Document Title / Interchange Scheduling and Accounting Subcommittee Charter
File Name
Category / ( ) Regional reliability standard
( ) Regional criteria
( ) Policy
( ) Guideline
( ) Report or other
(X) Charter
Document date / 3/28/2012
Adopted/approved by / Operating Committee
Date adopted/approved / 3/28/2012
Custodian (entity responsible for maintenance and upkeep) / ISAS
Stored/filed / Physical location:
Web URL:
Previous name/number / (if any)
Status / (X) in effect
( ) usable, minor formatting/editing required
( ) modification needed
( ) superseded by ______
( ) other ______
( ) obsolete/archived)




Revised JanuaryAugust 27th1228th, 20152

Establishment and Authority

The Interchange Scheduling and Accounting Subcommittee (ISAS) was established by, and reports to, the Operating Committee of the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC).


The purpose of the ISAS is to develop procedures for interchange scheduling and accounting through the development or recommendation of regional scheduling and tagging standards, criteria, and guidelines that promote compliance with established Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) requirements. The ISAS shall foster the development and use of common terminology and methods of enhanced communications with respect to scheduling and tagging practices, among participants that use the interconnected Bulk Electric Systems

The purpose of the ISAS is to develop in the Western Interconnection . scheduling, tagging, and accounting practices and procedures among participants in the Western Interconnection.

The ISAS shall:

1.Create and improve scheduling and tagging regional criteria and/or guidelines for WECC as assigned by the Operating Committee.

2.Review NERC/North American Energy Standards Board (NAESB)standardsand compare them to WECC scheduling regional criteria and/or guidelines to ensure that WECC is not duplicating or contradicting any NERC or NAESB scheduling standards.

3.Provide a forum to aid in the education and implementation of national and regional standards, criteria, and guidelines.

4. Assess scheduling regional criteria and/or guidelines relative to regulatory and industry changes.

Committee Composition and Governance

  1. Membership
  1. Voting membersshall be nominated by theirOC representatives. These nominationsshall be submitted to the ISAS chair for consideration. There will only be one voting member per OC representative.
  2. The ISAS shallstrive for balance between Transmission Providers and Transmission Customers.
  3. ISAS voting members shall vote as Transmission Providers and Transmission Customers. A simple majority of Transmission Providers and Transmission Customers present willpass a motion unless there is an e-mail ballot (see item c. under Meetings).
  4. Current voting members donot automatically retain voting rights for their companies if they no longer attend ISAS meetings. Each voting member’sOC representative shall send a new member request to the current ISAS chair for consideration.
  5. Each voting member is required to actively participate at ISAS meetings, work groups and task forces, as needed.
  6. Each voting member is required to either attend each meeting or send a proxy to the ISAS chair.
  7. Each voting member is expected to act professionally while effectively representing the interests of the voting member’scompany.

h.If the voting member misses two consecutive meetings, that member loses voting rights unless the ISAS chair has excused the absence.

  1. The ISAS leadership teamis responsible for tracking meeting attendance.


  1. The Operating Committee Chair shall appoint one ISAS voting member to serve as the ISAS chair and one to serve as the vice-chair for a two-year term, as appropriate. The ISAS chair shall appoint a secretary to serve during the chair’s term.
  2. The ISAS chair shall manage the ISAS and its meetings using Robert’s Rules of Order.
  3. The vice chair shall perform the duties of the chair in the chair’s absence, in the event of a vacancy in the office of chair, or in the event that the chair must step aside to present a particular matter to the ISAS.

The ISAS chair shall appoint a secretary who need not be a subcommittee member.

d.The secretary shall prepare minutes of the meetings for the ISAS’s approval.

  1. The chair mayestablish task force groupsand work groups, as required, to carry out its duties and responsibilities. The chair shallappoint work groupchairs in consultation with immediate past work groupchairs and others.


  1. The ISAS leadership team membership shallrecommend the dates and timesof future meetings in accordance with WECC Meeting Policy, and location of future meetings to WECC, provided that it shall meet as often as required to carry out its responsibilities but not less than three timeseach year. A notice and agenda of each meeting, stating the time and place shall be posted on WECC’swebsite and providedin writing to each ISAS member by electronic mailing at least 21days before the date of the meeting.
  2. For a recommendation to be made to the Operating Committee, such recommendation must receive a simple majority vote of both: 1) ISAS Members present and voting from the Transmission Provider Class; and 2) ISAS Members present and voting from the Transmission Customer Class. WECC staff The secretary shallrecord the votes by class and the chair shallreport the results to the Operating Committee, including any minority opinions.
  3. In those instances where e-mail voting is necessary, an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members responding is required for approval. An e-mail ballot shall include a dated deadline (stated in the message) by which the ballot must be returned to be counted.
  4. The ISAS may meet in closed session, in accordance with WECC Board Policy on Closed Sessions for Member Groups, to receive and discuss any information that is privileged or trade secret in order to protect a vendor’s proprietary interest.Such closed sessions of the ISAS shall only be attended by members of the ISAS and by any other person invited to attend by the ISAS chair or vice chair.
  5. Meetings of the committee may be in person or by conference/webinar call as called by the chair.


The ISAS chair,or the ISAS vice chair as a substitute,shall report to the Operating Committee on its activities and any recommendations.

Review and changes to the Charter

The ISAS shall review this charter on an annual basis, as needed, and shallrecommend any changes to the Operating Committee.

Approved by the ISAS-8/26/2015

Approved by the Operating Committee-3/28/2012

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