Sealed proposals will be received from Proposer’s by San Antonio Independent School District (SAISD) at the Reception Deskof the Office of the Director, Materials Management/Purchasing Department, 1215 Austin Street, San Antonio, TX 78208-1097, for the acquisition of a“Student and Athletic Insurance from “A” Rated Insurance Companies”. Proposers should ensure that responses are delivered to Reception Desk as this is the location of the official time clock and all responses are required to be date/time stamped.

The initial term of the resultant contract will be a basic 1-year period, to commence on August 1, 2011 and end July 31, 2012. The contract will include seven (7) one-year option periods to be exercised by The District at the end of the basic performance period, constituting a total period of eight (8) years. It is the intention of The District to enter into a long-term relationship, therefore, multi-year rate guarantees and/or rate caps will be given favorable consideration. If a multi-year rate guarantee cannot be provided, the Proposer shall indicate the maximum guaranteed rate increases which may be anticipated and the basis on which the increase will be determined. The District has the option to renew a contract on an annual basis, based upon quality of care, services rendered and renewal rates. In the event The District has neither renewed this contract nor secured alternative plans or services from another provider, on or before the renewal or expiration date, this proposal as approved and awarded by The District shall continue upon mutual agreement.Award of contract is contingent upon funding.

San Antonio ISD
Materials Management/Purchasing
1215 Austin Street
San AntonioTexas,78208-1097
Phone: 210-224-2781 Fax: 228-3174
Opening Time and Date:Monday, April 4, 2011 @ 1:00 P.M. (CST)
 / Issue Date: Friday, March 11, 2011
Page 1 of 40 Pages
“Student and Athletic Insurance from “A” Rated Insurance Companies”
(Request for Proposal)
Pamela Morrison, Director, Materials Management
The Proposal will be a firm offer which will be irrevocable and valid for
120 calendar days from the opening date.

The attached Materials Management Department Terms and Conditions are an integral part of this RFP.

The successful Proposer(s) must provide Materials Management/Purchasing Department with original Certificates of Insurance to include, General Liability, Workman's Compensation and Automotive Liability, within ten (10) working days from the date of SAISD Board of Trustees approval of award. Failure to provide these documents may result in disqualification of award. Please see General Terms & Conditions, Item #81.

Please return original signed proposal and four (4) copies and one electronic copy on a “flash drive” to Materials Management/Purchasing Department, Attn: Felix Alvarez, Contract Administrator at the address noted above. All forms included as part of this RFP must be completed, signed (if applicable) and returned with proposal.All responses must bein a sealed envelope, plainly marked with vendor's name, bid/proposal number, opening date and time.

Responses not submitted as specified above may be disqualified.

All Technical questions regarding this Request for Proposal must be addressed in written format via e-mail to Felix Alvarez, ith an e-mail carbon copy to Bruce Massey , no later than, March 23, 2011 at 10:00 a.m (CST). Technical questions not submitted to both (F. Alvarez and B. Massey) may not be answered. Responses will be submitted by email to all known respondentsthrough the Texas Bid System.

District offices will be closed March 14-18, 2011 for Spring Break

The District reserves the sole discretion and right to accept or reject any and/or all Proposals as it shall deem to be in the best interest of The District. Receipt of any Proposal shall under no circumstances obligate District to accept the lowest Proposal. The award of the contract shall be made to the responsible Respondent, whose Proposal is determined to be the best value and best evaluated offer resulting from negotiation, taking into consideration the relative importance of price and other evaluation factors set forth in the RFP.

The District is not opposed to a proposer having Agents and/or Agency Services included in the quote.Should you decide to have an Agent andor Agency Services The District needs to know how much the Agent and or Agency Services affect the overall rates in total dollars and the Agency Services that will be provided need to be disclosed in detail. The District reserves the sole discretion and right to accept or reject any and/or all Agents andor Agency Services for any reason as it shall deem to be in the best interest of The District therefore The District will need to know how much of a reduction in rates will occur should we reject any and/or all Agents and Agency Services in your proposal.


Name and Address of Bidder/Proposer: (Please Print)BIDDER/PROPOSER AUTHORIZED TO SIGN:

Company Name:Print Name:


City/State/Zip Code:Signature/Date Signed:


Telephone# (800 # if available):Print Name/Title:Pamela Morrison, Director

Fax #:Signature/Date Signed:



The District will transmit purchase orders electronically to reduce administrative costs. Please provide an e-mail address and/or fax number and point of contact where purchase orders should be sent. Awarded vendors are solely responsible for notifying the Materials Management, Bid Section, 210-224-2781 of any changes.

E-mail:Fax Number:

POC: Telephone Number:

Proposers must provide the information requested on the following documents. If documents are missing or incomplete, this may be cause for disqualification.

  1. Property Tax Status Acknowledgement Form, Page 25
  2. Representation and Certification, Page 26
  3. Contractor Criminal Background Certification, Page 28
  4. Subcontractor Form, Page 29
  5. Subcontractor Criminal Background Certification, Page 30
  6. Conflict of Interest Questionnaire, Page 31
  7. Request for Taxpayer Identification Number & Certification (W-9), Page 32
  8. Detailed Price Affidavit, Page 33

RFP # 11-036 (FA) ““Student and Athletic Insurance from “A” Rated Insurance Companies”




  1. Background Information
  2. Evaluation Process
  3. Proposal Instructions and Requirements
  4. Special Terms and Conditions
  5. General Terms and Conditions

Appendix A – Required Acknowledgement and Forms to be returned

-Acknowledgement Form

-Property Tax Status Acknowledgement Form

-Representation and Certification

-Contractor Criminal Background Certification

-Subcontractor Form

-Subcontractor Criminal Background Certification

-Conflict of Interest Questionnaire

-Request for Taxpayer Identification Number & Certification

-Detailed Price Affidavit

Appendix B – Underwriting Information

  1. Participation
  2. Premium & Claims Report
  3. Specifications
  4. Current District Coverage Policies

Appendix C – Forms to be Returned

-Hospital Services

-Exclusions and Limitations

-Premium Rates

-Catastrophic Medical Benefit

-Catastrophic Cash (Disability) Benefit

-Accidental Death and Dismemberment Benefits




The District encompasses a 79 square mile area in Bexar County, Texas. It is the 13th largest school district in Texas and includes 91 schools, serving 56,000 students.

Goals and Objectives

It is the intent of San AntonioIndependentSchool District to award the proposal to one carrier who can provide all lines of coverage in a package format. Preference will be given to proposers willing and able to place the entire package with one company. Each proposal should include the three benefits listed below:

(1)Student (Voluntary Accident) coverage for grades Pre-kindergarten through 12 with a quote for 24 hour coverage and school-time only coverage. Voluntary Dental plans and Voluntary Football coverage should also be offered as part of the bid submission.Currently offers zero balance billing to parents/students.

(2)Student Athletic/UIL coverage for students in grades 7 through 12 including athletic activities, tryouts, practices, direct travel to and from events, UIL competitions, Vocational Classes and ROTC as long as it is a School District supervised, sponsored sport, game or activity. Currently offers zero balance billing to parents/students.

(3)Catastrophic Insurance Coverage and Additional Death and Disability Benefits for interscholastic sports, including: football, band, cheerleaders, majorettes and drill (dance) teams and to include intramural sports, gym classes, and non-sport extracurricular UIL activities. Preference will be given to any carrier that can offer a $6,000,000 Catastrophic Maximum Medical Benefit. Currently offers zero balance billing to parents/students.

The District seeks services from companies who have experience in developing and maintaining the type of benefit programs requested, and who have a proven track record for providing quality care and effective services at competitive rates. The District is seeking to establish a long-term business relationship with the successful organizations that can provide pro-active plan management services.

Current Coverages and Services

Current coverage and services are outline in the Summary of Benefits and Policies attached to the RFP’s posting.

Coverages and Services Requested

  1. Name of Insured: San AntonioIndependentSchool District

Special Risk - Prices are requested on Special Olympics and special education. The rates can be quoted under Section VI of the formal quote. Benefit must be taken on FULL ASSIGNMENT or fully covered under a PPO or special network group.

HIPAA/FERPA-Please show process necessary to maintain HIPAA and FERPA compliance.

Treatment of a Covered Person - Treatment must be initiated by a licensed physician within 90 days of the date of injury. Ambulance expenses must be for the first trip to a hospital not to the nearest hospital.

  1. Student Coverage Voluntary:Zero balance billing to parents/students.


  • 24-Hour - Up to $25,000, $0 deductible, for injuries sustained during the year. The coverage will be a PRIMARY POLICY. Specify if plan is accepted on FULL ASSIGNMENT through a PPO or special network group.
  • At School - Up to $25,000, $0 deductible for injuries that occur at school or school sponsored activities and to and from school, including all sports. Plan will also be primary. Specify if plan is accepted on FULL ASSIGNMENT through a PPO or special network group.
  • Voluntary Football Coverage Varsity - Up to $25,000 for injuries sustained while practicing or participating in interscholastic varsity football. Benefit coverage will match requirements as outlined in the at-school plan.
  • Voluntary Extended Dental - Pays Usual and Customary to $25,000 for injuries to sound teeth.

c. Student Athletic/UIL coverage Zero balance billing to parents/students

Blanket Coverage-Interscholastic Sports and Activities Coverage - A $25,000 maximum policy with $0 deductible for injuries sustained while practicing or participating in any UIL event. The blanket policy will cover all UIL activities grades K-12 and a list of names will not be provided. The policy will be excess and have an effective date of August 1, 2011 and expires July 31, 2012 unless extended or terminated early as noted elsewhere in the RFP. Benefits must be accepted on full assignment through a PPO or special network group. Policy coverage must include all Vocational classes, ROTC, and FFA.

d. Catastrophic Insurance Coverage Zero balance billing to parents/students

Catastrophic – San AntonioIndependentSchool District will purchase blanket catastrophic accident insurance for those students participating in all UIL sports and activities. There will be a $25,000 deductible with indemnity amount of no less than $6,000,000. Deductible period will be two (2) years and a ten (10) year minimum benefit period.

e. Sports Leagues & Camps Coverage Zero balance billing to parents/students

Coverage is to contain at least General Liability of $1 million in coverage and $3 million in aggregate and a $0 deductible. Plan should include Excess Accident Medical and AD&D.

Successful Offeror will provide the following services corresponding to the various parts of the proposal:

  • Part I

(1)Prepare student information/solicitation brochures, complete with individual, directreply envelope, bundled and labeled by campus. Please note that we usually distribute only 3,000 brochures -not one per student.

Enclose specimen brochure.

In an effort to minimize your cost and to increase student/parent awareness, the SAISD will send a "pre-solicitation" information note in Spanish and English to all students/parents. Solicitation brochures will be made available at all schools.

(2)Print notation on the student insurance brochure and envelope to “Make checks/money orders payable to the insurance company.”

(3)Do Not include notices for other types of insurance in/or on the student brochure packets or envelopes.

(4)Prepare roster list for participants in each school.

  • Part II

(1)Provide monthly analysis report of claims.

(2)Provide prompt response to phone requests for claim status information.

(3)Allow at least 60 days after the initial injury for an athlete to be seen by a doctor.

(4)Accept Sports Clinic as medical service. (These clinics are conducted by local orthopedic groups as a service to SAISD; there are no physicians’ charges.)

(5)Pursue receipt of explanation of benefit form from coordinating insurance company, whenever possible.

(6)Allow MRI and CT scan coverage for reasonable and customary.

(7)Provide coverage for hospital observation charge (if any) if stay is less than 24 hours.

(8)Provide payment for assistant surgeon.

Parts I & II

(1)Explain claims monitoring procedures.

(2)Provide means whereby school personnel and/or parents can contact the agent and/or company via a toll-free number or WATS line.

(3)Provide location of claims service office.

(4)Provide toll free number if claims office is out of San Antonio calling area.

(5)Send specimen policy and solicitation brochure.

(6)Provide name of service representative.

(7)Send sample of monthly claims report, identifying claims status, name amount, date of injury, etc.

(8)Provide A.M. Best Company rating.

(9)List Texas ISD references.




Each proposal received will be analyzed and evaluated by selected District personnel and also by Wortham Insurance & Risk Management. Wortham Insurance & Risk Management has been retained by The District.

Evaluation Criteria

In addition to the evaluation criteria noted in Item 16 of Section V of this RFP, The District reserves the right to contact references to discuss the performance of Proposers ‘to make on-site visits of Proposers’ facilities to observe systems and personnel in action and based on the follow criteria:

  • Quality and value of plan option(s)
  • Network accessibility;
  • Network disruption;
  • Cost;
  • Services offered;
  • Ability to packagerequested services.

Best and Final Offer (BAFO)

The District reserves the right to return to the Proposer(s) remaining in the competitive range to request a BAFO proposal based on one or more components of the initial proposal. These criteria will be explained at the time best and final proposals are requested.

Although discussions and BAFOs may take place, Proposers are encouraged to provide their best offer/proposal initially and not anticipate discussions to make their best offer/proposal.

The District reserves the right to bundle coverages and/or services with the same company, or choose a different company for each service requested. Each coverage/service must stand alone and cannot be contingent on securing other lines of coverage. If there is a financial advantage to choosing more than one coverage/service with Proposer’s firm, proposal should clearly outline these advantages.

Timeline for RFP Process

The timeline for the process is as follows and is subject to change:

  • RFP issued: Friday, March 11, 2011
  • Technical Questions Due – Wednesday, March 23, 2011, by 10:00 A.M. (CST)
  • RFP Opening - Monday, April 4, 2011 @ 1:00 P.M. (CST)
  • Recommendation for Board of Trustees: On or about Monday, May 9, 2011
  • Board of Trustees Consideration/Decision: On or about Monday, May 16, 2011



(The items required to be in your response must be identified for ease of location for review)

Organization and Format

A title page for the proposal must show The District’s name, RFP #, name of Proposer’s firm, address, telephone number, fax number, name of contact person, and date. A table of contents with section numbers must be provided to clearly identify the specified material by section as specified below. The body of the proposal must be tabbed as described in this section.

The proposal should be organized in the following format using Section numbers.

  1. Transmittal Letter, Representation and Certification Form
  2. Response to Forms, Questionnaires and Worksheets
  3. Summary of Benefits
  4. Client List, Rating Data, Organizational Chart and Financial Statements
  5. Report Samples
  6. Enrollment and Student Communication Examples
  7. Provider Directory / Pharmacy Listing
  8. Performance Guarantees and Penalties

Transmittal Letter

The Proposer must submit a transmittal letter in their proposal that accomplishes the following:

  1. Identifies the Proposer.
  2. A commitment by your company to provide the services required by The District.
  3. States the proposal is firm and effective until the effective date of the plan.
  4. Is signed by a person legally authorized to bind the Proposer to the representations in the response. In the case of a joint proposal, each Proposer must sign the transmittal letter.
  5. Include a statement of acceptance of the terms and conditions of the contract resulting from this RFP. If a Proposer takes exception to any of the proposed benefits, terms and conditions stated in this RFP, those exceptions must be noted in writing and submitted as part of your proposal.

Forms, Questionnaires and Worksheets

The questionnaires and worksheets provided in this RFP are designed to verify the Proposer’s ability and willingness to meet various requirements and expectations about the services provided to The District.

When responding to the forms, questionnaires and worksheets please be concise yet specific with answers. If a numbered question is adequately addressed in a section of your proposal, please reference that section, but still respond to question on the questionnaire. The response could be highlighted in the body of the proposal for further clarification.