Mark Twain I. S. 239First and Last Name

Class 6L ____September 2014

Science Index Card Assignment

Science Terms will be assigned as each unit is completed. Each required science term assigned is to be written on a separate index card using the correct format shown below. Science terms are also to be highlighted and underlined when written in your class notes as well, so you can understand the meanings of these words when we use them in our lessons, science labs, and class discussions. This assignment will require you to include the word, the definition, as well as to use this word in a sentence so that you have a clear understanding of how the term is used in context. You also will include a picture of the word, if you can, so that it will help you understand and remember the meaning of each term. If a picture cannot be drawn based on the term being used, write a sentence for the word only.

Index card assignments are to be done for homework and kept in order. You must keep your cards neat, organized, and undamaged on a ring. Packs of rings and index cards can be purchased in Staples, Office Depot, and any 99 cent store should also have them as well. If you have any questions about what words are to be included on your index cards, you may look at the word wall in class after each unit or on the school website under my faculty page. Regular index card assignment checks will be conducted in class without notice. Please make sure you have your index card rings in a safe place in your binder, at all times, so that you can refer back to them if you are unsure what a word means as we use them in class. This assignment will also help you study for vocabulary quizzes when they arise. Please review these terms given daily for you may have pop quizzes on the terms and definitions. In order to receive full credit for your index card assignments, they MUST be written using the following format below (NO EXCEPTIONS):


Unit # and Name: ______

Date : ______

(The Science term goes here.)

Example Word: Hypothesis


(Definition and sentence using the word goes here. Please make sure you highlight or underline the term you are using in your sentence.)

Example Definition: A tentative explanation for an observation that can be tested by further investigations.

Example Sentence: A hypothesis is used in the field of science where the scientific method is used.