ISA Optimist Squad 2015-2016

The objectives of the ISA Optimist Squad 2015-2016are toteach Irish junior sailors to train efficiently in their major sport, expose them tointernational racing, increase their experience in the sport and prepare them to the next stage of their sailing career and life challenges in general.

1. Training Programme

The ISA will provide expert coaches to deliver the squad programme. All members will receive feedback and structured support from the programme. Members of the squad shall attend all the programme activities. Activities are subsidised by the ISA.

2. Age Eligibility

For the ISA Optimist Squad 2015-2016, members shall be born in 2002 & 2003.

Sailors born in 2001 will be considered for selection and may be placed into the “Transition Squad” but must show clear potential for the coming season and fit the optimum size criteria.

Sailors born in 2004 will be considered for selection but must show evidente maturity for their age.

3. Structure of the squad

The ISA Optimist Squad 2015-2016may comprise two constituent groups:

A. The “Core” group.

B. The “Transition” group.

The Core group is aimed at Optimist sailors looking to improve their racing and training knowledge and gain further experience at international events.

The Transition group is aimed at Optimist sailors who are born 2001, but not exclusively, are still optimist “size” and are starting to sail other boats on the ISA Performance Pathway. The transition group programme is based on International events however a small domestic programme is included and is compulsory. Transition group sailors will have already have had ISA squad experience.

Note that the Transition group will onlyoperate if numbers allow.

4. Nomination for additional support – Process

  1. As a performance basis for nomination for the squad described above, the Irish Sailing Association will use the following ‘Indicator Regattas’

Primary Indicator

• The IODAI Irish Nationals

Additional indicators

• The European Championship in Wales

• The World championship in Poland

• The UK Nationals (junior and senior fleets)

• The International summer cup in France

The IODAI ranking may also be looked at in order to see progress throughout the season.

b. The ISA will use the events above as an indicator of sailor’s standards; this

will form the initial basis for selection to theISA Optimist Squad 2015/2016.

c. The ISA may consult with class representatives, the national coach and other club and IODAI coaches to determine the importance of the non-performance selection criteria.

5. Selection

a. In order to ensure the competitive standard of the sailors the ISA Selectors

will consider sailors who have completed 2015 IODAI regatta program todate.

b. Only sailors that complete the application form will be considered in the selection process.

c. Selection of squad members to the ISA Optimist Squad will be subject to a full commitment to all squad training requirements.

d. The ISA reserves the right to select or not select a sailor. Any decision on the selection/non – selection of sailors will be made at the discretion of the ISA.

e. Selectors may choose wild card entries to the squad at their absolute discretion.

f. Selection of the ISA Optimist Squad will be made as soon as possible following the closing date for applications.

6. Selection Practice

a. ISA Optimist Squad 2015-2016 Selectors may use their discretion to apportion any factors they may feel appropriate in making their decisions.

b. Selectors therefore have the discretion to determine:

- The size of the squad. As an indicator the squad is usually composed by 12-16 sailors

- Which criteria to take into account

- Who they select

- Weighting afforded to “indicator regatta’s”

c. Grouping in Transition or Core will be done at the discretion of the selectors.

d. In making their decisions with regard to selection Selectors will be expected

to use their own expertise and experience. Selectors may also rely on their

own observations of the competitors, together with the observations made by

other individuals, such as class coaches and class representatives.

e. By engaging in the selection process the competitors agree that the selectors

have such discretions.

7. Application process

  1. Sailors wishing to be considered for selection must apply to the ISA no later than September 24thalong with a 1,000EUR refundable deposit. Note: FULL Programme Cost is 1,400euro. 400euro balance DUE February 1st.
  2. Application will be seen by the selectors and only by the selectors (confidentiality)
  3. Only sailors with an application will be considered for selection
  4. In and only in the event of a non-selection by the selectors, the deposit will be refunded
  5. If selection confirmed the deposit will be kept as an initial payment towards the squad activities

8. Replacements

a. The ISA will resolve any issues of selection that may arise because of injury

to team members or cancellation of squad membership at its absolute discretion.

9. Coaching and Support Staff

a. The ISA Optimist Squad 2015-2016 Support Staff will be selected as soon as possible before the start of the program and will be led by National optimist coach Thomas Chaix.

b. The ISA Optimist Squad will receive specialist coaching support.

c. A draft program is produced alongside this document may be re-adjusted upon new information on squad composition, specialist coach availability and event updates on the international scene.

d. The draft program takes into account the experience of applying sailors proposing slight differences between the two proposed groups.

e. Coaching and support for the ISA Optimist Squad will be dependent upon sufficient financial support from the Irish Sports Council to run the programme.

9. Disputes

a. Issues arising with regard to Nomination and Selection will be dealt with if received in writing to the ISA Olympic department.

b. Where there is a conflict or dispute in respect of these Guidelines for

Nomination and Selection for the ISA Optimist Squad 2015-2016. The ISA reserves the right to interpret this document and to use its discretion in the resolving of the matter in conflict or dispute. If this is not sufficient to resolve the dispute it may be further resolved under the guidelines of the ISA Constitution.

Program 2015-2016.

17-18 Oct 2015 : Leinster based weekend

24-28 Oct 2015 : residencial clinic in Schull TBC. Start at 3pm the 24th, finish at 3pm the 28th

21-22 Nov 2015 : Munster based weekend

15-22 Dec 2015 : Malta… 6 days warm weather clinic followed by the international regatta EUROMED.

27-28 Feb 2016 : Munster weekend

12-13 March 2016 : Leinster weekend

16-18 March 2016 : St Patrick Clinic venue TBA (most likely youth nationals 2016 venue)

Baltimore is not part of the program however sailors are very encouraged to participate to the IODAI clinic 15-21 Feb 2016