1032 Lowood-Minden Road,MINDEN,QLD,4311,Australia / Phone: 5425 7222
Website: / Fax: 54268533

Issue: Term 2 Week 9 –09/06/16

Dates To Remember

* P&C Meeting / 3:30pm 20/06/16
* Term 2 / 11/04/16 – 24/06/16
* Junior Assembly / 10/06/16
* Homebake orders/payment due / 15/06/16
* Senior Assembly / 17/06/16
* Lamington orders/payment due / 17/06/16
* Whole School Assembly / 24/06/16
* Term 3 commences / Mon 11/07/16

From The Principal

Athletics Carnivals

We have enjoyed two highly successful events over the last fortnight. It was heart-warming to see all of our children having a go at the various fields in the spirit of participation and fun. A special thank you to our School Captains who diligently worked with the younger children and supported the adults throughout the day.

Thank You also to parents who helped out in any way. Your support ensured smooth-running of the carnivals.

BVSSSA Athletics

For students aged 9-12, this event will take place in week 2 of next term. Tuesday 19 June will see the 200m and 800m events conducted while Thursday 21 June is the major track and field day. Students who are eligible for nomination in the Minden team will be provided with notices prior to the end of the term.

Fire Education

This Friday 10 June, the Prep and Year 1 classes will attend the school’s annual Fire Education program. Conducted by QFRS representatives from the Marburg Fire Station, students will learn about what to do in the event of a fire at home.

Teacher Aide training

This Friday will see the second round of Teacher Aide training in Speech Language and Communication Needs. There will be approximately 23 Aides from local schools attending this course which will ultimately benefit our students through the provision of specialised support programs tailored to our children’s needs.

Food Allergies

Our school has a number of children who have allergies to certain foods, in particular nuts. For some children, the allergic reaction is severe and can be life-threatening. Consequently, we discourage children from swapping and sharing lunchbox food items. If you plan on providing a birthday cake or similar treats for your child, please check with the teacher first. We appreciate parents / carers discussing this issue with their children so they understand the importance of eating the food in their lunchbox and not from someone else’s.

Maintenance over the holidays

The school has been advised that the squeaky flooring in the years 3 and 4 classrooms will be fixed over the holidays. There will be some minor disruption to classes during the last week of term as furniture is removed in preparation for the contractors.

Semester Two

As we head into the second half of the year, it is important that children and parents top up their school supplies – pencils, rubbers, glue, workbooks and so on. If you are unsure of what equipment your child requires, please contact the relevant classroom teacher.

Report Cards

These important documents will be distributed on Tuesday 21 June. Report Cards are a legal document and parents / carers should consider storing them in a secure place so they can be easily retrieved if needed. Some high schools will request copies of previous reports and NAPLAN results upon enrolment.

Whole-School Assembly

This event will take place on Friday 24 June commencing at 2:15pm. There will be a number of presentations along with performances and of course, our major GOTCHA draw. Please join us and help celebrate the conclusion of another successful term at Minden.


For the last fortnight, the average daily attendance rate for our school was 92.9% - a little under Education Queensland’s target of 95%. This means we have roughly 12-13 students away each day!

Year 6 have maintained a healthy 96.3% average daily attendance rate.

Student Council

The Student Council are currently conducting a lamington drive. Forms have been sent home this week. Should you require additional forms, please contact the office.


From the Michael Grose: Raising Kids Series

Giving kids responsibility is a big confidence-building strategy.

Giving kids responsibility is tricky. It’s easy to give responsibility to responsible kids as you’ll know that they’ll follow through. Whether it’s feeding the family pet; setting the table for mealtime or helping a sibling get ready for the day you only need to remind them once and the job’s done. Too easy!

But what about tricky kids – second or later born; kids with special needs or kids who are discouraged? It’s not so easy giving responsibility to kids that need extra teaching and who need to be followed up. It’s these kids that make responsibility-giving hard work, even risky for parents.

It’s a balancing act. Giving responsibility becomes a balancing act as we need to weigh up between doing a job ourselves, as it’s important to be done right, or letting kids experience the consequence of them not doing their job (the family doesn’t eat until the table is set). It’s easy to take the safe way out and fix kids’ mistakes or safer still, don’t give kids any responsibility at all.

Ask yourself this:

“What does your child do that someone else relies on?”

If the answer is zilch/zero, then I suggest it may be time to give him or her something significant to do that benefits others – hear a sibling read each day; be the trash controller; tidy the living room before mealtime. There’s generally no shortage of opportunities to help out – just a lack of time to make it happen and perhaps a lack of willingness to put up with the approximations in quality, as well as a child’s occasional attempts at resisting to help out.

Here are five ideas to make responsibility giving easier:

1. Change responsibilities around. If possible change chores and responsibilities around each week to avoid boredom (“This is so boring!”) and resentment (“How come I always get the rotten jobs?”).

2. Use rosters when possible. The use of a list or roster takes the onus away from you to always remind children to do their jobs - so it’s a great independence-building tool.

3. Remind, cue but don’t take responsibility. Kids can get tired and overwhelmed with busy schedules so a reminder from time to time about “whose turn is it to fill the dishwasher?” can make it easy for kids to be responsible, without taking the responsibility away.

4. Start by completing responsibilities with kids. If kids are new to any task then it’s smart management to spend some time doing the job with them until they get the hang of it, stepping back when you are no longer needed. That’s what working yourself out of a job is all about.

5. Let them know how you feel when they do it well. Avoid over-praising kids for helping out. Instead let kids know how their help makes you feel: happy, relieved, proud. This takes the onus away from the quality of the help and places the focus more on their contribution, which is what you are encouraging.

Giving kids real responsibility is harder than ever in our busy, small family environments. But it’s more important than ever to expect your kids to pull their weight. The alternative – spoon-feeding kids – tends to produce brittle, brattish children and young people are seen to be staying dependent on their parents for longer. And that’s not what raising children is about.

Parents And Citizens Association News

Parents and Citizens Association Meeting: 3:30pm 20 June 2016.

The next meeting of the P&C Association will be held in the School Library on 20 June 2016 starting at 3:30pm. All parents are welcome to attend and see how the P&C operates and how they can help the school by fundraising. Remember, when the school benefits from our fundraising, so does your child/ren.

Recent and Upcoming Events

> HomestyleBake Fundraiser

Order forms were sent home last week with students. Orders and payment are to be returned to the office by Wednesday 15 June 2016 please.

Collection Day:- Thursday 23 June from 2:00pm onwards.

> Bookfair – 21 - 26 July

Our next Bookfair will be held on 21 to 26 of July.

> Father's Day Stall – 1 and 2 September

Father’s day is fast approaching. If you are able to help with donations or have some ideas in regards to items you would like to see sold on the day, please contact the P&C or come along to our next meeting and share your ideas.

> Ice Block Day – Chaplaincy – 9 September

Money raised goes towards funding the chaplaincy service.

> School Disco – 28 October

Start getting your dancing shoes ready, the school disco will be fun for all the family. Lots more details will be provided in the next newsletter.

> Christmas Carnival – 25 November

We are starting to plan this year’s Christmas Carnival and looking for businesses that are able to come along on the day and provide fun entertainment for the kids and adults. If you would like to take part, please contact the P&C through the school.

> TuckshopSellout Sale – 30 November to 2 December

These days we will sell out any stock left over in the Tuckshop at the end of the year.

> Ice Block Day – Chaplaincy – 6 December

Money raised goes towards funding the chaplaincy service.

> Minden Markets

Sunday 12 June 2016 - 6:00am-12:00pm

Minden State School will be running markets on the second Sunday of each month. We will be open from 6:00am to 12:00pm (stall holders will have access to the grounds from 5:00am to setup).

If you run a small business whether it be handmade or other products or produce, and would like to setup a stall please contact the P&C for form details and come along and join us.

The P&C will be running a sausage sizzle with drinks, chips, tea and coffee on the day with all money raised going to the P&C. The P&C will also be running a white elephant store so if you have any items that you could donate to be sold at the events, we would appreciate it. Remember one person’s junk is another person’s treasure.


Uniform shop is open Monday and Friday from 8:15 – 9:00am during school term or you can call the convenor, Pat Griffin on 0448 888 924 to arrange an alternate time. Pat lives very close to the school and is very happy to oblige.

Winter jackets are available at $22.00 and these are very good quality. There are also some jumpers and tracksuit pants in stock at reduced prices so come along and see if you can grab a bargain.


Mel Forgan our convenor, would like to point out that lunch orders for Wednesday need to be returned to the school on Tuesday. This gives Mel time to prepare the right amount of food so no child misses out.

The tuckshop operates under the strict guidelines of the Education Department as to foods available. If you would like to know more about this, go to the website below:

Like our facebook page to receive our updates and the fortnightly newsletter.

Outside School Hours Care (OSHC)

Operating Hours

Monday - Friday before school opening at 6:15am and after school closing at 6:00pm.

The children were very excited about the new sports equipment, games and resources we received lately. In particular they have loved the hurdles and mobile basketball sets. Our vacation program is now on our website and is jam packed with lots of exciting activities such as gemstone fossicking, colour run, mini Olympics and much more!!!

Check out our vacation program for these holidays on our website

For bookings or further details please see the OSHC educators, call our main office (07) 4638 7965 or email

School Chaplain

Coming to the middle of the year, the weekly budget can become stretched and often bills come in at the same time. If you are looking for cheaper groceries, that are available to everyone, have a look at the following information;

Harvest Angels Inc – 18 Kleinhans Court, Lowood offer hampers;

Small (2-3 people) $25

Large (4-6 people) $40

These are available every Wednesday & Friday 10am – midday.

You can make contact with them via any of the following;


phone: 0478 024 983

Tivoli Drive-In's FOOD CO-OP - 150 Brisbane Street, Ipswich

To join the co-op you simply pay a $10 annual joining fee – and then select the items (including breakfast cereals; canned fruit; personal products; fruit juices and drinks; yoghurts and refrigerated items and frozen food) from our display to make up a hamper to suit your family needs. Everyone who wants to come is welcome.

All hampers costing $10 also get to add FREE FRUIT VEGES ETC

Open WEDNESDAY - 10:45am to 2:15pm & THURSDAY - 12 noon until 6pm.

Breakfast Club – next date – Thursday 4th August

If there is anything that I can help with, please call me in the school office or send me an email. I am at Minden, Thursday & Friday.

Rebecca Hewett

School Chaplain

Minden State School

5425 7222


Kids Games Minden – 2016

Holiday sports and games action just for kids.

Program provided by Minden Baptist Church.

Wednesday 29 June, Thursday 30 June & Friday 1 July 2016

8:45am – 3:00pm each day, morning tea & lunch provided

Parent Evening & BBQ – Friday 1 July - 5:30pm – 7:30pm

Early-bird Special Prices (available until 31 May)

$30 per child or $75 for 3 or more children (in the same family)

Prices (from 1 June)

$45 per child or $105 for 3 or more children (in the same family)

Minden Baptist Church

978 Lowood-Minden Road, Minden, Qld 4311

To register

For more information contact;

Tracey Jones 0422 599 205

Cathi Henley 0430 302 253 or 5426 8205

email contact;

General School News

Assembly Gotcha Awards

27/05/16 Nicolas, Abby, Amber.

03/06/16 Hayley, Landon, Rana.


Classroom News

Prep News

*Weather: Now that the weather is cooling down students are encouraged to bring/wear a jumper. Jumpers need to be blue (school colour), please make sure you have named your child’s jumper.

*Reading: Please see additional information in this week’s newsletter – great strategies to help your child to read.

*Counting/letters: As you participate in everyday activities practise counting to and from 20 eg: helping with dinner, buying fruit and vegies etc. As you're driving have fun checking out numbers, letters and words.

*Lunch boxes: Please make sure your child has enough food, they need to have at least one snack for second break.

*Events: Prep presentation for term 2 will be on 14 June at 2:00pm in the Prep classroom.

*Homework: This week will be our last week for homework this term. You can continue helping your child to learn high frequency words. Remember students need to know both Primer and Pre Primer words by the end of Prep. Homework folders still need to be returned to school on Friday. If you require high frequency words to continue learning during the holidays, please ask.

*Sports day: Great to see so many parents and grandparents attending our junior sports day on Tuesday.

If you have any questions then please come and see us.

Thanks Mrs Williams and Mrs Ploetz


Reading Goals

Good Readers in Prep…

* listen to their parents read stories every single day

(the value of the bedtime story is critical to reading success!)

* can make connections between stories and their own world (That reminds me of the time when…)

* can make predictions about what is going to happen in a story (I think… will happen because…)

* can talk about characters in stories

(… is feeling sad, because…)

* can sequence events in a story

* can make inferences about why things happen in stories. (I think that happened because…)

* learn about vocabulary (talk about interesting words in the story and their meanings)

* ask questions about stories (I wonder why…. happened)

* monitor their own reading by…

o checking the pictures first

o pointing to the words (just until they can match the written word to spoken word 1 to 1.)

o looking at the first letters to predict the word

o learning the high frequency or HOT words that appear frequently in texts

o re-reading their readers many times to develop their phrasing and fluency (make their reading sound like talking)

o Build reading stamina! (read for longer time)

Curriculum Awards


Special Awards:

Eden - Eden is enjoying writing, she is using her writing strategies to help her write a compound sentence.

Max - Max has completed Pre Primer(Dolch) High Frequency Words. Great work Max!

Layla- Laylahas completed Pre Primer(Dolch) High Frequency Words. Great work Layla!

Scarlett - Scarlettis enjoying writing activities, great sentence writing Scarlett.

Lilyana- Fantastic use of reading strategies. Keep up the great work Lilyana.

Darcy - Darcy is working really hard in reading groups. Great work Darcy.

Year 1

Special Awards:

For successfully completing Reading Links: