ISE 527- Quality Management for Engineers
Course Outline
Office hours
Email / Thomas C. Booth, PhD
SSC 101
213 740 0867
Thursday: 10 to 11 AM
/ Teaching assistant
TA email
Text: Evans and Lindsay, Managing for Quality and Performance Excellence, Edition 8
Course objectives: In this course, the student will learn how to develop, deploy and maintain quality practices that assure marketplace acceptance of the products and services provided by a company. We will compare and contrast the philosophical frameworks advocated by celebrated quality experts such as Deming, Juran, and Crosby. We will examine the role of leadership and strategic planning in quality improvement, and how the use of measurements will lead to quality and business performance improvements. We will learn the basics of quality tools and methods from the perspective of a manager, which will include six sigma, statistical thinking, tools for process improvement, and statistical process control. The intent is to provide a knowledge base such that the student will be comfortable with modern quality practices in a company and able to effectively apply quality principles as a manager or high-performing contributor.
Pre-requisites: Basic statistics
- Each student will write a short paper on a quality-related topic. On-campus students will have the option of presenting a case study (from the text) to the class.
- Each student will participate on a project team. The teams will envision a small business and create a quality manual for the business. The manual will be based on the ISO quality standard. The deliverables from the project will include a written document and a presentation to the class.
- Quiz: there will be a quiz after completing some of the chapters. The quizzes are not announced in advance.
- Mid-term exam: there will be a closed-book mid-term exam.
- There will be a two-part final examination.
- The first part will be a take-home exam, in which the student will solve one or more problems based on techniques described in the text. These may include SPC, sample size, gage R&R, etc.
- The second part will be comprehensive.
Grading: The grade will be determined on the basis of the recitation, mid-term, project, and final examination. Grading is based on a curve. Assignments may not be turned in past the deadline unless there is a prior agreement with the professor. Grading is as follows:
Campus students / DEN studentsMid-term exam / 22% / 25 %
Class presentation / 22% / 25%
Class project / 22% / 25%
Class participation and quizzes / 12%
Final exam- take home
Final exam- on line / 11%
11% / 12.5%
Academic integrity: The Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering adheres to the University’s policies and procedures governing academic integrity as described in SCampus. Students are expected to be aware of and to observe the academic integrity standards described in SCampus. Students should expect those standards to be enforced in this course.
Accommodations for Disabilities: Any student requesting academic accommodations based on a disability is required to register with Disability Services and Programs (DSP) each semester. A letter of verification for approved accommodations can be obtained from DSP. Please be sure the letter is delivered to the instructor as early in the semester as possible. DSP is located in STU 301 and is open 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday. The phone number for DSP is 213-714-0776.
File: ISE 527 syllabus_spring 2012.doc