Islam Awareness Week Islamic Jeopardy

Basic Beliefs

100 – The number of gods that Muslims believe in. (What is one?)

200 – An orphan who grew up being known as “The Truthful” by Muslims and non-Muslims alike, he is considered the Last Messenger in Islam. (Who is Muhammad?)

300 – Muslims believe in four Divine scriptures sent to God’s people in their original form – the Torah to Moses, the Psalms to David, the Gospel to Jesus, and this to Muhammad. (What is the Quran?)

400 – This word is used to end the prayers that Muslims make. (What is Ameen? The English version is Amen and we should let them know we pronounce it differently even though it means the same.)

500 – This city is holy to Christians, Jews, and Muslims alike. (What is Jerusalem?)


100 – Out of respect for all of the prophets, Muslims say this phrase after saying their name. (What is “peace be upon him” or “peace and blessings upon him”?)

200 – Muslims believe this prophet was commanded to build a ship and have all the believers along with one pair of each animal board it to protect them from a flood. (Who is Nuh or Noah?)

300 – This prophet – whose name is mentioned the most number of times in the Quran – led his people out of Egypt to Israel. (Who is Musa or Moses?)

400 – After boarding a ship across the sea, this prophet was swallowed by a whale after he angrily abandoned a people whom God had commanded to guide. (Who is Yunus or Jonas?)

500 – This prophet – considered the forefather of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam – built the Ka’abah in the city of Makkah and established the annual pilgrimage. (Who is Ibrahim or Abraham?)

The Five Pillars of Islam

100 – As long as a Muslim is financially and physically able, he or she must go to Saudi Arabia for this holy journey. (What is Hajj or the pilgrimage?)

200 – Muslims perform this five times daily at specified times at the mosque, at home, in between classes, in congregation, individually… in almost any situation! (What is salah? Not the same as “prayer” which is usually taken to mean “du’as” according to most non-Muslims)

300 – Aside from donating a portion of one’s wealth to the needy, according to the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him), this pillar includes meeting others with a cheerful face, urging others to do good, and checking oneself from doing evil. (What is zakah or charity?)

400 – This pillar occurs primarily in the holy month of Ramadan and teaches people self-restraint according to the Quran. (What is fasting?)

500 – This declaration of faith called the Shahadah is the fundamental cornerstone of Islam. (What is “There is no God except Allah and Muhammad is God’s messenger”?)

Arabic Words

100 – “Assalam-u-alaikum,” a greeting used by Muslims when they see each other means this. (What is “May peace be upon you” or “Peace be with you” or “Peace be unto you”?)

200 – Commonly misinterpreted as “Holy War,” this word actually means “struggle” and can be used to describe one’s efforts to curb one’s desires and temptations. (What is jihad?)

300 – “Hijab,” a term that describes not only the outward appearance of a Muslim but an inner character of peace, modesty, and humility is commonly referred to this article of clothing worn by Muslim women. (What is the headscarf?)

400 – “InshaAllah,” a phrase said whenever a Muslim wishes to do something means this. (What is “if God wills”?)

500 – “Halal,” a word that literally means this but is commonly used to describe food that has been prepared by Islamic etiquette. (What is lawful or permissible?)

Muhammad (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him)

100 – After the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), this is how many more of God’s messengers Muslims believe will come. (What is zero or none?)

200 – In his (PBUH) last sermon during his (PBUH) final pilgrimage to Makkah he (PBUH) said, “All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over a black nor a black has any superiority over white.” The Prophet (PBUH) went on to say that all humans equal except in this virtue. (What is piety?)

300 – The Prophet (PBUH) was approximately this age when he received the revelation from the Archangel Jibreel (Gabriel) about Islam (What is 40?)

400 – The start of the Islamic calendar is marked by this pilgrimage – called the Hijrah – that the Prophet (PBUH) made from Makkah to this city, where he lived for the remainder of his life. (What is Madinah?)

500 – The people of Makkah that wanted to kill the Prophet (PBUH) for his teaching of Islam were also the same people who asked him to safeguard some of their most valuable belongings. For his honest and truthful character, the Prophet (PBUH) used to be referred to as this. (What is Al-Amin [or the Trustworthy] or As-Sadiq [or the Truthful]?)

Are Muslims Allowed to…

100 – In both Judaism and Islam, one is not allowed to eat this animal’s meat. (What is a pig?)

200 – Obtaining this accredited document from an educational institution such is equally as important and valued for Muslim men and Muslim women in Islam because of the great emphasis Muslims place on attaining both worldly and spiritual knowledge. (What is a college degree?)

300 – Muslims can consume of the following: Miller Lite, virgin margarita, pepperoni pizza. (What is a virgin margarita?)

400 – Muslims are allowed to repent for, and God may forgive every sin, except this. (What is the belief in more than one god?)

500 – Muslims cannot read the Quran or perform the salah before they do this. (What is the wudhu or ablution?)

Women in Islam

100 – Aisha (may God be pleased with her), a key teacher of many of Islam’s greatest scholars, has this relation to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). (What is a wife?)

200 – Contrary to popular belief, a Muslim woman is lawfully entitled to a variable share of a deceased relative’s property and wealth () inheritance

300 – A respected figure for both Christians and Muslims, this woman has a chapter named after her in the Quran. (Who is Maryam or Mary?)

400 – When beginning this important relationship in one’s life, the consent of the woman is absolutely mandatory before anything further can be done. (What is marriage?)

500 – Thrice, this is whom the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said was most worthy of our companionship. (Who is our mother?)