Issues for discussion with Redrow (with responses from Redrow in Red)
- The Community Council would like to act as a go between from the villagers to Redrow, what would be the best way in Redrow’s opinion to do this?
Agreed, the Community Council will be the first point of contact.
- The Vale of Glamorgan Council Land Supply Trajectory 2011-26 states that you will only build 10 units in 2016-17, 20 in 2017-18 and 34 in 2018-19. Is this work over four years also Redrow’s projection?
It is unclear where these figures have come from as we cannot find any housing documents stating this. These figures have not been provided by Redrow and nor do they represent the build programme for the site. It is our intention in 2016/17 to legal complete 30 units and in 2017/18, 21 plots. These figures are subject to market conditions and could either increase or decrease.
- The issue of Road Safety at the intersection between Maes Y Bryn and the Redrow building site. Being on an obstructed narrow bend adjacent to an often very busy School entrance and opposite the partially blind exit from the Village Hall villagers are of the view that very specific design modifications will be necessary in order to prevent this become a serious road traffic accident black spot. Moreover 20 MPH and parking restrictions will not be the answer, merely a serious inconvenience to legitimate access to the Development, the School and Village Hall. What thoughts to Redrow have on this matter and will they investigate this further?
Redrow have gathered vast amounts of survey data regarding traffic/highway flows/Speeds whilst preparing the application for the site, the results of the surveys were considered alongside extensive consultation with the Vale of Glamorgan Council when designing the access to the site, the works approved under the application are considered to be satisfactory in terms of road safety to accommodate both existing and increased traffic flows following the development of the site. Redrow are not permitted to undertake any construction work on land outside the application red line, should the Vale of Glamorgan require additional facilities (i.e. new bus stop) then the money included within the S106 agreement for sustainable transport can be used to fund. We are prepared to discuss this with the Vale of Glamorgan Highways Department but ultimately this is outside of Redrows control.
- There is an opinion that the proposed development name“St Michael’s Meadow” will be a very confusing one, as this was the same name of a previous development in the village and is suggestive that the development is near the Church not the school (St David’s), can the development be changed to St David’s Close? Also the Community Council were under the impression it had agreed a name with the Vale of Glamorgan of Heol Cae Pwll, or is this just going to be used for the street? Please could Redrow supply some clarity on the matter?
We are now than happy to re-consider the development name, please could you forward any suggested names that you feel would be appropriate by Friday 18th. Any suggested name would be a temporary name during the construction phase and appropriate street names would then be provided by the local authority once the development is complete.
- A number of complaints have been made regarding the Issue of the safety hazard and eyesore of the mud left on the roads from works vehicles. We were under the impression a road sweeper would be employed. Do Redrow have an answer on how this issue is being dealt with? Also there is an issue that the cleaning operation is now creating a mudy stream that runs down to Beech Park
Part of Redrows pre-development plan has already been to employ a road sweeper to ensure the highways are kept clean. We are currently in the process of completing the site entrance and the first 200m of estate roads which will be tarmacked by Friday 18th December. This will ultimately reduce the possibility or likelihood of any materials being deposited onto the highways, however this will not change our pre-development policy for providing road sweeping when required by the site managers discretion. We are also currently constructing a contractor/staff car park within the development this we believe will alleviate any traffic issues at the entrance of the development.
- Can we see the agreed design for removal of surface water from the site and the alleviation of the known flooding problems from the lower part of the site
Why has your plan to pump sewage uphill to the entrance of the site changed? Can we see the details of the agreed fouldrainage design? What guarantee do you have not to flood Beech Park with raw sewage?
The drainage strategy for the development including the surface water and foul drainage will be discussed further on 12th January due to its complexity, however I can assure you that the drainage strategy has been approved by the relevant authorities
- Under the s106 monies agreement with the Vale of Glamorgan Council, £15k has been allocated for ‘artwork’ who would be the best person at Redrow in order to discuss how this money is going to be used?
£15,000 has been included within the Section 106 agreement for the inclusion of Public Art on site. The details however need to be discussed and agreed with the council.
- Will Redrow be providing natural gas to the new houses, if not which fuel will they wish to use? If natural gas is being provided it was previously indicated by Mr Stuart Rowlands (MD of Redrow Homes South Wales) that local residents will be able to connect to this service, is this still the case? Also if there is no natural gas will chimney stacks be incorporated into each house to enable wood/multi fuel burners to be installed by the purchasers?
No wood/multi fuel burners will be installed in our properties, our development will be heated predominantly by oil burners with the exception of the affordable housing which will be electric.
- What security will there be around the attenuation pond to prevent children and animals from falling into it?
Prior to the attenuation pond being formed a ROSPA report will be issued and all recommendations from this report will be implemented which will include security and H&S requirements.
- Can we confirm that there is to be no parking in Colwinston Village Hall Car Park, this is a private car park and the continued presence of your vehicles is causing problems with parking and access to the hall. Also please can you speak generally to those attending the site about their driving through the village and remind them to reduce their speed.
At the commencement of the development we believe our contractors, Rapidgrid, were given permission to park in the Village Hall carpark, we have subsequently found this was incorrect we have now discussed this with Rapidgrid and all parking at the Village Hall has now ceased, I would like to apologise for any inconvenience this has caused the residents. During our next contractors meeting at the development we will ensure they are all aware of the speed limit enforced within the village and ensure this is adhered to.