Minutesof the Meeting of the Parish Council

Tuesday 20thJanuary 2015

Islip Village Hall

Present:-CllrsR Horrell (Chair), Garlick &R Maxwell, K Stockley,E Taylor & M Garlick

Cllr & J Tufnail (Clerk)

Michael Holton & Sharn Matthews

99Apologies had been received by the Council fromCllrsB Lymn (holiday), C Mayes (working), S Harris (holiday),W Brackenbury (ENC&NCC) (at another meeting)

100Declaration of interest was made on Planning 2 Toll Bar Road by Cllr Garlick.

101A presentation was made by Sharn Matthews of ENC – Destination Nene Valley & Greenway

102The Minutes of the meeting held on 16th December 2014 were approved and duly signed by the Chair.

103The following planning matters were considered


14/02109/FUL - Construction of new walls and entrance gates on existing siteaccess point. Installation of new gabion cages to form retaining wall togarden set into existing garden bank at 2 Toll Bar Road No objection

15/00060/FUL – 41 Kettering Road, 2 Storey Front Extension – No objection

b.Awaiting Notification

14/02206/FUL - Pavilion Sports Field- Granted

14/02297/FUL – 8 Old Farm Lane – Ist Floor extension

14/02106/TPO – 21 High Street Tree Works

14/0696/TCA – 31 High Street – Tree Works - Granted

c.Notifications Received

13/00197/PPD – Rose & Crown Appeal - withdrawn

14/01830/FUL – 2 Toll Bar Road – Oak Garage & Roof Room - Granted


a.The Financial Report & Bank Reconciliation wereproposed, considered and agreed. The cheques duly signed in accordance with the Financial Regulations.

b.The Clerk laid the proposed budget for the next year before the Council and following discussion it was proposed and duly resolved that the 2015-16 budget should be approved and accepted by the Council.

c.The Clerk laid the Precept Request for 2015-16 before the Council and following discussion it was proposed and duly resolved that the 2015-16 Precept of £20,000 should be approved and accepted by the Council. It was noted that the Council had not raised the Precept for many years but having replaced the village lights, laying a new path in the Rec and a project to put in village planters and entrance gates it was now prudent to raise the precept by £2,000.

d.The Financial Control and Budgetary Committee had undertaken a spot check of the accounts prior to the meeting without issue.

105Police & Crime Report - Cllr Lymn absent.

106Street Lighting, Highways & Footpaths

a.Lighting - Cllr Harris absent to report at the next meeting. The £150 quote for tree work was agreed.

b.Planters & gates in the village entrance – the Clerk reported that applications for funding were being made from ENC and NCC.

c.The Clerk was authorised to complete the Highways forms claiming the S136 contribution of £488.79 from County.

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Minutes 20.1.2015

107Recreation Ground–Weekly inspection reports filed. Cllr Taylor to address the issue with the Tower.

108Sports Field

a.Cllr Maxwell updated the Council with progress; the tender process was ongoing. The Football Foundation required a Restriction against the Lease which was discussed. It was proposed and duly resolvedthat the Council should enter into this Restriction and the Clerk was authorised to sign the forms. It was noted that the Football Foundation’s solicitors required a further £120 and this was also agreed.

109The District Councillor was away so would report at the next meeting.

110Clerk’s Update– Training Clerk attending Election Briefing 7th Feb 7pm ENC, Digital by Default in Raunds 18.2.15 Clerk, Cllrs Garlic, Stockley, Clerk meeting with the Internal Auditor on 18th February.

The Transparency Code was discussed and Clerk set out best practice for publication on the web site. It was noted that Council’s should be publishing Draft Minutes after they had been considered by Councillors and this would be put in place. It was agreed that ENCs Dog Officer would be invited to the next meeting to give a presentation to the Council.

98The Easter Egg Hunt would take place on Easter Sunday. Cllr Maxwell would like the telephone box used more effectively - Agenda for next month. It was noted that the hedges were overhanging the pavement at the Old Forge, Clerk to email Drayton Estates. It was noted that the Salt bins running low especially at the top of Chapel Hill and the end of the Lowick Road – Clerk to advise Street Doctor. It was noted that the bin at the Old Forge was always full – Clerk to advise ENC. It was noted that the drains on Mill Road overflow regularly – Clerk to advise Street Doctor. The gate was off at the Mill and a complaint had been received regarding the danger of this. Clerk to write to the owner.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.10pm

Chair,17th February 2015