Issue Description DocumentationPage 1 of 4

Resolution ID: 613405

SA 8SP1 Bundle #14

The following Report IDs have been bundled together in the fix located in the Resolution Section of this incident. Listed below are the issue descriptions that appeared in the original incidents:

1507537000AV: 8 SP1Different address data written to AV_RELATE_PE from different pages fix affects related inquiry pages

Removing the address from the AV_RELATE_PE record for relationships with system IDs causes the inquiry pages to display no address for these relationships unless data was present prior to the change. The inquiry pages should display the dual address format similar to that added for data entry in Bundles 13 and 4.

Resolution: Modified the address display for relationships in Person Profile, Org Profile, Relationship Summary and Org relationship summary pages so that both the related ID and primary ID addresses are displayed.

1488457000FA: 8 SP1Format change of OSAP Load file

Provide updates to accomodate the OSAP load file format changes.

Resolution: New CNAS file load specifications have been incorporated into the CNAS load process.

1443524000FA: 8 SP1FISAP Changes for 2006 - 2007

FISAP fiscal operations report for 2005-2006 and application to participate for 2007 - 2008.

Resolution: New FISAP 2008 has been included in this bundle.

1517792000FA: 8 SP1HERA 2006 - INAS updates

Changes to INAS programs for new requirements from HERA 2006. Includes College Board's INAS 2006-2007 Technical Upgrade #2 - Interim Postings #1 and #2.

Resolution: INAS 2006-2007 Technical Upgrade #2 - Interim Posting #2 received from College Board on 5/26/2006.

1497328000FA: 8 SP1HERA 2006 PLUS loans for graduate students - FA Packaging

Changes are required to Financial Aid Packaging process in reaction to recent legislative changes. In some cases graduate students are now eligible to borrow PLUS loans.

Resolution: This functionality has been added to satisfy the legislative changes. Program fappkeng.cbl was modified to support processing of PLUS loans for graduate students under specified circumstances. In conjunction with this, a new Federal Source code translate value was added to the ITEM_TYPE_FA_1 page to support Grad PLUS awards.

26186000FA: 8 SP1The Federal IDs available do not include all types of Federal Funds.

The Federal IDs need to be expanded. The IDs available do not include all types of Federal Funds. For instance, there are Federal fellowships, such as the NSF, and the Javits.

Resolution: The following Federal ID (Federal Source Codes) translate values are now being accepted/processed and packaged as FA awarded Item Types. Added Federal Sources Codes include: ACG – Academic Competitiveness Grant, SMRT – National Smart Grant, NIH – National Institute of Health, NSF – National Science Foundation, GAAN – Graduate Assistance is Areas of National Need, JVTS – Jacob K Javits Fellowship and a OTHR [a category for] - Other Federal Funds. All of these Federal Source Codes translate values were added to the ITEM_TYPE_FA_1 page. The packaging engine (program fappkeng.cbl) was also modified to accepts, process, and award these added Federal item types.

53825000FA: 8 SP1FEDERAL_ID Values for Health Professions Not Working

On the item type panel, if a source of Federal is selected the panel allows selection of one of a number of Federal IDs including HEAL, HPSL, LDS, PCL. However, use of any of these Federal IDs in the packaging process will error the item type with 9003 - Not a valid Federal Program (invalid Federal ID code).

Resolution: These existing (See Description statement) Federal IDs (i.e., Federal Source Codes) are now being accepted/processed by the packaging engine (program fappkeng.cbl) which was revised to provide this support.

1445948000SAD: 8 SP1AMCAS Ethnic Group Map Bundle #10 does not have the correct pushbutton.

The navigation is Develop Enrollment, Process External Data, Setup, AMCAS Ethnic Group Map, AMCAS Ethnic Group Map. Label on pushbutton needs to be corrected.

Resolution: The page title and button label on the AMCAS Ethnic group map page was corrected to display the correct text.

649100000SR: 8 SP1Enrollment Engine is not obeying the effective date of the service indicator.

If a row which has a service impact of CENR is inactivated the enrollment engine still stops enrollment. The engine does not seem to be looking at the effective date of the service indicator.

Resolution: Modified views, SRVC_IMP_SR_VW, SRVC_IMP_SR2_VW, SRVC_IMP_SR3_VW, and SRVC_IMP_SR4_VW to use the SRVC_IND_CD_TBL in determining the right effective dated row to use in gathering the enrollment service impacts.

1506341000SR: 8 SP1Issues with Class Limit Override/Class Permission and Reserve Cap after Bundle 13

The Bundle 13 Fix for Incident 1500621000 disables the ability to enroll a student into a closed class using an Enrollment Request Class Limit Override or a valid Class Permission, unless there is an active reserve capacity on the class. Also, in situtations where a class has Reserve Cap(s), students can be enrolled ahead of students on the Wait List if the Reserve caps is ended or lowered.

Resolution: The fix in Bundle 13 for reserve cap/waitlist issue broke the class limit override and class permission. This problem was caused by changes to reserve capacity/wait list logic. To resolve the problem, the following changes have been made to reserve capacity/wait list logic> A value of R (Reserve Cap) has been added to the translate field WAITLIST_DAEMON. The WAiTLIST_DAEMON field will be set to R when a class reserve capacity is reduced. SRPCEPRD.cbl and srpcwlpr.dms have been modified to treat the value of "R" of WAITLIST_DAEMON like a "Yes" but when editing for open class, "R" value could prevent student from taking up an open seat when there are waitlisted students, This enables the enrollment process to recognize that space has been opened up as a result of a Reserve Cap change and that spaces should be held for students on the wait list.

1519167000SR: 8 SP1Time conflict returns an error message that maximum term unit load has been exceeded

If a student adds multiple classes in one request and two of the classes have a time conflict then none of the classes are added. An error message is returned on all classes where the term maximum is exceeded.

Resolution: Modified program SRPCEPRD.cbl to eliminate repeated counting of units when editing for maximum units in situation when there are multiple enrollment requestd and an error was detected in one or more requests.

670987000SR: 8 SP1Grade attribute INCLUDE_IN_GPA is set differently in the record STDNT_ENRL.

Under certain circumstances, the grade attribute INCLUDE_IN_GPA is set differently in the record STDNT_ENRL, depending on whether the grade is registered by the grade post process or by enrolment request process.

Resolution: In the FieldDefault peoplecode for STDNT_ENRL.INCLUDE_IN_GPA, we removed the code that sets INCLUDE_IN_GPA to 'N' when the GRADE_TBL_OF_VW.IN_PROGRESS_GRD = 'Y' and either the REPEAT_CODE_TBL.INCLUDE_IN_GPA = "N" or GRADE_BASIS_VW.INCLUDE_IN_GPA = "N".

1513500000SR: 8 SP1After Bundle#13 Self Service Grade Roster page displays Emplid and Name instead of Blind Id

Self service grade rosters are not showing blind grading ids if the instructor has access to only Grade or Approve the rosters. Code on FUNCLIB_SR.GRADE_ROSTER_CMPNT Field Formula prevents blind grading option in self service unless GRADE_RSTR_ACCESS = P.

Resolution: Modified FUNCLIB_SR.GRADE_ROSTER_CMPNT.FieldFormula peoplecode to display blind id as long as access code is not blank.

1447485000XCC: 8 SP1Exceeded length warning message displays three times repetitively

It looks like the issue occurs when exceeded length Address 2 or City is entered after the save of exceeded length Address 1 or Address 2.

Resolution: Modified the following peoplecode: ADDRESS_SBR.ADDRESS1.SaveEdit PeopleCode,




ADDRESS_SBR.CITY.SaveEdit PeopleCode,



ADDR_OTR_SBR.CITY_OTHER.SaveEdit PeopleCode to meet the requirements.

1465620000XCC: 8 SP1Address does not show in self-service, but still gives warning message for other address types.

When testing SA Bundle #12 - Incident #1326808000. French address does not show up in self-service and when you change another address on the student's record it gives you the warning message that the address field is too long, even though its for a different address.

Resolution: Modified the SS_CC_ADDRESSES.GBL.DERIVED_SS_PD.SAVE_PB.FieldChange component peoplecode to meet the requirements.

1503864000XCC: 8 SP1AV_RELATE_PE - RowInit peoplecode on ADDRESS_SBR.POSTAL.RowInit

This is an issue introduced in the bundle by the usage of the ADDRESS_SBP and the ADDRESS_OTHER_SBP on the CR Person Org and Org Person relationships pages. There is RowInit peoplecode on ADDRESS_SBR.POSTAL.RowInit that is calling a function to format the Postal value. If that function finds an invalid value according to the coded rules for the Country, it throws a warning message. No warning messages should be thrown during row init, because processing stops. In this case processing stops and the rest of the page is not formatted correctly.

Resolution: Modified the ADDRESS_SBR.POSTAL.RowInit peoplecode and ADDR_OTR_SBR.POSTAL_OTHER.RowInit peoplecode to meet the requirements.

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