the terminal does not have the specified data on it or an error has occurred to the communication. When the return value is FALSE, the values of parameters have no meanings.
[Attention] This function is used to get the specified fingerprint and password-registered data from the terminal.
The function gets the specified fingerprint data from the terminal if the value of “dwBackupNumber” is between 0 and 9 assigned when the function is accessed. At the moment, the value of the variable designated by “dwPassWord” has no meaning.
The function gets the specified password data from the terminal if the value of “dwBackupNumber” is 10 assigned when the function is accessed. At the moment, the value of the variable designated by “dwEnrollData” has no meaning.
2.2Function “SetEnrollData”
[Function] Function “SetEnrollData” is used to download the specified data to the appointed terminal and enroll them on it
[Format] BOOLSetEnrollData (Long dwMachineNumber ,
Long dwEnrollNumber ,
Long dwBackupNumber ,
LongdwMachinePrivilege ,
VARIANT FAR*dwEnrollData ,
Long dwPassWord );
[Parameter]dwMachineNumber : It stands for the ID number of the terminal to download the data to.
dwEnrollNumber : The registration number of the data to download.
dwBackupNumber : Backup number of the registration data to download.
The value of the backup number is the same as dwBackupNumber of function “GetEnrollData”.
IfBackup number is 0, 1, or 2 then set dataenable double check.
If Backup number is 20,21, or 22 then set data send and write to device uncondition.
dwMachinePrivilege: Device authority of the data to download.
dwEnrollData : AVARIANT-type pointer to the cache receiving the value of the registration data
The data is 1,828 bytes in size. It is one of the data the attendance management system has already stored, making use of function “GetEnrollData”.
dwPassWord : Password of the data to download.
[Return Value] It is TRUE when the data has accurately been downloaded to the specified terminal and successfully been operated on it.
It would be FALSE if the terminal does not have the specified data on it, an error has occurred to the communication or the terminal has failed in its working.
[Attention] This function is used to register the specified enrollment data on the appointed terminal.
The function registers the specified fingerprint data on the terminal if the value of “dwBackupNumber” is between 0 and 9 assigned when the function is accessed. At the moment, the value of the variable designated by “dwPassWord” has no meaning.
The function registers the specified password data on the terminal if the value of “dwBackupNumber” is 10 or 11 assigned when the function is accessed. At the moment, the value of the variable designated by “dwEnrollData” has no meaning.
2.3Function “DeleteEnrollData”
[Function] Function “DeleteEnrollData” is used to delete the specified data from the appointed terminal.
[Format] BOOLDeleteEnrollData ( LongdwMachineNumber ,
LongdwEnrollNumber ,
LongdwBackupNumber );
[Parameter] dwMachineNumber : It stands for the ID number of the terminal which the data will be deleted from.
dwEnrollNumber : Registration number of the data to delete.
dwBackupNumber : Backup number of the data to delete
The values of the backup numbers are as the following.
Value / Meaning0~9 / Fingerprint data ranging from No.0 to No.9
10 / Password data
11 / ID card data
12 / All data ( Fp, Password, ID card )
[Return Value] It is TRUE when the deletion command has accurately been transferred to the specified terminal and successfully been executed on it.
It would be FALSE if the appointed terminal does not exist or the operation has resulted in failure.
[Attention] The function deletes, at a time, all the backup-registered fingerprint data of the user designated by “dwEnrollNumber” when the value of “dwBackupNumber” is 11; it, at a time, deletes the backup-registered fingerprint and password data , card data of the user designated by “dwEnrollNumber” when the value of “dwBackupNumber” is 12.
2.4Function “ReadSuperLogData”
[Function] Function “ReadSuperLogData” is used to read the newly-recored management data from the specified terminal one by one in order and store them in the internal memory.
[Format] BOOLReadSuperLogData ( LongdwMachineNumber )
[Parameter] dwMachineNumber: It stands for the ID number of the terminal to read the data from.
[Return Value] It is TRUE when the data has been read from the specified terminal.
It would be FALSE if the specified terminal does not exist, it does not have any newly-recored management data on it or an error has occurred to the data communication.
[Attention] Function “ReadSuperLogData” reads the newly-recorded management data from the specified terminal and stores them in the internal memory.
The function does not read the data which have ever been read out once before.
Using function “GetSuperLogData”, the user can, one by one, get the data stored in the internal
2.5Function “GetSuperLogData”
[Function] Function “GetSuperLogData” is used to get the newly-recorded management data one by one in order from the internal memory.
[Format] BOOL GetSuperLogData ( LongdwMachineNumber ,
Long FAR* dwSEnrollNumber ,
Long FAR* dwSMachineNumber ,
Long FAR* dwGEnrollNumber ,
Long FAR* dwGMachineNumber ,
Long FAR* dwManipulation ,
Long FAR* dwBackupNumber ,
Long FAR* dwYear,
Long FAR* dwMonth,
Long FAR* dwDay,
Long FAR* dwHour,
Long FAR* dwMinute,
Long FAR* dwSecond );
[Parameter]dwMachineNumber : It stands for the ID number of the terminal to read the data from.
dwSEnrollNumber : A pointer to the Long-type variable receiving the value of the registration number of the manager who conducted operations.
The value of this parameter is 0 when there is no manager registered.
dwSMachineNumber: A pointer to the Long-type variable receiving the value of the ID number of the terminal the manager has been registered on.
dwGEnrollNumber : A pointer to the Long-type variable receiving the value of the registration number of the operated object for management operations.
The value of this parameter is 0 when the operated object is a terminal
itself (in case of changing the system info of the terminal).
dwGMachineNumber: A pointer to the Long-type variable receiving the value of the ID number of the terminal the operated object has been registered on.
The value of this parameter is 0 when the operated object is a terminal
itself (in case of changing the system info of the terminal).
dwManipulation : A pointer to the Long-type variable receiving the value of the mode of the management operation conducted on the terminal.
Below are the values of the management operation.
Value / Meaning3 / A new general user has been enrolled on the terminal.
4 / A new manager has been enrolled on the terminal.
5 / A fingerprint data has been deleted from the terminal.
6 / A password data has been deleted from the terminal.
7 / All of the record data have been deleted from the terminal.
8 / The system setup info has been changed on the terminal.
9 / The date/time has been changed on the terminal.
10 / The record setup info has been changed on the terminal.
11 / The communication setup info has been changed on the terminal.
dwBackupNumber: A pointer to the Long-type variable receiving the value of the backup number of a registration data when management operations (enrollment and deletion) are conducted on it.
Below are values of the backup number.
Value / Meaning0~9 / Fingerprint data ranging from No.0 to No.9
10 / Password data
dwYear: A pointer to the Long-type variable receiving the value of the year of the date when the management operation was conducted.
dwMonth: A pointer to the Long-type variable receiving the value of the month of the date when the management operation was conducted.
dwDay: A pointer to the Long-type variable receiving the value of the day of the date when the management operation was conducted.
dwHour: A pointer to the Long-type variable receiving the value of the hour of the time when the management operation was conducted.
dwMinute: A pointer to the Long-type variable receiving the value of the minute of the time when the management operation was conducted.
dwSecond: A pointer to the Long-type variable receiving the value of the second of the time when the management operation was conducted.
[Return Value] It is TRUE when an efficient data has been read from the internal memory.
It would be FALSE if there is no efficient data in the memory or the data were all read out
already from it. The values of the parameters have no meaning when the return value is
[Attention] This function, one by one in order, gets the data that function “ReadSuperLogData” read from the specified terminal and stored in the memory.
The function returns TRUE whenever it gets efficient data out. It returns FALSE when it has
gotten all of the data.
When the value of “ReadMark Property” is TRUE, the data cannot, any longer, be read out from the terminal using function“ReadSuperLogData” after getting them from the memory by using “GetSuperLogData”. The newly-recorded management data alone except those data will be able to be read when accessing function“ReadSuperLogData” the next time.
If the user is reading the management data stored in the memory one by one, but fails to read all for some reason, which leads the return value to FALSE, he/she will be able to read those unread data again when accessingfunction“ReadSuperLogData” the next time.
If the value of “ReadMark Property” is FALSE, the user is able to read the data stored in the internal memory, using function “ReadSuperLogData” again even after getting them by making use of “GetSuperLogData”.
2.6Function “ReadGeneralLogData”
[Function] Function “ReadGeneralLogData” is used to read the newly-recorded attendance data one by one from the specified terminal and store them in the internal memory.
[Format] BOOLReadGeneralLogData (Long dwMachineNumber )
[Parameter] dwMachineNumber: It stands for the ID number of the terminal to read the data from.
[Return Value] It is TRUE when the efficient data has been read from the specified terminal.
It would be FALSE if the specified terminal does not exist, it does not have any newly-recored attendance data on it or an error has occurred to the data communication.
2.7Function “GetGeneralLogData”
[Function] Function “GetGeneralLogData” is used to get the newly-recorded attendance data one by one in order from the internal memory.
[Format] BOOLGetGeneralLogData(Long dwMachineNumber,
Long FAR* dwEnrollNumber ,
Long FAR* dwInOut ,
Long FAR* dwVerifyMode ,
Long FAR* dwYear,
Long FAR* dwMonth,
Long FAR* dwDay,
Long FAR* dwHour,
Long FAR* dwMinute,
Long FAR* dwSecond );
[Parameter] dwMachineNumber : It stands for the ID number of the terminal to read the data from.
dwEnrollNumber :A pointer to the Long-type variable receiving the value of the registration number of the user who came or left
dwInOut:A pointer to the Long-type variable In/Outvalue of the reacord.
Value / Meaning0 / General access
1 / In
2 / Out
dwVerifyMode :A pointer to the Long-type variable receiving the value of the mode of
verifying the user who came or left
The values have the following meanings.
Value / Meaning1 / Fingerprint-based verification mode
2 / Password-based verification mode
3 / Card-based verification mode
10 / Door open
11 / Door close
12 / Hand unlock
13 / Threat warn
14 / Program open
15 / Program close
16 / Iregal open
17 / Iregal close
dwYear : A pointer to the Long-type variable receiving the value of the year of the date when the user came or left
dwMonth : A pointer to the Long-type variable receiving the value of the month of the date when the user came or left
dwDay: A pointer to the Long-type variable receiving the value of the day of the date when the user came or left
dwHour: A pointer to the Long-type variable receiving the value of the hour of the time when the user came or left
dwMinute: A pointer to the Long-type variable receiving the value of the minute of
the time when the user came or left
dwSecond: A pointer to the Long-type variable receiving the value of the second of
the time when the user came or left
[Return Value] It is TRUE when an efficient data has been read from the internal memory.
It would be FALSE if there is no efficient data in the memory or the data were all read out
already from it. The values of the parameters have no meaning when the return value is
[Attention] This function, one by one in order, gets the data that function “ReadGeneralLogData” read from the specified terminal and stored in the memory.
The function returns TRUE whenever it gets efficient data out. It returns FALSE when it has
gotten all of the data.
When the value of “ReadMark Property” is TRUE, the data cannot, any longer, be read out from the terminal using function“ReadGeneralLogData” after getting them from the memory by using “GetGeneralLogData”. The newly-recorded management data alone except those data will be able to be read when accessing function“ReadGeneralLogData” the next time.
If the user is reading the management data stored in the memory one by one, but fails to read all for some reason, which leads the return value to FALSE, he/she will be able to read those unread data again when accessingfunction“ReadGeneralLogData” the next time.