IT Governance Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
October 18, 2017
2:00 – 3:00 p.m.
(UEC Boardroom)
Attendees: Gerard Au, Michael Berman (Guest), Amy Braceros (Guest), Cesar Caballero, Ian Jacobs, Sally McGill on behalf of Peter Williams, Shari McMahan, Terri Nelson, Prince Ogidikpe (ASI),Jim O’Linger, Olivia Rosas on behalf of Brian Haynes, Larry Rose, Sam Sudhakar,Michael Zachary on behalf of Doug Freer, Felix Zuniga
- Approval of Minutes from theSeptemberMeetingS. McMahan
- Minutes were approved as written.
- Current IT Issues on Campus
- Cesar Caballero asked whether it was necessary to have the emergency maintenance on the wireless network during the day on October 16th. Gerard Au stated that there was a vulnerability discovered on all devices and the patch was not available until Monday afternoon. There was planned emergency maintenance from 5:30-6:00 p.m. because of the timeframe with no classes.
- Michael Zachary asked about his Google Drive. He stated that it disappeared from his computer but then he reinstalled with help from the Technology Support Center. Gerard and Sam Sudhakar stated that a message will go out to campus about this. It will still have the same capability and functionality however it is renamed. It is a different desktop agency.
- Rueyling Chuang asked about when we will acquire the additional EMS licenses. She also asked about the desktop client only running on Windows 10 and about having to build a Windows OS on Macs. Sam stated that there is unlimited use of web version of EMS. Sam will follow up with Lenora Rodgers. Rueyling stated that Kim Nicholl expressed that the 60 licenses might not suffice.
- Discussion ItemsS. Sudhakar
- Presentation- Michael Berman, Chief Innovation Office, CO
The IT Governance Executive Committee was introduced to the new Chief Innovation Officer at the Chancellor’s Office, Dr. Michael Berman. Michael gave a brief overview of his background with CSUSB. He also shared a few facts about Channel Islands, where he also serves as the CIO. He stated that based on his observations, campuses want to be forward-looking in terms of technology. He shared the four areas of focus for the Innovation Office at the CO—
- Student Systems– Currently there is a nationwide trend on how to make systems more agile through PeopleSoft. Mike hopes to launch a product in about 6 months to start trying a new interface.
- Cloud Computing– Costs are going down, there are financial changes, staffing changes and demand changes. We now have better systems and spend less money.
- Virtual and Augmented Reality– A summit will take place next week which will have CSUSB’s Mihaela Popescu presenting. It will showcase what campuses in the CSU are doing with this technology.
- Collaboration at a Distance– Zoom and other tools are used for collaboration at a distance.
Michael asked the committee for feedback on how to help CSUSB.
Shari McMahan suggested more purchases in bulk in terms of software and systems such as Interfolio in order to be more mindful with the prices rise. Michael shard that they are working on a portal were all this will already be vetted in terms of accessibility and other terms. Terri Nelson suggested that in terms of training for faculty, campuses should share training material.
Ian Jacobs provided feedback on Zoom and suggested using a better interface for raising hands. Terri suggested being able to save Zoom chats when you close the meeting along with the ability to pin documents. Michael Zachary asked about Sharepoint.
Cesar Caballero stated that almost every library in CSU has a “maker’s space”—CSUSB call it the Innovation Lab. He said they have 3D printing and AR/VR. Additionally, he stated that students in psychology has used VR to ascertain learning for disabilities. Terri also asked whether an Amazon Prime license could be purchased for the whole campus.
- College Scheduler Presentation- Amy Braceros
A brief demonstration of the step-by-step process was shown for the College Scheduler program.
- Policy Review-
The following policies were brought to the committee for validation and to review proposed changes.
- Acceptable Use Policy for Electronic Communications– The Committee validated the policy with some housekeeping changes.
- Printing Policy– The Committee validated the policy with some housekeeping changes.
- Mobile Device Policy– The policy was presented with proposed minor changes. The Executive Committee voted to move forward with taking the policy to the Administrative Council.
- Campus Email Structure and Communication Policy– The proposed changes were discussed and a few minor changes will be made before moving to Administrative Council in November
All four policies will be taken to the Administrative Council Meeting on November 1st.
- Subcommittee ReportsS. Sudhakar
- Subcommittee reports distributed in packets.
- AnnouncementsAll
- None
Meeting Adjourned 3:12 p.m.
Next Meeting Date:11/15/2017