Meeting Minutes: Radnor Fire Company Active Members
7 April 2008
Chief James Kelly called the monthly meeting of the Radnor Fire Company Active Members to order at 19:04.
The following members were present: Chief Kelly, Deputy Chief Felske, 1st Asst Chief Jimenez, 2nd Asst Chief Robb, Chief Engineer Maguire, Captain Johns, Lieutenant Maguire, Byrd, Cauffman, Cavanaugh G., Cavanaugh J., Chobert, Connelly, D’Amicantonio,DePenna, DiFilippo, Dimorier, Fielden, , Fogerty,Gillespie, Hannigan, Hebard,Hemwall, Klinger, Leighton, Maguire, J., Mahady, Marchesani, Petitt, Ritchie,Roberts,Rose, Russell, Schmid, Statts, Taddeo, Ventura, Whitehead, Wilson, Wood, Yervelli and Yudis.
The minutes and Treasurer’s report from the March meeting were read and approved without any changes.
Committee Reports
Blood Bank: Mr. Amato reported that the Red Cross would be holding another Blood Drive @ RFC on June 25th. More details will follow.
Parade Advisory: No report
Entertainment: Mr. Johns reported the deposit has been sent to MermaidLakes. More detail will follow shortly. The Committee is also looking into a Philadelphia Phillies game in the near future.
Recruitment: Deferred to elections
Fund Raising: No Report
Refreshment: Mr. D’Amicantonio regretfully reported that we are out of pink lemonade.
Photo / Video: No Report
Barbeque: Mr. Taddeo raised the question as to whether to keep the committee and the future of the Chicken BBQ. There was discussion on the location of the event. Mr. DiUbaldo urged the members to try having the BBQ at the firehouse for one year. Mr. DiFilippo suggested placing a list on the board for the members to voice their opinion as to location – the topic will be revisited next month.
Training: Mr. Jimenez reported that the dates for haz-mat have been finalized. The dates along with the other drills for the month have been placed on the board, emailed to the group and added to the website. The Chief’s office is also working on getting a house for our training use – more details to follow.
Mask: Thank you to everyone checking the packs throughout the year.
Uniform: No Report
Election of New Members
Chief’s Report
Chief Kelly reported:
- Chief Kelly y reminded everyone that the Memorial Day Parade is fast approaching. The Chief offered out to the members the possibility of having a picnic following the event. A motion was made, and there was a vote in favor of having a picnic. The entertainment committee will handle the arrangements
- Chanticleer has sent free passes for admission as thanks for helping to safely clear the brush on their property. Anyone interested please see a chief officer.
- The Main Line Chamber of Commerce Scholarship Applications are due. The scholarship is open to any members attending schools in the Commerce’s region. This is a good chance that one or perhaps two from each fire company could be chosen as in the past.
Deputy Chief Felske reported:
- Deputy Felske reported on the attempts of the Delaware valley Regional Planning Committee to get all the companies that work together on the Turnpike and Blue Route to be able to communicate with one another. MontgomeryCounty has taken the initiative to allow the PSP, Penn DOTand emergency workers to communicate with one another on Event 10. We have this channel in the trucks so remember the next time you need assistance or are operating on a large-scale incident with multiple agencies the possibility to use this exists. It is unsure what plans DelawareCounty is making to have a similar channel
- There are more cameras being installed along the highways – most of our coverage area will be completely covered by the Penn DOT cameras.
- There is an attempt to have and Incident Safety Course in DelawareCounty with the State Police for all those that respond to the Blue Route.
1st Assistant Chief Jimenez:
- Reminded everyone that for now even though the county has increased coverage on Channel 9 it has been determined that all call on I-476 will be operated on channel 4 so you might hear companies on the channel that have not been on there before.
- The new building @ 240 Radnor Chester has applied for a Knox Box. Once one is installed, he will update everyone. In addition, the fire department connection is on the “D” side of the building.
Chief Engineer Maguire:
- Please check you uniforms for Memorial Day.
- The next round of Gemtar Training is this week please sign up on the board if interested.
Chief Kelly also offered his thanks to Ryan Maguire and to John Robb for there services to the Chief’s office this last year.
Good of the Organization
Jordon Ritchie reported that the victim from the Eastern Accident has been released to home. He has a broken pelvis but is otherwise doing well.
The meeting adjourned at 19: 27
Respectfully submitted,
John E. Gillespie
John Gillespie