ISIS Information Services and Information Systems Division
T: 0131-2444215
E: /
Mr William Olde
14 January 2011
Your ref:Email of 02 July 2010-
Our ref:FOI/10/00900
Dear William,
Thank you for your email of 02July 2010requesting information from the Scottish Government under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002. Your request asked for details of IT strategies plus products and costs relating to a number of corporate systems. We have now completed our search for this information.
At Annex A,I attach responses to the items for which you specifically requested information. Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding. Some additional time and work was required to retrieve information covering the years prior to the introduction of our electronic records system.
If, for any reason, you are unhappy with this response to your request, you may ask us to carry out an internal review,by writing to the Director-General Governance and Communities, Scottish Government, R1 Spur, Saughton House, Broomhouse Drive, Edinburgh EH11 3XD (email: ). Your request should explain why you wish a review to be carried out, and should be made within 40 working days of receipt of this letter. We will reply within 20 working days of receipt of such a request. If you are not satisfied with the result of any internal review then you subsequently have the right to make a formal complaint to the Scottish Information Commissioner.
Yours faithfully
David Watson
Head of Compliance and Strategy Delivery
Information Services and Information Systems (ISIS)
Scottish Government
H Spur, Saughton House
Broomhouse Drive, EH11 3XD
Tel: 0131 244 4215
a) the latest copy of your IT Strategy / Strategies, including any "e" or web strategies
Technology strategy – published March 2009
b) the names of any applications that you have purchased to manage your HR, Purchase to Pay, Finance, CRM, time sheet (including flexible working time) and IT Service Desk and/or Help Desk data
System / Internal Name / Application(s) UsedHR / eHR / Oracle HRMS
Purchase to Pay / eProcurement / PECOS
Finance / SEAS / Oracle Financials including Oracle Financial Analyser and ISOFAX), BACS, Express, Britannia, Hyperion Planning, Financial Data Quality Manager
CRM / The Scottish Government has no corporate CRM system
Timesheet (flexible working time) / Flexi / TMS (Flexi)
IT Service Desk / Assyst / Assyst
c) the date and the initial capital and other costs for the initial implementation of these applications.
- Implementation of HR system (eHR)
Year / Application(s) / Cost
2004-06 / Oracle HRMS (EHR1) / £4,124,331
2007-08 / Oracle HRMS (EHR2) / £3,243,302
TOTAL / £7,367,633
The implementation of the eHR system has enabled the Scottish Government to streamline its HR process and ensure that they are delivered in a consistent manner across the organisation and its associated agencies. By introducing manager and employee self service we be have been able to to automate a number of previously labour intensive processes, for example, approval of annual leave and sickness absence monitoring.
- Implementation of Purchase to Pay system (eProcurement)
Year / Application(s) / Cost
2002 / PECOS / £148,900
PECOS is used by 95 organisations across the Scottish public sector. At it's current level of usage it provides £12m of efficiency benefits per year.
- Implementation of Finance System (SEAS)
Year / Application(s) / Cost
2001 / Oracle Financials & ISOFAX / £3,951,000
2002 / Oracle Financial Analyser & Oracle Projects / £1,223,000
2008 / BACS (BACSCESS) / £23,000
2010 / Express / £7,000
TOTAL / £5,204,000
The SEAS system plays a fundamental part in delivering on the Scottish Government’s policy to enable shared finance services across central government in Scotland. The system processes approximately one million transactions per annum across core Scottish Government, agencies, NDPBs and pension funds. The efficiency and accuracy of financial processes has been greatly enhanced by the introduction of SEAS.
- Implementation of Flexible Working system (Flexi)
Year / Application(s) / Cost
2005/06 / TMS (Phase 1) / £175,000
2006/07 / TMS (Phase 2) / £25,000
TOTAL / £200,000
The Flexi system is now used by 5800 staff across core Scottish Government and agencies. Some 2200 of these have been added since the initial installation, bringing economies of scale through the decommissioning of previous local systems.
- Implementation of IT Service Desk system (Assyst)
This implementation was conducted circa 1995 and records no longer exist covering the specific costs.
Assyst is used to log, monitor, and measure service levels for reported problems and requested changes covering 10,000 users across Scottish Government and its agencies. It remains a fundamental component of helping deliver shared ICT services across government bodies in Scotland.
d) the names of the organisations that you have entered into a contract with to: firstly, supply these systems and secondly, perform annual support
- HR system (eHR)
Supply (Hardware): Fujitsu Siemens
Supply (Software): Fujitsu Siemens, Tata Consultancy Services
- Purchase to Pay system (eProcurement)
Supply and support: Capgemini UK plc
- Finance system (SEAS)
Oracle Financials, Oracle Financial Analyser, Oracle Projects, Hyperion Planning and Financial Data Quality Manager: supplied by and supported by Oracle Corporation.
ISOFAX supplied by and supported by Trabizon.
BACS (BACSCESS): supplied by and supported by Barron McCann.
Express: supplied by and supported by Kalamazoo.
Britiannia: supplied by and supported by Real Asset Management.
- Flexible Working system (Flexi)
Supply and support (terminal hardware and software): Mitrefinch Ltd
Support (server hardware): Maindec Ltd
Support (server software): Oracle Ltd
- IT Service Desk system (Assyst)
Supply and support: Axios Systems Ltd
e) the values of any annual support costs that are payable in relation to these systems, broken down by system and organization the fee is payable to
- HR system (eHR)
Hardware Support: Fujitsu Siemens - £28,540 per annum
Software Licensing: Oracle - £136,913 per annum
- Purchase to Pay system (eProcurement)
Purchase to Pay is part of a centrally funded managed service contract. This covers a number of procurement applications across a wide range of public bodies. There is no information detailing specific application support costs for individual user organisations.
- Finance system (SEAS)
Oracle Financials £501K per annum to Oracle Corporation
Oracle Financial Analyser £3K per annum to Oracle Corporation
Oracle Projects £7K per annum to Oracle Corporation
Hyperion Planning and Financial Data Quality Manager £11K to Oracle Corporation
ISOFAX £8K per annum to Trabizon
BACS (BACSCESS) £15K per annum to Barron McCann
Express £3K per annum to Kalamazoo
Britannia £10K per annum to Real Asset Management
- Flexible Working system (Flexi)
Terminal hardware and software: Mitrefinch Ltd - £17,271 per annum
Server hardware: Maindec Ltd - £1482 per annum
Server software: Oracle Ltd - £3556 per annum
- IT Service Desk system (Assyst)
Axios Systems Ltd - £69,704 per annum
f) the expiration date of the contracts for each of these applications.
- HR system (eHR)
Hardware Support: Fujitsu Siemens – April 2012
Software Licensing: Oracle – payable annually for as long as the system remains in use
- Purchase to Pay system (eProcurement)
PECOS – November 2011
- Finance system (SEAS)
The support contract for Oracle products (Oracle Financials, Oracle Financial Analyser, Oracle Projects, Hyperion Planning and Financial Data Quality Manager) lasts for a period of years (currently up to five) and is periodically re-tendered. The support under the current contract expires on 31 March 2013.
Support for other applications is renewable on a year by year basis. Expiry dates are:
- ISOFAX 31 December 2010.
- BACS (BACSESS) 31 January 2011.
- Express 30 November 2010.
- Britannia: main technical support 17 December 2010, additional technical support 19 February 2011, telephone support 30 August 2010.
- Flexible Working system (Flexi)
Terminal hardware and software: Mitrefinch Ltd – December 2010
Server hardware: Maindec Ltd – December 2010
Server software: Oracle Ltd – March 2011
- IT Service Desk system (Assyst)
The contract with Axios is a rolling contract which is renewed yearly from 1st April.
Saughton House, Broomhouse Drive, Edinburgh EH11 3XD/