It is extremely important for our students to have the best, most conducive learning environment both at home and at school in order to make connections with school material that will transcend throughout their lives. To that end, I strongly encourage you to sit with yourchild,and students for youwith your parents to chart out a course in indentifying such as space that will allow ourMTMS student to best meet his or her personal success.
In order to make sure the best possible study place is selected and agreed upon by both parent and student, here are a few guidelines to remember.
- Always select a space that is in a quiet location, but one that is not too faraway from a grown-up in case assistance is needed.
- Never select a space such as a bedroom or TV room. Studies have shown these places to be poor choices. Bedrooms often invite even the most consciencious learner to lay down and study. When you lay down your body's natural tendancy is to relax, therefore resting instead of applying maximum energy toward studying. Similarly, a TV room is usually the activity hub of many homes. Anyone in this type of space faces stimulea from a multitude of places. Over stimulating spaces detract students from applying maximum energy toward studying.
- The space should be and remain as 'clutter-free' as possible.
- Make sure ample light is available.
- Be sure to use this space daily or as often as homework needs to be completed. Additionally, think about it from a long term point of view. Is the space big enough and organized enough to house long-term projects from two or more classes? Remember long-term projects are often due just before or right after a holiday break. If you are using the dining room you may have a problem if it is needed for a family celebration!
- Use organizational storage devices such as small decorative crates, jars, and/or storage systems which you already may own or that can be purchased at local office supply stores to house at home school supplies. For those of you who are crafty,decorate vegetable or coffee cans for pen, pencil, highlighter, and marker caddies and reuse sturdy cereal type boxesfor paper caddies, book holders, file boxes and more!Its great for our environment too!
- Be sure to stock your space with plenty of supplies and try not to take the supplies away from this area!
- 1 3 or 4inch, 3 ringed white binder with a view cover.
- tabbed dividers
- 2 blueor black pens, 2 red pens (I highly suggest erasable red),2 pencils, 2 highlighters YELLOW ONLY
- a small supply ofyellow post-it style sticky notes (2inX2in approx.)
- a durable zippered 3 ring pencil case
- lined filler paper, your preference college or wide ruled BUT NOT TOO MUCH- keep most of it at home!!
- pocket folders
AT HOME SUPPLY LIST: to be kept at home forassignments and projects for use throughout the year
- Lined paper
- Post-it style sticky notes
- Index cards
- Pens, pencils, markers/crayons, highlighters
- scissors
- stapler
- paper clips
- glue or paste
NOTE: I do not allow WHITE OUT type products to be used on my assignments.