Islam; the Journey

Theme / This theme . . . Islam the Journey
Key Questions for RE / Raises these important questions . . .
What is it like to be a Muslim growing up in the UK? How Muslim have’s continued to follow their faith in a western country?
What is the role of music in religious identity?
Six areas of enquiry (conceptual strands)
(a to f at least two )
/ So we’ve selected this concept and content in order to address the question . . .
Strand B Practices and ways of Life: The Hajj
Strand C Forms of expression: Nasheed Music
Strand D Identity and belonging :The Ummah and the importance of going on Hajj to British Muslims
Content may be taken from more than one religious tradition
Music Curriculum KS2: a range of live and recorded music from different times and cultures
Skills and Attitudes
From the syllabus list and more generic i.e. ICT
/ We want pupils to develop these skills and attitudes. .
Engagement / Investigation / Evaluation / Expression / Others
the ability to see the world through the eyes of others, and see issues from their point of view. / knowing how to use different types of sources as a way of gathering information;
Having a willingness to examine ideas, questions and disputes about religious and spiritual questions / Explaining the significance of aspects of religious belief and practice; / The ability to respond to religious issues through a variety of media. / Music Responding and reviewing apprising skills
ICT Skills
Creative thinking skills
Enquiry Skills
Reasoning Skills
Leveled learning outcomes taken from
I can statements / Specifically we want them to be able to . . .
Strand b level 4 use the right religious words to describe and compare what practices and experiences may be involved in belonging to different religious groups
Strand c level 4 express religious beliefs (ideas, feelings, etc) in a range of styles and words used by believers and suggest what they mean
Stand D Level 4 ask questions about who we are and where we belong, and suggest answers which refer to people who have inspired and influenced myself and others
Teaching and learning activities
A good balance in planning between AT1 and AT2 will ensure a interaction of religious and secular views / And we have devised these engaging teaching and learning activities to enable pupils to explore questions of religions and beliefs . . .

The three E’s approach to using Music in RE (REThinking21 Stapleford centre)
Explore: The meaning and significance of the music: What is the music trying to say?
Engage: Community of Enquiry/Questions to explore/Research: What is the cultural background here? Why this style, these instruments? How does this compare to other religious music?
Express: Make a creative response to the music used. Chose music that has similar meaning for them
Start within the Christian faith community and the use of music to express religious identity a suggested song is
Jesus Freak: DC Talk. This is available on iTunes inc music video
(There are so many individual versions and responses of this song on youtube some could be downloaded and used as sources)
Contrast this with Contrast with music from the Islam community Islamic hip hop ie ‘Not afraid to Stand Alone’: Native Deen Music video is on youtube song on ITunes
Explore: What is each song trying to say?
Engage: What questions would you like to ask about each song? What emotions do you feel coming through the songs
Express: Chose a song that you think has a powerful message. What is that message? Why does it work as a song?
Nasheed Music
Play an example by Zain Bhikha (youtube Mountains of Makkah,
•Use 3E’s approach
As part of the engage questioning Bring out instruments used explain Nasheed Music and background of Zain Bhikha
•Also that this song was written whilst he was on Hajj
•For express: Chose a piece of music that they feel expresses praise..may be religious or secular
Music in Islam Haram?
•Play a recent song By Yusuf Islam (The Rain on Roadsinger)
•Potted History on Cat Stevens to Yusuf Islam . In particular. This could be done as research skills task
•Discuss issue/ debate in Islam about music being Haram (prohibited). Some articles are included in the resources section.
•There is also scope to look at the Sufi music tradition and to listen to the sounds of the Daf drum
The Journey
Task : Play The Journey by Zain Bhikha.
They are to produce a video for Nasheedtube (yes it does exist).
For this they will need to do use ICT (Photostory 3 for windows etc). I have included an example to give you the idea use google images for pictures of Hajj.
You will need to research/teachHajj. This could also be done by inviting a British Hajji (someone who has completed Hajj) to talk to students.
Consider the difficulties for a British Muslim going on Hajj
Consider the value for a British Muslim in going on Hajj. Stress the concept of the Ummah, of being part of a wider brotherhood especially when living in a society that is not Muslim. This could be contrasted with the concept of the Kingdom of God in Christianity for more able students (level 5)
•The Journey is on CD ‘Towards the Light: Zain Bhikha available through RE Today Services or from all music is available as downloads from iTunes and the ‘Mountains of Makkah’ is best viewed on Youtube. The CD can be sourced through
•Rethinking 21 RE and Music Education from the Stapleford centre.
•General resources on Hajj plus internet research.
•Photostory3 for windows is a free download just google!