Istrouma Hotel

Baton Rouge, La

Dear Emma- Jan 25 1910

I am again in Baton Rouge. You know how you used to want to go to Baton Rouge & now I am so tired of it. Left home this morning at 8am arrived here 4 30pm. I remained in Kinder just about 2 hours. So you see it beats going by N.O. tho Ma would want to go to N.O. to get something to eat. She will never give up eating. Yesterday we went out riding, hired a horse from stables. Took a lunch. Hard boiled eggs, crackers, cheese & large can of lobsters. We had pickles & sweet cakes. I eat the eggs while Ma seemed partial toward the lobsters.


The result of the lunch was that she had fearful dreams in the night. We both over did it, but we enjoyed the trip while we were out.

I am glad Hawley is going to school. I am certainly glad you are rid of Thrap I hope his Mother well take care of him, for someone must do it. I told the Cook girl could go up if the local director had no one else, which I hardly believed he had.

The committee on school book question meets again tomorrow. I hope the business can be finished & we can get back home.


Mr. Hamilton is sick. Has had the fever several days. Had to get Miss & Mrs. Foley now to help Miss Huey as the annual report is not made out yet.

Ma is having good luck now with chickens. That is, there are no warts. She & Mrs. Gayle, Edwin Gayle are going into the incubation business & I know there will be some bad eggs before the end of it.

Hoping all well.

I am your

